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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
许可证[xǔ kě zhèng, ㄒㄩˇ ㄎㄜˇ ㄓㄥˋ,    /   ] license; authorization; permit #5,546 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Have you got a license to work for Mr. Bulmer?[CN] 你有为布莫先生工作的许可证吗? Tenebre (1982)
It's a little dark, but the permit looks crooked![CN] 有点漆黑一片 但看来许可证过期了! Taxi Girl (1977)
Nearly lost our license.[CN] 几乎失去了我们的许可证 Saturday Night and Sunday Morning (1960)
You have no right to arrest anybody without a warrant, you know.[CN] 没有许可证的话你谁也不能逮捕 The Grapes of Wrath (1940)
Well, it's very difficult to obtain a work permit in Isthmus. It's... Well, one has to show a special talent that people here don't have.[CN] 这里很难取得工作许可证 要展现别人没有的特殊技能 Licence to Kill (1989)
I've got to get the permit, haven't I?[CN] 我得拿到许可证,不是吗? Memories of Underdevelopment (1968)
You want to show your permit to sell this product?[CN] 你出示销售许可证好吗? The Castle of Purity (1973)
GALAXY[CN] 片名: 银河系 原创翻译: 熊仔俠 许可证: Gingakei (1967)
This is our certificate granting access to EPA Super Fund status.[CN] 这是进入环保局超级基金的许可证 The Green, Green Glow of Home (1993)
We don't need a warrant when there's a riot.[CN] 暴乱的时候不用许可证 The Grapes of Wrath (1940)
ESCAPE FROM THE 'LIBERTY' CINEMA[CN] 片名: 逃离"自由"电影院 原创翻译, 英语字幕增补: 熊仔俠 许可证: Escape from the 'Liberty' Cinema (1990)
We'll have a warrant just as soon as we check with headquarters.[CN] 跟总部打个招呼我们就可以拿到许可证 The Grapes of Wrath (1940)
Keep quiet about this. I don't have a license for him yet.[CN] 我要你们保密 我没有许可证 Mean Streets (1973)
- I lost my boarding pass.[CN] 我的许可证丢了 Hard Target (1993)
Subterranean excavation requires many permits.[CN] 挖掘需要申请许多许可证 Short Circuit 2 (1988)
No cop can come in here without a warrant.[CN] 没有许可证,警察不能进这里 The Grapes of Wrath (1940)
It's all proper. I have a permit.[CN] 我都有许可证 Twelve Monkeys (1995)
- Well, have you got a warrant?[CN] -你有许可证吗? The Grapes of Wrath (1940)
Through ways of my own, I provide them with exit visas.[CN] 我提供他们出境许可证 Casablanca (1942)
You don't need a license to hunt rats.[CN] 我们不需要猎杀老鼠的许可证 Money for Nothing (1993)
I got a permit.[CN] 我有许可证 The Drowning Pool (1975)
I'm gonna bring you up for permit revocation, Henri.[CN] 我将把你的许可证吊销,亨利 Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)
The Stone Garden[CN] 片名: 石头花园 原创翻译: 熊仔俠 许可证: The Garden of Stones (1976)
He said that he would get the permit but in the end he didn't marry her.[CN] 他说,得弄到许可证 但是最后他没娶她 Memories of Underdevelopment (1968)
Didn't let him go too far, Said I'd rather watch a star![CN] 我给我那亲爱的人 颁发了生产许可证 Farewell (1983)
Do you have a warrant?[CN] 你们来这里有许可证 Falling Down (1993)
It cannot be done without a warrant.[CN] 没有许可证就不能那么做! The Greek Interpreter (1985)
Four hours at City Hall, and all we know is that in 20 years... there were no permits and no citations issued on the Irig property.[CN] 在镇公所花了4小时 我们只查到过去20年里... 艾里的地产从没申请过 任何许可证或接获传票 The Green, Green Glow of Home (1993)
The license is 47.50.[CN] 许可证收费47.50 The Castle of Purity (1973)
"Gross proceeds should consist of all funds the sub-licensee receives... not merely the net amount remitted... after payment to the sub-licensee or distributor."[CN] "毛收入应该包括获得次级许可证的人 所收到的全部资金 而不仅仅是付给 获得次级许可证的人或者是 销售者的净支出" Network (1976)
- But I'll need the permits.[CN] - 但我需要许可证 A Bay of Blood (1971)
- Yes, she has a residence certificate.[CN] 她的居住许可证上面有 La Promesse (1996)
VENUS IN FURS[CN] 片名: 穿裘皮大衣的维纳斯 中字: 看不见的城市 许可证 Venus in Furs (1994)
You'd have been screaming for a warrant and sending wires to your congressman.[CN] 你会要求出示许可证,并打电话给老公 Too Late for Tears (1949)
- Done. No matter how clever he is, he still needs an exit visa.[CN] 成交,不管他多聪明 他仍然需要一份出境许可证 Casablanca (1942)
We were charged with kidnapping, civil disobedience and practicing psychotherapy without a license.[CN] 没有许可证实践心理疗法 House Arrest (1996)
Got a work permit?[CN] 有工作许可证 Breathless (1960)
He had clearance.[CN] 他有许可证 Murder at 1600 (1997)
You've resided in France for three years without a visa, - a residence or work permit.[CN] 没有护照却在法国 不法居留三年 也没有劳动许可证 La Vie de Bohème (1992)
Gimme that. You got a hunting license, son?[CN] 给我那个东西,孩子们, 你们有狩猎许可证吗? Money for Nothing (1993)
NECKLACE FOR MY BELOVED[CN] 片名: 送给爱人的项链 原创翻译: 熊仔俠 许可证: A Necklace for My Beloved (1971)
I didn't bring a warrant with me Mrs Palmer.[CN] 帕默夫人,我没带许可证 Too Late for Tears (1949)
10% for export license, customs clearance.[CN] 出口证, 海关许可证, 再加10% The Dogs of War (1980)
I, um – I have a permit for it.[CN] 我我有许可证 Short Cuts (1993)
I've finally gotten the permit...[CN] 我终于拿到了许可证 La vallée (1972)
You get an export licence from the Department of Trade.[CN] 我想是先从经贸部申领出口许可证 You get an export licence from the Department of Trade. The Whisky Priest (1982)
Hooligans of Hakata[CN] 熊仔俠 许可证: CC -BY Totsugeki! Hakata Gurentai (1978)
Have we settled that sub-licensing thing?[CN] 我们搞定那个次级许可证了吗? Network (1976)
Unfortunately, our permit wasn't in order.[CN] 不幸的是我们的许可证没顺利办好 La vallée (1972)
Here, the fortunate ones, through money or influence or luck might obtain exit visas and scurry to Lisbon.[CN] 来到法属摩洛哥的卡萨布兰卡 在这里幸运的人,借着钱,影响力 或运气,可能拿到出境许可证 Casablanca (1942)

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