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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: dyar, -dyar-
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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
dyarchy(n) การปกครองที่ใช้ 2 กฎ
dyarchic(adj) ที่เกี่ยวกับการปกครองที่ใช้ 2 กฎ
woodyard(n) ลานที่ใช้เก็บไม้, See also: ลานที่ใช้เลื่อยไม้

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
woodyard(วูด'ยาร์ด) n. ลานกองไม้

อังกฤษ-ไทย: ศัพท์บัญญัติราชบัณฑิตยสถาน [เชื่อมโยงจาก แบบอัตโนมัติและผ่านการปรับแก้]
condyar axisแกนคอนดายล์ [ทันตแพทยศาสตร์๑๓ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
- Rudyard Kipling.- Rudyard Kipling. Highway of Tears (2014)
Rudyard Kipling.Rudyard Kipling. Highway of Tears (2014)
Jungle Book Rudyard Kipling?Dschungelbuch Rudyard Kipling? Highway of Tears (2014)
Rudyard, come out!Rudyard, komm raus! The Silver Angel (2015)
Rudyard! They're here!Rudyard, sie sind hier! The Silver Angel (2015)
Rudyard, run!Rudyard, renn! The Silver Angel (2015)
Rudyard!Rudyard! The Silver Angel (2015)
RudyardRudyard... Intruders (2015)
Rudyard?Rudyard. The Assassin (2015)
Rudyard Fonescu.- Rudyard Fonescu. The Assassin (2015)
- Rudyard Fonescu.Rudyard Fonescu. Dead End (2015)
- Rudyard! Run!Rudyard, lauf! Dead End (2015)
Am I right, Rudyard?Habe ich recht, Rudyard? Dead End (2015)
It is special, Rudyard.Es ist besonders, Rudyard. Dead End (2015)
Rudyard, you are making a calamitous mistake!Rudyard, Sie begehen einen katastrophalen Fehler! Dead End (2015)
People would say: "You couldn't even find Tahiti on a map, Rudyard."Die Leute würden sagen: "Du könntest nicht einmal Tahiti auf einer Landkarte finden, Rudyard." Dead End (2015)
Rudyard, please!Rudyard, bitte! Dead End (2015)
Rudyard!Rudyard! Dead End (2015)
- Mr. Rudyard Fonescu to see Alonso Creem.Mr. Rudyard Fonescu, ich möchte Alonso Creem treffen. Dead End (2015)
My name is Rudyard Fonescu.Mein Name ist Rudyard Fonescu. Dead End (2015)
I thought Rudyard Fonescu took his money and ran.Ich dachte, Rudyard Fonescu hat sein Geld eingesteckt und wäre geflohen. Bad White (2016)
Rudyard Fonescu wants to meet with you.Rudyard Fonescu möchte sich mit Ihnen treffen. Bad White (2016)
Rudyard!Rudyard! Dead End (2015)
Of course, Dad.- dass du mir Handyarrest gibst. Picture This (2008)
Rudyard Fonescu, sir.Rudyard Fonescu, Sir. The Silver Angel (2015)
Rudyard Kipling.รุดยาด คลิบลิ้งค์ 9 Crimes (2010)
"Barrack-room Ballads" by Rudyard Kipling."เรื่องราวในค่ายทหาร" โดย รุดยาท คิบปลิ้ง Guadalcanal/Leckie (2010)
I love naan, uh, pepper, Ben Kingsley, the stories of Rudyard Kipling.ฉันชอบ นาน(ขนมปังอินเดีย) เอ่อ พริกไทย เบน คิงสลีย์ เรื่องราวของ รุดยาร์ด คิปลิงค์ Cece Crashes (2011)
The body would continue to pump out adrenaline, stressing his heart until he suffered a lethal bradyarrhythmia.ร่างกายยังคงปั้มอะดรีนาลิน อย่างหนักในหัวใจ จนกระทั่งหัวใจเขาเต้นช้าลงกว่าปกติจนหยุดเต้น The Corpse on the Canopy (2013)
Themindsof ScotlandYard were baffled as the murders continued, each more fiendish than the last.ScotlandYardwarratlos, als die Morde nicht aufhörten und immer teuflischer wurden. Dr. Phibes Rises Again (1972)
