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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: chapel, -chapel-
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English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
chapel(n) โบสถ์เล็กๆ ในโรงเรียน โรงพยาบาล หรือคุก
chapel(n) ห้องสวดมนต์, See also: โรงสวด, ที่ส่วนตัวในโบสถ์สำหรับผู้สวดมนต์, Syn. place of worship

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
chapel(แชพ'เพิล) n. โบสถ์เล็ก, พิธีทางศาสนา, โรงพิมพ์, ห้องในโรงพิมพ์, โรงสวด, ห้องสวดมนต์ในโรงเรียน, โรงพยาบาล

English-Thai: Nontri Dictionary
chapel(n) โบสถ์, วิหาร, หอสวดมนต์, อุโบสถ

อังกฤษ-ไทย: คลังศัพท์ไทย โดย สวทช.
Chapelsหอสวดมนต์ [TU Subject Heading]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Murder in Whitechapel.Mord im Whitechapel! Episode #1.2 (1988)
- People have died.Menschen sind gestorben, verdammt. Das ist Whitechapel. The Beating of Her Wings (2014)
Fred Abberline may have a bent for their politic, but I...Fred Abberline hat eine Vorliebe für deren Politik, aber Sie und ich sind Whitechapel. The Beating of Her Wings (2014)
For what right have the people of Whitechapel to understand why 55 now lie beneath the earth?Mit welchem Recht? Die Menschen von Whitechapel dürfen erfahren, warum 55 von ihnen nun unter der Erde liegen. The Beating of Her Wings (2014)
Of course, you know, of course, for is not Whitechapel's copper-in-chief also these days its file-clerk-in-chief?War ja klar, dass Sie das wissen. Denn Whitechapels oberster Schutzmann ist ja auch sein oberster Aktensammler. The Beating of Her Wings (2014)
Truly, Whitechapel's very own da Vinci.Whitechapels fleischgewordener da Vinci. The Beating of Her Wings (2014)
A woman, Clara Buckley, was killed in Whitechapel this morning.Eine Frau, Clara Buckley, wurde getötet, heute Morgen in Whitechapel. The Beating of Her Wings (2014)
Susan Hart crows of her good work for these streets but at what cost to them her new Whitechapel?Susan Hart brüstet sich mit guten Taten für diese Straßen, doch welchen Preis zahlen die Menschen in Whitechapel? The Beating of Her Wings (2014)
Ronald Capshaw thinks to tell us what he may undertake in Whitechapel within the law.Ronald Capshaw gedenkt, nach seinem Gutdünken die Gesetze in Whitechapel auslegen zu können. The Beating of Her Wings (2014)
Hoboken, New Jersey to Whitechapel, London.Hoboken, New Jersey, bis nach Whitechapel, London. The Beating of Her Wings (2014)
I seek justice done in Whitechapel, Inspector Reid.Dass Gerechtigkeit siegt in Whitechapel. The Beating of Her Wings (2014)
Whitechapel will swallow her whole.Whitechapel wird sie völlig verschlingen. The Beating of Her Wings (2014)
Mr. Le Cheyne was poisoned, Mrs. Wakefield, and Mr. Marvell is in my cells for defrauding.Und für jeden in Whitechapel, für den Rest seiner Tage. Ashes and Diamonds (2014)
Made like he'd fallen off a boat, washed away in the canals, and his missus leaves town, we find them both living it up in Altrincham on his life insurance.Ich habe Whitechapel nichts zu geben. Und Whitechapel hat nichts für niemanden. Ashes and Diamonds (2014)
Oh? - You vomiting, or...- Ein Übel im Herzen von Whitechapel. Ashes and Diamonds (2014)
Fred, it is Whitechapel.- Das hier ist Whitechapel. Your Father. My Friend (2014)
A coal man on his way to work at Pickford's, on the City Road.Osborn als Nächstes, wie Ward sagte. Um 2.30 Uhr trifft Emily Holland Polly vor dem Krämer Ecke Whitechapel Road und Osborn Street. Your Father. My Friend (2014)
Theodore Patrick Swift moves his money on a regular basis through Whitechapel, de facto fiefdom, you might say, of his estranged daughter, your beloved Miss Susan, and that money is stolen.Seit ich mit dem Telegramm zu Ihnen kam, bin ich tiefer in die Materie eingedrungen. Theodore Patrick Swift bewegt sein Geld regelmäßig durch Whitechapel. Your Father. My Friend (2014)
No, the river here is a dead thing and the sea is life.Nicht Whitechapel, nicht London. Your Father. My Friend (2014)
Capshaw.Whitechapel wird sich Ihrer entledigen. Your Father. My Friend (2014)
And so, Edmund Reid is ended.Zerstören Sie uns, dann zerstören Sie auch Whitechapel. Your Father. My Friend (2014)
# Edmund Reid was a man of Whitechapel... # CHEERINGEdmund Reid war ein Mann aus Whitechapel Heavy Boots (2014)
# Whitechapel, you never deserved such a friend. # Come on!Whitechapel, diesen Freund hast du nicht verdient Heavy Boots (2014)
Edmund Reid was a man of Whitechapel... # CHEERINGEdmund Reid war ein Mann aus Whitechapel Heavy Boots (2014)
So raise up your hands # To his Whitechapel grave. #Also hebt euer Glas auf sein Whitechapel-Grab! Heavy Boots (2014)
