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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
朝圣[cháo shèng, ㄔㄠˊ ㄕㄥˋ,   /  ] to make a pilgrimage; a pilgrimage to a holy mountain #38,531 [Add to Longdo]
朝圣[cháo shèng zhě, ㄔㄠˊ ㄕㄥˋ ㄓㄜˇ,    /   ] pilgrim #70,134 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Pilgrim is through the high door 80%[CN] 朝圣者号下降达到80%高度 RocketMan (1997)
Rather like the Kali worshippers in India.[CN] 颇像印度教朝拜者对 暴虐黑暗女神迦梨的朝圣 Episode #2.20 (1991)
All make a pilgrimage at least once in their life to Apollo's shrine, rich and poor to ask about their dreams, and you haven't gone yet.[CN] 每个人一生中至少要去阿波罗神殿朝圣一次 无论贫富 去求解自己的梦 而你还没去过 Oedipus Rex (1967)
Pilgrim, this is Houston.[CN] 朝圣者号,这里是休斯敦 RocketMan (1997)
We love you, the Saint whose pilgrimage is Hajj for poor people.[CN] 我们爱你 穷人的朝觐之地便是圣人的朝圣之所 The Garden of Stones (1976)
I would advice you to pack up and go on a pilgrimage.[CN] 我劝你们卷好铺盖去朝圣 Karan Arjun (1995)
Wherever you go, father we will follow because we want to be pilgrims, too.[CN] 牧师,不管你去哪里... 我们都跟着你 因为我们也想成为朝圣者。 Nazarin (1959)
- Pilgrim One permission for landing.[CN] - 朝圣者1号请求着陆指示 RocketMan (1997)
He himself said this would be his last pilgrimage to Our Lady at Czestochowa.[CN] 他自己说,这会是他... 到我们在捷克的女士那里的最后朝圣 Night Train (1959)
On the pilgrim trail from the Eastern Empire.[CN] 它就位于 东土耳其帝国的朝圣路线上 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
How about a little pilgrimage to Rome, just us two?[CN] 何不来趟罗马朝圣之旅 就我们两个 The Sicilian Clan (1969)
These poor souls yearn to go to the garden as pilgrims[CN] 这些可怜的人都叫嚷着 要到花园里朝圣 The Garden of Stones (1976)
Poupette, his mother the grandmother of Francoise, she's is more down to earth.[CN] 像那些朝圣者的名字 他当那朝圣者是他的祖先 而他的妈妈,芭比 The Party (1980)
In the past, I've made sweeping indictments of all white people. And these generalizations have caused injuries to some whites who didn't deserve them.[CN] 由于我朝圣后得到新生 Malcolm X (1992)
Let's begin.[CN] 是,当我朝圣往麦加时 Malcolm X (1992)
?[CN] ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ 不,没有自尊心的朝圣者... ... The Way (2010)
Philip, can't let a little thing like this stop the damn pilgrimage.[CN] 菲利普,不能让这点小事就毁了我们的朝圣 Fandango (1985)
Even pilgrims...[CN] 朝圣者也保护不了自己... The Tax Man Cometh (2006)
Why not to this garden?[CN] 不如在这花园朝圣? The Garden of Stones (1976)
I am afraid I'll die without a pilgrimage to Karbala.[CN] 我害怕自己还未来得及到 卡尔巴拉朝圣就死去 The Garden of Stones (1976)
Houston, this is the Pilgrim ...[CN] 休斯敦,这里是朝圣者号 RocketMan (1997)
The Virgin Mary of Lourdes.[CN] 卢尔德的圣母玛利亚 【卢尔德市位于法国波(Pau)激流的岸边,它在朝圣期间及复活节和万圣节期间达到最大规模】 It's Better to Be Wealthy and Healthy Than Poor and Ill (1992)
I am on a pilgrimage.[CN] 我正去朝圣 Nazarin (1959)
Pilgrim One, cleared to land.[CN] 朝圣者1号, 可以着陆 RocketMan (1997)
Clear, Pilgrim.[CN] 收到, 朝圣者号. RocketMan (1997)
I learned to love him at once[CN] 为我的朝圣之旅而感动 Augustine of Hippo (1972)
- Uncle took me on a pilgrimage.[CN] 有,叔叔带我去朝圣 Braveheart (1995)