- Morning, Rudyard.- Morgen, Rudyard. The Fledgling (1976)
Rudyard...Rudyard... Terms of Endearment (1983)
Rudyard, she's not breathing.Rudyard, sie atmet nicht. Terms of Endearment (1983)
Rudyard, it's crib death.Rudyard, es ist Kindstod. Terms of Endearment (1983)
Mr. Rudyard Kipling.Mr. Rudyard Kipling, präsentieren. Problem at Sea (1989)
Burger, onion rings, shake! And for God's sake, hurry!Das ist ein Gedicht von Rudyard Kipling... das ursprünglich drei Mal so lang war. Old Money (1991)
- It's Chris Woodyard from Examiner.- Es ist Chris Woodyard vom Examiner. Indictment: The McMartin Trial (1995)
Using the name John Allworth, Travis Bickle and Rudyard Holmbast.Er hat sich John Allworth, Travis Bickle und Rudyard Holmbast genannt. Wide Open (1997)
- Rudyard Holmbast?- Rudyard Holmbast? Wide Open (1997)
CHLOE:RUDYARD KIPLING - 30.12.1865 - 18.1.1936 CHLOE: Winning London (2001)
Rudyard Kipling, I think?- Zum Beispiel? Rudyard Kipling. Youth Without Youth (2007)
'Rudyard Kipling, speaking yesterday at a meeting... 'attended by more than 10, 000 people, 'painted an alarming picture of life in this country under German rule.'Rudyard Kipling, der gestern auf einer Versammlung von mehr als 10.000 Menschen gesprochen hat, entwarf ein bedrohliches Bild des Lebens in diesem Land unter deutscher Herrschaft! My Boy Jack (2007)
Clare Kemplay, Jeanette Garland, the Ridyard girl, right back to '69.Clare Kemplay, Jeanette Garland, das Ridyard-Mädchen, alles bis '69. Red Riding: The Year of Our Lord 1983 (2009)
- And Jeanette Garland, Susan Ridyard?Und Jeanette Garland, Susan Ridyard? Red Riding: The Year of Our Lord 1974 (2009)
Ridyards aren't in, love. - Oh, right.Die Ridyards sind nicht zu Hause. Red Riding: The Year of Our Lord 1974 (2009)
- Clare Kemplay, Jeanette Garland, and the Ridyard girl, right back to 1969.Kemplay, Jeanette Garland, die kleine Ridyard. Red Riding: The Year of Our Lord 1974 (2009)
So, therefore, he would have been 16 when Susan Ridyard went missing.Er war also 16, als Susan Ridyard verschwand. Red Riding: The Year of Our Lord 1974 (2009)
Rudyard Kipling.Rudyard Kipling. 9 Crimes (2010)
"Barrack-Room Ballads" by Rudyard Kipling."Die Balladen aus dem Biwak" von Rudyard Kipling. Guadalcanal/Leckie (2010)
I love naan, uh, pepper, Ben Kingsley, the stories of Rudyard Kipling.Ich liebe indisches Fladenbrot, Pfeffer, Ben Kingsley, die Geschichten von Rudyard Kipling. Cece Crashes (2011)

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
diarchy(n) a form of government having two joint rulers, Syn. dyarchy
Kipling(n) English author of novels and poetry who was born in India (1865-1936), Syn. Joseph Rudyard Kipling, Rudyard Kipling

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
dyadischer Bruch [ math. ]dyary fraction [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
両頭政治[りょうとうせいじ, ryoutouseiji] (n) diarchy; dyarchy [Add to Longdo]

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