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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
随行[ずいこう, zuikou] (n, vs) attendant; follower [Add to Longdo]
随行[ずいこういん, zuikouin] (n) attendant [Add to Longdo]
付和随行;附和随行[ふわずいこう, fuwazuikou] (n, vs) participating in something by merely following the leaders [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Here in England we have planted a seed that will, with prayer, with action and perhaps even with sacrifice, grow one day to become a great tree whose branches will overreach the kingdom and destroy the putrid monastic houses of the Antichrist![CN] 在这里 在英格兰 我们已撒下一粒种子 它将会 伴随祈祷 伴随行 His Majesty, the King (2007)
I didn't want them to think you had an on to roach.[CN] 我不想让他们看到你有随行人员 Tenebre (1982)
Factoring the time-sensitive interests of the group holding Lenoir... the limited communication available with the London office... and the Russian insistence... that they, and they alone, deliver the ransom payment.[CN] 考虑到蓝哇的绑匪要求期限紧迫 与伦敦总部联络又极困难 加上俄军坚持不许我随行,要由他们递交赎款 Proof of Life (2000)
It's a big entourage.[JP] 御大層な随行団だ Live by Night (2016)
I only have two days to tag along.[CN] 我只能再随行两天了 I only have two days to tag along. Chapter 37 (2015)
Your flight is booked. Leaves in 55 minutes. Ed will be joining you.[JP] 55分後の便で 随行はエドが Chapter 3 (2013)
At this time, we'd like to begin boarding our first class passengers only.[CN] 我们想请头等舱的旅客 有小孩随行 Funhouse (2000)
She's agreed to be escorted by a special forces team and wear a tracking device.[CN] 她同意派遣特种部队随行 并且佩带跟踪器 Passage: Part 1 (2002)
"the in-flight magazine of Air Force One"... and their star goes out and gets completely snowed by a bunch of hackers.[CN] "空军一号的随行杂志"... 他们的明星完蛋了,完全被一伙黑客蒙了 Shattered Glass (2003)
Gentlemen, this is my entire entourage, [CN] 先生们 这就是我全部的随行人员 The Great Buck Howard (2008)
You'll have a car, a driver and whatever else strikes your fancy.[CN] 专车接送专门司机随行应有尽有 The Night of the Generals (1967)
Armored Escalades, full communication package.[CN] 防弹休旅车,安全人员随行 Red Eye (2005)
I insist that you help us, as a doctor.[CN] 我需要你做随行医生, 我必须坚持这一点 Downfall (2004)
He's ordered Ser Meryn to personally lead your escort.[JP] メリン卿を随行させることを命じた Sons of the Harpy (2015)
He was determined to put an end, without delay to the offense inflicted on the honor of his protege.[CN] 随行的是一名法警和一位书记员 他决定要了结这一切,毫不迟疑 终结玷污他被保护人荣誉的攻击行为 Mysteries of Lisbon (2010)
"Home"[CN] 受伤的小猪sisi 骸浪随行 Jessica 花街小Micky 校对: Home (2009)
My eunuch cares for me well.[CN] 随行太监待我很好 The Scholar's Pen (2014)
I'll sail with your fleet, all 30 of my ships.[JP] 30隻の船とともに随行しよう The Night Lands (2012)
I receive letters from his aide, Sir Edward Ramsay, who accompanies him.[CN] 随行的助手 爱德华·拉姆齐爵士给了我一封信 The King and I (1956)
The ambassador and his party must be arriving.[CN] 大使和他的随行人员该到了 The King and I (1956)
Put it with M Company gear.[CN] 让他与M队随行. Everyman's War (2009)
It appears whoever attacked the bus this morning Was interested in one of her effects.[CN] 今早发动袭击的人似乎对她的 某件随行物品感兴趣 The Ghost Network (2008)
A Chinese man was with them who used to be a low-level Chinese army officer.[CN] 一个随行的中国人曾在国军中就任低级军官 Nanking (2007)
Entonces cásate conmigo.[CN] 只有看塔人的妻子才能被获许随行登岛 The Light Between Oceans (2016)
Can control an entire army, with important officials tagging along[CN] 也能够调动兵马,高官随行 Adventure of the King (2010)
Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, with 11 of the mightiest battleships afloat.[CN] 山本五十六将军 随行的有十一艘最强大的战列舰 Part III (1988)
Suggest she be accompanied by her father.[CN] 建议她父亲跟她随行 You Only Live Twice (1967)
They fly or the package stays on the ground.[CN] 让他们随行否则大家都飞不了 Space Cowboys (2000)
I don't think we gonna need no bodyguards, man. We might got that covered.[CN] 应该不需要,我们有随行人员 Straight Outta Compton (2015)
I'll see it through.[CN] 我会随行的. Beyond Borders (2003)
He's traveling with the crown prince and princess?[JP] 皇太子殿下と妃殿下に随行されるので? The New World (2015)
That's a request I can live with.[CN] 达拉斯牛仔队的拉拉队员们要随行吗? London Has Fallen (2016)
Like a shadow on me all of the time I don't know what to do.[CN] 如影随行,终日伴我旁 Bandits (2001)
- I'll agree to a special forces escort.[CN] 我会同意有特种部队随行 -为什么? Passage: Part 1 (2002)
Our carriage will have an escort of mounted police.[CN] - 我们的马车会由骑行护卫队随行 The Lodger (1944)
NCO has done him a favor. He wanted to keep an eye on his brother, but ...[CN] 吉米随行 主要想照料他弟弟 Only the Brave (2006)
They came to warn him that they are not going to put up with his excuses anymore.[CN] 而美国方面借机,派来了一个谈判小组随行 Houston, We Have a Problem! (2016)
It's a good thing I'm travelling with my doctor, then.[CN] 还好有随行医生 The Hunting Party (2006)
- Great, thanks.[CN] 你和你的工作人员可以随行 Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (2016)
Gamma Gamma threw average parties... and made below average impressions.[CN] Gamma Gamma投掷一般的随行人员 印象达到了平均水准 Pledge This! (2006)
Sure! It's my pleasure.[CN] 微臣自当随行,保护皇上 Royal Tramp (1992)
Welsh and the Canadians are coming.[CN] 威尔逊中尉和加拿大工兵随行 Crossroads (2001)
He uses it to travel around the world.[CN] 登上这艘轮船,"Galeb"(海鸥)号 还有几艘船随行,其中包括有运输船 携带着整个南斯拉夫的太空计划 Houston, We Have a Problem! (2016)
The one that says if a prisoner attempts escape during transfer, the accompanying agent has the right to shoot them through the back of the head.[CN] 上面提到如果一个罪犯在转押期间试图逃跑 随行的探员有权 射穿其后脑 Going Under (2008)
subtitle by rogard[CN] 受伤的小猪sisi 骸浪随行 Jessica 花街小Micky 校对: Aiiiii 探索者传说 第一季 第12集 Home (2009)
With you will go to the deputy parliamentary group.[JP] 副議長に随行したまえ Attraction (2017)
I've told Sarah I can help with the children.[CN] 我请莎拉让我随行 我答应替她看小孩 The Nativity Story (2006)
I am Capt. Muhm, Colonel Ehrhardt's staff.[CN] 我是穆姆艾哈特 上校的随行人员 To Be or Not to Be (1942)
Let's give them something to shoot at.[CN] 这次有几位客人是赫克托的随行 Dissonance Theory (2016)
One last thing.[CN] 所以我会争取让你们随行 一定会 Kong: Skull Island (2017)

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