My only hope is this pilgrimage town will hold for us the same miracles it supposedly has held for so many down the years.[CN] 我当时只希望,这个朝圣者的小镇 能继续庇佑我们 把延续了多年的生命奇迹继续下去 Part V (1988)
I've never see a... pilgrim...[CN] 我从没见到一个朝圣 The Beastmaster (1982)
You did very well allowing them to be pilgrims in this garden.[CN] 你让他们来到花园朝圣 实在做得太好了 The Garden of Stones (1976)
You brag about being a pilgrim apostle.[CN] 你自诩是为朝圣的使徒。 Nazarin (1959)
Notes for a Book of Tales of thePilgrims on their way to Canterbury.[CN] 记录成一本有关于在前往坎特怕利的路上的朝圣者的故事书 The Canterbury Tales (1972)
Every new years, the people of Leh, the principle city of Ladakh, make a pilgrimage, in which they offer prostrations in ancient Buddhist practice.[CN] 每逢新年,拉达克首府列城的民众 都会进行一次朝圣。 在路途中,他们遵照 The Tibetan Book of the Dead: A Way of Life (1994)
These are not servants. These are worshippers.[CN] 他们不是随从,他们是朝圣 Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
Today, with thousands of others I proclaimed God's greatness in the sacred city of Mecca.[CN] 穿着朝圣服 我在卡巴附近绕七个圈 我喝沙沙井的水 Malcolm X (1992)
But, sir, all pilgrims share a deep love of life.[CN] 但所朝圣者都热爱生命 The Beastmaster (1982)
We are... pilgrims on our way to worship at the temple of ar.[CN] 我们是朝圣者 正去朝拜神庙 The Beastmaster (1982)
The new CI tell you to go back to the station.[CN] 咱们的新督察叫你回来朝圣 Pik lik sin fung (1988)
Well, I'm planning a pilgrimage to Pebble Beach, but that's not till the end of the month.[CN] 医生 我打算到圆石滩朝圣 但月底才会出发 Episode #1.5 (1990)
Come on.[CN] 我是朝圣者凯文 Pilgrim Rick (2016)
They were making a pilgrimage to a temple but it was impossible to follow them so I gave them shotguns with a smell amount powder and left for a month two[CN] 他们正在建造一条 到圣庙朝圣之路 但是我没有办法跟在他们后面 所以我给他们猎枪 还有一些火药 Mystery of the Maya (1995)
Pilgrim falls rapidly to the surface of Mars. Glide path deteriorates.[CN] 朝圣者1号快速坠向火星表面 斜率越来越大 RocketMan (1997)
I'm on a pilgrimage. Might we travel together?[CN] 我正在朝圣,我们结伴同行 DragonHeart (1996)
We are on a pilgrimage.[CN] 我们在朝圣 Night Train (1959)
Nobody visits the saints to get money.[CN] 朝圣不是为了拿钱 The Garden of Stones (1976)
This pilgrimage is a religious requirement or duty, of every Muslim that is able to make the pilgrimage at least once in his lifetime.[CN] 他们在一生中最少朝圣一次 Malcolm X (1992)
Were the eleven thousand weak, yes, eleven thousand virgins captained by St. Ursula who preferred death to carnal acts ... with a horde of lewd heartless brutes?[CN] 圣厄休拉率领一万一千名虚弱处女朝圣 宁愿死于一群 无人性畜生们的暴行 Till Marriage Do Us Part (1974)
In my desire to fully understand the religion of Islam as practiced by 750 million Muslims around the world I intend to make a pilgrimage, or holy journey, to Mecca.[CN] 我要朝圣,或神圣旅程 去麦加朝圣 是每个回教徒的责任 Malcolm X (1992)
We're going to Darvish Khan's stone garden for a pilgrimage.[CN] 我们将要到达比修 -可汗的石头花园作朝圣 The Garden of Stones (1976)
Return, he must be crazy.[CN] 朝圣? 九不搭八 Pik lik sin fung (1988)

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