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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
营房[yíng fáng, ㄧㄥˊ ㄈㄤˊ,   /  ] barracks; living quarters #29,840 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Let's get out of here![CN] 轰掉那个营房! Lebanon (2009)
- A camp?[CN] 营房? The Big One (2010)
He was in the fucking room, Web.[CN] 他曾出现在营房里 韦伯 Points (2001)
- They need rest.[CN] 带他们回营房 给他们准备一个房间 The Great Wall (2016)
In seeking a solution, the administrators discovered the huge attics beneath the red roofs of the barracks.[CN] 为了寻找解决方式 管理层找到了一个巨大的隔间 就在红色屋顶营房下面 The Last of the Unjust (2013)
He's in the barracks.[CN] 营房 Fortress of War (2010)
The police barracks aren't going to clean themselves, you know.[CN] 警察营房都不会清洗自己,你懂的。
You'll stay in the basements of our barracks till our reinforcements arrive.[CN] 去地下室,我们营房入口处的 Fortress of War (2010)
Back to the barracks![CN] 营房 Fortress of War (2010)
They're attacking the barracks.[CN] 他们在攻占营房 The Liberator (2013)
After the shots, the Germans will focus on the barracks.[CN] 昨天的炮击之后,德军就应在营房集中兵力 1939 Battle of Westerplatte (2013)
I'll show you the barracks.[CN] 跟我来,我带你去营房 Men of Honor (2000)
The barracks are five miles that way.[CN] 营房离这里五英哩远 从那边走 The Incident: Part 1 (2009)
Our barracks are surrounded by a high frequency sonar fence to protect us from the island's abundant and diverse wildlife.[CN] 我们的营房被一座 高频率音波围墙包围住 保护我们不受 岛上众多野生动物骚扰 Namaste (2009)
Shots from the sea are mainly aimed at the barracks.[CN] 敌舰的轰击逼近营房,我估计.. 1939 Battle of Westerplatte (2013)
The barracks at Dharmaville. Can't wander in the jungle with the hostiles.[CN] 达摩村的营房 不能和敌人在丛林里徘徊 Namaste (2009)
Let's go. I'm taking him back to the barracks.[CN] 咱们走 我要带他回营房 Namaste (2009)
Pick 21 people and send the rest to the barracks.[CN] 你挑21个人驻守,剩下的去营房 1939 Battle of Westerplatte (2013)
Back to the barracks![CN] 我说! 回营房去! Fortress of War (2010)
A city of barracks is the work centre.[CN] 城市营房是工作中心 The Last of the Unjust (2013)
When someone had lice he was taken to an old barracks and he was left to croak there with the others.[CN] 他会被逮到一个旧营房 然后他会被遗弃在那里和其他人一起死掉 The Last of the Unjust (2013)
- We're building a new hut.[CN] 在盖新的临时营房 The Boy in the Striped Pajamas (2008)
It's the hut![CN] 对了,是临时营房 The Face You Deserve (2004)
You must enter the hut before us and tell him...[CN] 你必须先进入营房然后告诉他 The Face You Deserve (2004)
You can't have any weapons in the camp.[CN] 你不能把武器带进营房 In a Better World (2010)
This way to your quarters.[CN] 请到您的营房 Letters from Iwo Jima (2006)
Or private-label MBS.[CN] 或者私营房贷证券 The Big Short (2015)
The barracks are 50 years old. They're moldy, they smell bad.[CN] 营房已经50多年了,都发霉,气味很难闻 Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr. (1999)
Barracks![CN] 营房 As Far as My Feet Will Carry Me (2001)
Two weeks before Liberation our camp was attacked, [CN] 解放前两星期 我们的营房被袭击了 Populaire (2012)
He came into our hut and saw Salesmann eating bread.[CN] 他进了我们营房 看见推销员正吃面包 Simon Konianski (2009)
Troopers used to sit 'em outside the convict camps.[CN] 警察过去常把这个放在犯人的营房外. Dying Breed (2008)
Nothing. We even checked out the ferry and barracks. No luck.[CN] 连渡口外围、营房都找了,没有 1939 Battle of Westerplatte (2013)
How are the barracks, by the way?[CN] 顺便问一下,营房怎么样? Flyboys (2006)
- Mm-hm.[CN] -现在营房... Body of Lies (2008)
- Here at the barracks.[CN] - 就在营房这里 The Incident: Part 2 (2009)
The barrack in the back is for the women.[CN] 后面的营房是给女人的. Jîn (2013)
- We are total soldiers.[CN] 女兵营房 A zori zdes tikhie... (2015)
The confined ones stay here.[CN] 被罚留在营房里的人全部留下来 The Best of Youth (2003)
SARUHAN POST[CN] 萨鲁汉营房 Conquest 1453 (2012)
I found the place where they shot the DVDs, this camp where everything happened.[CN] 只是找到了他们拍那些DVD的地方 所有事都发生在那个营房 The Big One (2010)
Everyone return to the barracks.[CN] - 是 全都回营房 Fortress of War (2010)
- Sí, camp.[CN] 营房 The Big One (2010)
We'll check our hut first.[CN] 我们先检查我们的营房 The Boy in the Striped Pajamas (2008)
The barracks overflowing with emaciated prisoners.[CN] 营房里挤满了囚俘 Finsterworld (2013)
Rose, we just need to know which way the Dharma barracks are from here, so we can stop Jack.[CN] 罗丝,我们需要知道 从这里如何到达摩营房 我们好去阻止杰克 The Incident: Part 1 (2009)
They'll be safer in the barracks.[CN] 他们去营房会比较安全 1939 Battle of Westerplatte (2013)
I asked her if she wanted me to take her to her barracks.[CN] 我问她需不需要我送她回营房 The Art of War (2012)
This plane is not for your personal use. Leave this plane and return to quarters.[CN] 飞机不是给你私用的,立即下机回营房 Flyboys (2006)
He left. He said: "Dieter, my quarters are your quarters." I slept in his bed.[CN] 他走了,说:"迪特,我的营房就是你的营房"我就睡他的床 Little Dieter Needs to Fly (1997)

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