A man believes he's seen every barbarism he might imagine, but Whitechapel... it will ever astound.Da glaubt man, man hätte schon jede Barbarei zu Gesicht bekommen. Doch Whitechapel ist immer gut für eine Überraschung. Heavy Boots (2014)
That woman, she upstairs of noble title, found lying naked in a Whitechapel boarding house, with this murdered flower girl.Diese Frau, die da oben sitzt, mit dem Adelstitel, wurde nackt in einer Pension in Whitechapel gefunden, neben diesem ermordeten Blumenmädchen. The Incontrovertible Truth (2014)
I travelled to Whitechapel with friends and we took in a show.Ich bin mit Freunden nach Whitechapel gereist. - Und wir sahen uns eine Show an. The Incontrovertible Truth (2014)
JACKSON SCOFFS In Whitechapel.In Whitechapel. The Incontrovertible Truth (2014)
Whitechapel, the place that so very nearly took your life from you.Whitechapel. Der Ort, an dem Sie doch fast umgekommen wären. The Incontrovertible Truth (2014)
The fog of the narcotic gone, he cannot recall with clarity what has passed, but he does know that his lady wife was left behind here in Whitechapel.Der Nebel des Rausches ist verflogen, und er kann sich nicht genau erinnern, was passiert ist, aber er weiß, dass seine Gattin in Whitechapel zurückgelassen wurde. The Incontrovertible Truth (2014)
I do not know what else to do. Whom else should I ask?Doch du musst immer bei den Toten von Whitechapel sein. Live Free, Live True (2014)
Jackson, you will not leave this room until you have conned the meaning of these papers. Be quick at it. For there are two lines of inquiry that now separate before us.Es gibt keine Geburtsurkunde für eine Mary Tait aus Whitechapel, keine Aufzeichnungen, auch nicht vom Vater. Live Free, Live True (2014)
Rose, I would not be that man, still less that husband... if, that is, it is a husband you seek in me.Wir müssen noch ein kleines Weilchen in Whitechapel bleiben. Aber ich will an die See. Du und ich und die Vögel und der Sonnenschein. Live Free, Live True (2014)
And that knowing, Es gibt wieder etwas Böses in Whitechapel, das aufgedeckt werden muss. The Peace of Edmund Reid (2014)
The likelihood of this child being conceived even within my imagination was so slender that... well, one's fate must be embraced."Und was für eine Lektion ist das, Theodore?" Eine Lektion, mein liebes Kind, die demonstrieren wird, wie die Zukunft von Whitechapel aussehen könnte, da wir nun wieder vereint sind. The Peace of Edmund Reid (2014)
[ Exhales ]Mit vorgehaltener Waffe auf den Gleisen Whitechapels. The Peace of Edmund Reid (2014)
Now, do we go up there, sir, ask her direct? Yes, Bennet. I imagine we do.Seit dem Moment, da das Zugunglück Whitechapel erschütterte, fragen wir uns, warum sich niemand meldet, der sich beklagt, bestohlen worden zu sein. The Peace of Edmund Reid (2014)
How much has he told you, Caitlin?Wir zwei wie scharfe, tolle Hunde in einer Whitechapel-Gosse. The Peace of Edmund Reid (2014)
The new weapon of choice for our imperial forces. No longer just that.Und hat Whitechapel als seine Kommando-Zentrale gewählt. The Peace of Edmund Reid (2014)
The murder of an Irish activist in Whitechapel.Der Mord eines irischen Aktivisten in Whitechapel. Episode #2.1 (2014)
Julie Lachapelle, 33. The ambulance brought her.Julie Lachapelle, 33 Jahre, von zu Hause eingeliefert. Post-agression (2014)
Mrs. Lachapelle?Madame Lachapelle? Post-agression (2014)
Your husband beats you, Mrs. Lachapelle.Ihr Mann schlägt Sie, Madame Lachapelle. Post-agression (2014)
I produce music for Ham Chapel, the record company.Oh nein, hi, ich bin Elliot Hillman. Ich produziere Musik für Ham Chapel, die Plattenfirma. Sick City (2015)
So I finally tracked him down at the Hotel La Chapelle, where he was shacked up with some... very famous actress, and he's hammered.Ich fand ihn endlich im Hotel La Chapelle, wo er mit einer sehr berühmten Schauspielerin zusammenlebte und völlig dicht war. Mickey Rooney Cries No More (2015)
So, I followed you, in your inconspicuous red Porsche off the exit to Chapel Hill, and here we are.Also bin ich dir gefolgt, in deinem unauffälligen roten Porsche bei der Ausfahrt nach Chapel Hill und hier sind wir. Woke Up with a Monster (2015)
I did it with the Whitechapel killings, and they date back to the 1800s.Ich habe es mit den Whitechapel Morden getan, und sie stammen aus dem 19. Jahrhundert. Hemlock (2015)
Whitechapel?Whitechapel? Hemlock (2015)
It was a biotech company in Chapel Hill.Das war eine Biotech-Firma in Chapel Hill. The Longevity Initiative (No. 97) (2015)

