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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
恩人[ēn rén, ㄣ ㄖㄣˊ,  ] a benefactor; a person who has significantly helped sb else #29,149 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
恩人[おんじん, onjin] (n) benefactor; patron; (P) [Add to Longdo]
恩人[だいおんじん, daionjin] (n) great benefactor; person to whom one is greatly indebted [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
The doctor has saved my life.その医者は私の命の恩人だ。
I was ashamed of what I had done to my benefactor.私は恩人にしたことを、恥ずかしく思った。
I owe him my life.彼は私の命の恩人だ。
They look up to him as their benefactor.彼らは彼を恩人として尊敬するだろう。
They held her in high esteem as their benefactor.彼らは彼女を恩人として敬った。
She looks upon him as a benefactor.彼女は彼を恩人だと思っている。
She thought of him as her lifesaver.彼女は彼を命の恩人だと思っていた。
You must not lack decorum dealing with your benefactors.恩人に礼節を欠いてはなりませんよ。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Is this how you repay me after all I've done for you?[JP] 恩人に対する仕打ちか? Talk to the Hand (2011)
This is how you thank me for rescuing you, pounce on me from the ceiling?[JP] これが恩人に対する態度か? 天井から俺に飛びかかる? Dooku Captured (2009)
You're a real savior.[CN] 谢谢 你真是大恩人 The Writing on the Wall (2014)
Only the Dornish managed to resist[CN] 只有多恩人抵抗住了... Breaker of Chains (2014)
Instead of trying to fulfill your weird moral fantasy why don't you just take out the victim for a date?[CN] 比起一副恩人自居的样子 你做出和受害女性约会那种厚颜无耻的事 Episode #1.1 (2014)
..who betrayed his own benefactor.[CN] 背叛他的恩人 Bullett Raja (2013)
I owe him my life, Nick.[JP] - 俺の命の恩人だ ニック The Bottle Imp (2012)
Oh, you're my hero... Heroine, heroine.[CN] 你是我的恩人恩人 Not Safe for Work (2014)
Jack saved your life.[JP] -ジャックは命の恩人なの Day 7: 9:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. (2009)
Okay. What have you got there, by the way?[JP] 僕の命を救ってくれた 恩人だ それはどうしたんだい? Paul (2011)
Your benefactor?[CN] 你的恩人 他是谁 Night One (2014)
But you saved my life.[JP] 命の恩人 Kon-Tiki (2012)
He killed the man who set you free.[JP] 先代皇帝は恩人では? Gladiator (2000)
You have it saved our lives.[JP] 君達は命の恩人 Battle Los Angeles (2011)
Oh, you're a lifesaver.[JP] あなたは命の恩人だわ Box Cutter (2011)
This how you treat someone who just saved your ass?[CN] 这就是你款待救命恩人的方式? Appleseed Alpha (2014)
Was the Khan their benefactor, too?[CN] 大汗也是他们的恩人 Rendering (2014)
I just saved your fucking life.[JP] 命の恩人だぞ! Saw IV (2007)
Contracts right here for you to sign.[CN] - 给你签的合约 - 谢谢,我的大恩人 Straight Outta Compton (2015)
My life is yours, ma'am.[CN] 是我大恩人 The Fatal Encounter (2014)
Ah, you're a full-service sponsor.[JP] きみは僕の恩人だよ Gimme Some Truth (2009)
And he saved my life, sir.[JP] 命の恩人です G.I. Joe: Retaliation (2013)
You saved my life.[JP] 君は命の恩人 Get Gellar (2011)
How do you plan on finding a single Dornishman in a city this big?[CN] 在这么大的城市 你打算怎样找出一个多恩人? Two Swords (2014)
This guy saved my life![JP] この人は命の恩人なの The Cold Light of Day (2012)
Well, they're heroes.[JP] 命の恩人だわ Over (2009)
I told the cops that you saved my life and they just acted like I was crazy.[JP] おじさんが命の恩人だって 言ってもまともに扱わないの Sin City (2005)
This is my savior, J.F. Sebastian.[JP] 恩人のJF・セバスチャン Blade Runner (1982)
- Father! Commodore, do you intend to kill my rescuer?[JP] 提督 私の命の恩人を 本当に殺してしまうの? Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
I owe my life to Percy. He's the greatest man I've ever known.[JP] 彼は命の恩人 あんな偉大な人は居ない The Sword's Edge (2012)
To Mr. Harry Potter without whom I would not be here.[JP] そしてハリーに 私の命の恩人 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007)
The other was my benefactor, who made me who I am.[CN] 另一个人是我的恩人 他成就了现在的我 Night One (2014)
The werewolf mother. Turned witch rescuer, apparently.[CN] 显然变成了女巫的救命恩人 Every Mother's Son (2014)
It's what I owe Jake.[JP] ジェイクは 僕の恩人だから The Redshirt (2011)
I owe you my life, Ahsoka.[JP] あなたは命の恩人 Cloak of Darkness (2008)
Well, then she saved your life.[JP] それじゃ、彼女が命の恩人 Pandorum (2009)
Hope he does. He saved my life.[JP] 楽しみです 命の恩人ですから Corporal Punishment (2007)
You owe Rexster your skin, Skyguy.[JP] レックスは命の恩人だ、スカイ君 Downfall of a Droid (2008)
Ah. Good, 'cause I'm dying here.[CN] 救命恩人,我快完蛋了 Halloween V (2014)
I'm taking him with me. He saved my life.[JP] 命の恩人 Real Steel (2011)
Thanks, Doc. You're a lifesaver.[JP] ありがとう 君は命の恩人 Monsters vs. Aliens (2009)
Doctor you are truly a good man.[CN] 你真是我们的大恩人 Insanity (2014)
I owe him a lot for what he did.[JP] 彼は恩人なんだ Kansas City Confidential (1952)
He was my... my patron, my benefactor.[CN] 他是我的... 庇佑者 我的恩人 Rendering (2014)
Dr. Abdullah, may I introduce your benefactor, Issa Karpov, and his lawyer, Miss Richter.[CN] 阿卜杜拉博士,我可以介紹 你的恩人,伊薩·卡爾波夫, 和他的律師,裡希特小姐。 A Most Wanted Man (2014)
Those are Thenns at our walls.[CN] 爬我们城墙的是瑟恩人 The Watchers on the Wall (2014)
I fucking hate Thenns.[CN] 我他妈恨死瑟恩人 Two Swords (2014)
You know what they say about the life you save.[JP] あなたは命の恩人だもの The Matrix Reloaded (2003)
I'm Cha Eun Sang's savior![CN] 喂 我可是车恩尚的恩人 Episode #1.13 (2013)
Did Sam tell you that he saved my life?[JP] サムから聞いた? 彼は命の恩人 You'll Be the Death of Me (2008)

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
恩人[おんじん, onjin] Goenner, Patron [Add to Longdo]

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