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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: double-deal, -double-deal-
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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
And Master Fisto, sorry we lost that slimy double-dealer.เอ่อ อาจารย์ฟิสโต ขอโทษที่เราปล่อยให้ เจ้าคนหลอกลวงนั่นหนีไปได้ Lair of Grievous (2008)
You double-dealing, pilfering parasites!คุณเสแสร้ง การขโมยปรสิต! The Adventures of Tintin (2011)
One double-dealing Glaive, per your request.เกลฟสองหัวตามที่ขอ Truth and Consequences (2012)

Thai-English: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
ตีสองหน้า(v) engage in double-dealing, See also: be two-faced, be double-faced, be hypocritical, Thai Definition: ทำให้ 2 ฝ่ายต่างเข้าใจผิดว่าเป็นพวกตน, เข้าด้วยทั้งสองพวก, Notes: (สำนวน)

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
ขี้โกง[khīkōng] (adj) EN: tricky ; fraudulent ; crafty ; double-dealing  FR: tricheur ; fraudeur ; malhonnête ; rusé
ขี้โกงมะโรงมะเส็ง[khīkōng marōng masaeng] (adj) EN: tricky ; fraudulent ; crafty ; double-dealing

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
ambidextrous(adj) marked by deliberate deceptiveness especially by pretending one set of feelings and acting under the influence of another; - Israel Zangwill; ; - W.M.Thackeray, Syn. double-tongued, two-faced, double-dealing, Janus-faced, double-faced, deceitful, duplicitous
double-crosser(n) a person who says one thing and does another, Syn. double-dealer, traitor, betrayer, two-timer
duplicity(n) acting in bad faith; deception by pretending to entertain one set of intentions while acting under the influence of another, Syn. double-dealing

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

One who practices double dealing; a deceitful, trickish person; a person who says one thing and does another. L'Estrange.
Syn. -- double-crosser, betrayer, traitor. [ 1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5 ]

Variants: Double dealer

False or deceitful dealing; acting in bad faith; deception by pretending to entertain one set of intentions while acting under the influence of another. See Double dealing, under Dealing. Shak.
Syn. -- duplicity. [ 1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5 ]

Variants: Double dealing

adj. 1. given to deception especially by pretending one set of feelings and acting under the influence of another; as, they accused each other of double-dealing behavior.
Syn. -- ambidextrous, deceitful, duplicitous, two-faced. [ WordNet 1.5 +PJC ]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Betrüger { m }; Betrügerin { f }double-dealer [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
股座膏薬[またぐらごうやく;またぐらこうやく, mataguragouyaku ; matagurakouyaku] (n) double-dealer; timeserver; moving back and forth between two sides in a conflict [Add to Longdo]
内股膏薬[うちまたこうやく;うちまたごうやく, uchimatakouyaku ; uchimatagouyaku] (n) double-dealer; fence-sitter; timeserver; moving back and forth between two sides in a conflict; duplicity; turncoat [Add to Longdo]
二言[ふたこと, futakoto] (n) (1) double-dealing; double tongue; going back on what one has said; (2) repeating oneself [Add to Longdo]
二股膏薬[ふたまたこうやく;ふたまたごうやく, futamatakouyaku ; futamatagouyaku] (n) double-dealer; timeserver; moving back and forth between two sides in a conflict [Add to Longdo]
二枚舌[にまいじた, nimaijita] (n, adj-no) double-dealing; duplicity; equivocation; double-tongued; (P) [Add to Longdo]
弐心;二心[にしん;ふたごころ, nishin ; futagokoro] (n) duplicity; treachery; double-dealing [Add to Longdo]
裏表[うらおもて, uraomote] (n) (1) both sides; (2) wrong side out; reverse; opposite; (3) (See 表裏) double-dealing; two faces (c.f. two-faced); (P) [Add to Longdo]
両舌[りょうぜつ, ryouzetsu] (n) double-dealing [Add to Longdo]

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