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
chapelSo that Michelangelo might paint certain figures on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, so that Shakespeare might write certain speeches and Keats his poems, it seemed to me worthwhile that countless millions should have lived and suffered and died.
chapelThe Sistine Chapel is a vast chapel built inside the Vatican Palace in 1473.

Thai-English: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
ลงโบสถ์(v) hold a religions service in the Buddhist chapel
ลงอุโบสถ(v) hold a religions service in the Buddhist chapel, Syn. ลงโบสถ์, Thai Definition: เข้าร่วมสังฆกรรมฟังพระปาติโมกข์ในวันขึ้น 15 ค่ำ วันแรม 14 หรือ 15 ค่ำ ของเดือน (ใช้แก่พระสงฆ์)

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
อาเค่น[Ākhēn] (tm) EN: Aachen  FR: Aix-la-Chapelle
โบสถ์[bōt] (n) EN: Buddhist sanctuary ; central sanctuary in a Thai temple ; Buddhist temple ; Buddhist chapel ; bot  FR: temple bouddhiste [ m ] ; bot [ m ]
โบสถ์[bōt] (n) EN: church ; chapel, temple, cathedral  FR: église [ f ] ; chapelle [ f ] ; cathédrale [ f ] ; temple [ m ]
ช่างหมวก[chang mūak] (n, exp) FR: chapelier [ m ]
ลูกประคำ[lūk prakham] (n) EN: rosary ; necklace of sacred beads ; large beads  FR: chapelet [ m ] ; rosaire [ m ] ; collier de perles sacrées [ m ]
หมู่เกาะ[mūkǿ] (n) EN: group of islands ; archipelago  FR: archipel [ m ] ; chapelet d'îles [ m ]
พระ[phra] (n) EN: monk ; priest  FR: moine [ m ] ; prêtre [ m ] ; chapelain [ m ]
ประคำ[prakham] (x) EN: string of beads ; rosary ; string of beads ; chaplet  FR: grain de chapelet [ m ] ; chapelet [ m ]
โรงสวด[rōng sūat] (n) EN: chapel  FR: chapelle [ f ]
ตับ[tap] (n) EN: set ; row ; series ; bank ; row ; gang ; rack ; belt ; strip ; arrangement of ; skewer  FR: chapelet [ m ] ; enfilade [ f ] ; succession [ f ] ; rang [ m ] ; file [ f ] ; brochette [ f ]
วิหาร[wihān] (n) EN: temple ; church ; monastery ;  FR: église [ f ] ; cathédrale [ f ] ; chapelle [ f ] ; temple [ m ] ; sanctuaire [ m ]

