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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
气势[qì shì, ㄑㄧˋ ㄕˋ,   /  ] momentum; manner; energy; look of great force or imposing manner; powerful #6,806 [Add to Longdo]
气势汹汹[qì shì xiōng xiōng, ㄑㄧˋ ㄕˋ ㄒㄩㄥ ㄒㄩㄥ,     /    ] aggressive #34,357 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
My goodness he's magnificent, isn't he?[CN] 我的妈呀 他的气势如虹 是不是呢 Hail, Hale (2013)
Gentlemen, we are now approaching today's location, the magnificent Jericho manor, [CN] 先生们,我们现在接近今天的 位置,气势磅礴杰里科庄园, Dead of the Nite (2013)
- VELOCitea. - VELOCitea. It's in your face.[CN] Velocitea,气势汹汹 God Bless America (2011)
I believe Su-yang is ready.[CN] 首阳大君的气势已达顶峰 The Face Reader (2013)
The Master said we need a more imposing office.[CN] 大师说 我们要搬去比较有气势的地方 The Midas Touch (2013)
I want to see some real caveman action out there. We do this fast.[CN] 给我拿出穴居人的气势来 I want to see some real caveman action out there. The Croods (2013)
Nothing will impress them more than a show of absolute fearlessness.[CN] 最让他们印象深刻的 应该是完全无畏的气势 Emperor (2012)
The fact, if Scythe wins the early game, they're going to gain so much momentum, but if they don't, then EHOME will basically roll themselves into the Grand Final.[CN] 事实上 Scythe 若前期发展顺利将会气势大增 但若不顺利 EHOME 基本上就可以轻松进总决赛 Free to Play (2014)
You should show the momentum as a green card is a piece of toilet paper[CN] 你要表现出视绿卡为一张手纸的气势 American Dreams in China (2013)
The U.S. and its Afghan allies clearly have the momentum in the battle for Tora Bora.[CN] 美国及其阿富汗 盟友显然有气势 在战斗中托拉博拉。 The Unknown Known (2013)
I am that close to William Shakespeare, okay?[CN] 明明就写得气势非凡好不好 You Are the Apple of My Eye (2011)
"Owner/baker"? That's pretty cool.[CN] "店主/烘培师" 蛮有气势 And the Disappearing Bed (2011)
It's been a hellacious display of courage by both fighters.[CN] 两位选手都表现出了难得的气势 Grudge Match (2013)
Let's bring this vibe to the Chample.[CN] 把这股气势一直带到去舞林大会 The Way We Dance (2013)
We become part of a gathering momentum of other people.[CN] 我们成为了聚会的一部分 其他人的气势 Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret (2014)
EHOME, well, they just need to be awesome...[CN] EHOME 他们只需保持这股气势... Free to Play (2014)
Cassandra Clay, part of the pilot program[CN] 卡桑德拉粘土。 每一个位于 气势创建试点。
You look like you're about to shut down the mobile phone service for Seoul.[CN] 看你这气势 为了不让我打电话给她 你还会切断整个首尔市的电波呢 Episode #1.13 (2013)
The Countess was a woman majestic, voluptuous and terrible ..[CN] 她是一个女伯爵 很有气势 妖娆性感 可怕的女人... Venus in Fur (2013)
It's regal.[CN] 它看起来更有气势 No. It's regal. Goodbye World (2013)
That was not as bad ass as I pictured.[CN] 这话在我脑中要有气势得多 Going Rogue (2014)
This whole move was done behind Will's back and he just found out now, and he stormed off to his agent's office to see why he doesn't have approval.[CN] 他们瞒着威尔雇了我,他现在才知道 于是他气势汹汹地去经纪人办公室了 想搞明白为什么自己没有批准权 We Just Decided To (2012)
carson:[CN] 她的那种气势... Live Playoffs, Part 2 (2013)
You're magnificent. I can't wait to be like you.[CN] 气势真旺啊 我等不及想要像你一样了 Hail, Hale (2013)
{ \cHFFFFFF }{ \cH00FF00 } The foundations will start { \cHFFFFFF }{ \cH00FF00 } collapsing if this noise carries on.[CN] 打气的球迷气势真够雄伟的。 United (2011)
People who use the term "edgy", "in-your-face", or "extreme".[CN] 或那些总使用"气势汹汹""至尊"等词表达的 God Bless America (2011)
You as 5 players try and battle against the other 5 players for momentum.[CN] 己方五位玩家 和对立五位玩家抗衡 争取主导气势 Free to Play (2014)
Willpower alone isn't enough in battle.[CN] 战斗不是靠气势就能取胜的 Attack on Titan (2013)
We'll show it on the silver screen.[CN] 很有气势地展示在银幕上 Why Don't You Play in Hell? (2013)
VELOCitea Energy Drink. It's in your face.[CN] Velocitea能量饮料,气势汹汹。 God Bless America (2011)
I'm going in. Eye of the tiger, buddy.[CN] 眼神要有气势 兄弟 Take Me Home Tonight (2011)
but don't forget how to stay alive.[CN] 气势是好事 不过别忘了想想如何才能不送死 Mercy: Raid on Stohess District, Part 2 (2013)
My favourite is Henry the French teacher[CN] 气势威武啊。 我最喜欢的是亨利 那个法语老师 Engeyum Kadhal (2011)
Before today, I would've never imagined that I'd lose my fighting spirit[CN] 今天之前,我不会想到... 我没有了决斗的气势 The Sword Identity (2011)
Do you do things so you keep the streak alive?[CN] Do you do things so you keep the streak alive? 要怎么做才能让这气势延续呢? Moneyball (2011)
Go strong from the start.[CN] 集中点精神 要气势夺人 知道吗 Traffickers (2012)
She is on fire. I'll tell you, her opponents are scrambling to keep up with her momentum.[CN] 她蓄势待发 她的敌手正拚命赶上她的气势 Our Brand Is Crisis (2015)
Dota is a game of momentum.[CN] Dota 是个讲求气势的游戏 Free to Play (2014)
Not bad, right?[CN] 我的弟子气势不弱啊 Mr. and Mrs. Incredible (2011)
We only have one month left, but we don't have that vibe yet.[CN] 只剩下一个月 但我们现在的气势完全不行 The Way We Dance (2013)
But when seven people play together, you feel heroic![CN] 七个人一起打 就很有气势 Din Tao: Leader of the Parade (2012)
Approaching today's location, the magnificent Jericho manor, considered by many to be one of[CN] 走近今天的位置,气势磅礴 杰里科的庄园,被许多人认为是一个 Dead of the Nite (2013)
Subtle, but powerful.[CN] 隐晦却不乏气势 The Monster Isolation (2013)
Li may well be Grand Champion[CN] 已经看到李子天有问鼎总台主的气势 Unbeatable (2013)
That's a good line![CN] 气势不错 Crows Zero II (2009)
Come out of the gate running.[CN] 拿出你的气势 Girls' Night Out (2012)
Shit, it's powerful, don't you think?[CN] 很有气势 对吗? The Great Beauty (2013)
We're the common denominator.[CN] 多来点统领一切的气势 The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)
That's cute. Look![CN] 说得真有气势 The Baytown Outlaws (2012)
I'd like to have him go against Yabuki who is flying so high at the moment.[CN] 想借锐气十足的矢吹选手的气势 Tomorrow's Joe (2011)

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