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
chapel(n) a place of worship that has its own altar
Aachen(n) a city in western Germany near the Dutch and Belgian borders; formerly it was Charlemagne's northern capital, Syn. Aix-la-Chapelle, Aken
Nonconformist(n) a Protestant in England who is not a member of the Church of England, Syn. chapelgoer, Ant. Anglican

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

n. The outer part of the west end of a collegiate or other chapel. Shipley. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ OF. chapele, F. chapelle, fr. LL. capella, orig., a short cloak, hood, or cowl; later, a reliquary, sacred vessel, chapel; dim. of cappa, capa, cloak, cape, cope; also, a covering for the head. The chapel where St. Martin's cloak was preserved as a precious relic, itself came to be called capella, whence the name was applied to similar paces of worship, and the guardian of this cloak was called capellanus, or chaplain. See Cap, and cf. Chaplain., Chaplet. ] 1. A subordinate place of worship; as, (a) a small church, often a private foundation, as for a memorial; (b) a small building attached to a church; (c) a room or recess in a church, containing an altar. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ In Catholic churches, and also in cathedrals and abbey churches, chapels are usually annexed in the recesses on the sides of the aisles. Gwilt. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. A place of worship not connected with a church; as, the chapel of a palace, hospital, or prison. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. In England, a place of worship used by dissenters from the Established Church; a meetinghouse. [ 1913 Webster ]

4. A choir of singers, or an orchestra, attached to the court of a prince or nobleman. [ 1913 Webster ]

5. (Print.) (a) A printing office, said to be so called because printing was first carried on in England in a chapel near Westminster Abbey. (b) An association of workmen in a printing office. [ 1913 Webster ]

Chapel of ease. (a) A chapel or dependent church built for the ease or a accommodation of an increasing parish, or for parishioners who live at a distance from the principal church. (b) A privy. (Law) --
Chapel master, a director of music in a chapel; the director of a court or orchestra. --
To build a chapel (Naut.), to chapel a ship. See Chapel, v. t., 2. --
To hold a chapel, to have a meeting of the men employed in a printing office, for the purpose of considering questions affecting their interests.
[ 1913 Webster ]


v. t. 1. To deposit or inter in a chapel; to enshrine. [ Obs. ] Beau. & Fl. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Naut.) To cause (a ship taken aback in a light breeze) so to turn or make a circuit as to recover, without bracing the yards, the same tack on which she had been sailing. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. Without a chape. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ F. See Chaplet. ] 1. A pair of straps, with stirrups, joined at the top and fastened to the pommel or the frame of the saddle, after they have been adjusted to the convenience of the rider. [ Written also chaplet. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

2. A kind of chain pump, or dredging machine. [ 1913 Webster ]


n.; pl. Chapellanies [ Cf. E. chapellenie, LL. capellania. See Chaplain. ] A chapel within the jurisdiction of a church; a subordinate ecclesiastical foundation. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Cf. OF. chapelerie. ] The territorial district legally assigned to a chapel. [ 1913 Webster ]

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
教堂[jiào táng, ㄐㄧㄠˋ ㄊㄤˊ,  ] church; chapel #9,978 [Add to Longdo]
礼拜堂[lǐ bài táng, ㄌㄧˇ ㄅㄞˋ ㄊㄤˊ,    /   ] chapel #85,589 [Add to Longdo]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Kapelle { f } | Kapellen { pl }chapel | chapels [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
チャペル[chaperu] (n) chapel; (P) [Add to Longdo]
位牌堂[いはいどう, ihaidou] (n) mortuary chapel [Add to Longdo]
会堂[かいどう, kaidou] (n) church; chapel; synagogue; tabernacle; (P) [Add to Longdo]
教会堂[きょうかいどう, kyoukaidou] (n) church; chapel [Add to Longdo]
仏間[ぶつま, butsuma] (n) Buddhist family chapel; altar room [Add to Longdo]
礼拝堂[れいはいどう;らいはいどう, reihaidou ; raihaidou] (n) (1) (れいはいどう only) chapel; place of worship (esp. Christian); (2) (らいはいどう only) place of worship (esp. Buddhist and Shinto) [Add to Longdo]

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