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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese Characters: Make-Me-a-Hanzi Dictionary
[, zì, ㄗˋ] indulgent; unrestrained
Radical: , Decomposition:   次 [, ㄘˋ]  心 [xīn, ㄒㄧㄣ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] heart
Rank: 3968
[, yì, ㄧˋ] admirable, esteemed, virtuous
Radical: , Decomposition:   壹 [, ]  恣 [, ㄗˋ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] heart
Rank: 2932

KANJIDIC with stroke order from AnimCJK
[] Meaning: selfish; arbitrary
On-yomi: シ, shi
Kun-yomi: ほしいまま, hoshiimama
Radical: , Decomposition:     
Rank: 2325
[] Meaning: beautiful; splendid
On-yomi: イ, i
Kun-yomi: よい, yoi
Radical: , Decomposition:     

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[zì, ㄗˋ, ] throw off restraint #60,065 [Add to Longdo]
[zì yù, ㄗˋ ㄩˋ,  ] to follow lustfull desires [Add to Longdo]
[kuáng zì, ㄎㄨㄤˊ ㄗˋ,  ] arrogant and unbridled [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
縦;;擅[ほしいまま, hoshiimama] (adj-na) (uk) selfish; self-indulgent; arbitrary #4,501 [Add to Longdo]
意;肆意[しい, shii] (n) arbitrariness #12,504 [Add to Longdo]
;放肆[ほうし, houshi] (adj-na) licentious; self-indulgent [Add to Longdo]
意性[しいせい, shiisei] (n) arbitrariness [Add to Longdo]
意的[しいてき, shiiteki] (adj-na) arbitrary [Add to Longdo]
;驕肆[きょうし, kyoushi] (n) being proud and self-willed [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I got the same thing last month. It's on the spree killing?[CN] 我上个月也收到了 是因为那次意杀人案? Take Out (2007)
We're the police, we can do whatever the hell we want.[CN] 我们是警察 我们不能意妄为 Street Kings (2008)
G- men all over the country have picked up the gauntlet flung down by the outlaws and the wanton murderers.[CN] 全国的联邦调查员开始应对 亡命之徒和意凶手的挑衅 Public Enemies (2009)
We owe a great deal to the unexplainable, the mystery of General Hooker who's allowed us to maneuver freely between two parts of an army that's more than twice our strength.[CN] 我们真应该"感激"那位不可捉摸的胡克将军 ...能让我们意机动... ...使他的两个部队陷于我们的包围之中 但那是两倍于我们的兵力 Gods and Generals (2003)
And a tremendous amount ofNfree-floating rage.[CN] 他的脾气会意随性地暴发 Basic Instinct 2 (2006)
most uppity town west of New York.[CN] 是纽约以西最喧嚣,最意妄为 最骄气的城市 How the West Was Won (1962)
Your father brought wrath upon many... but Argos, that was a mortal's doing.[CN] 你父親的軍隊意攻打諸多地方... 攻打阿爾戈斯也是合情合理 The Legend of Hercules (2014)
Because I didn't take my life for granted.[CN] 我並沒有意濫用我的人生 Saw VI (2009)
If only I'd found some love, I wouldn't have to act such turbulent joys or fling myself into such fantasies and follies.[CN] 要是我找到了一点儿爱 也不会这样意享乐 If only I'd found some love, I wouldn't have to act such turbulent joys 或是投身于种种不着边际的幻想和荒诞无稽的念头 or fling myself into such fantasies and follies. Madame Bovary (2014)
And most unscrupulous pretense of all of being entitled to woo and marry your wife.[CN] 最汪洋肆的演出 成全了你向你太太求爱 并与之成婚的目的 Libel (1959)
Can you just let these board masters do whatever they want?[CN] 你们要放任现在的板主群意妄为吗 Silent Code (2012)
I know something stupid you can do.[CN] 我知道一件可以意狂歡的事 Blink (2010)
According to Alla, another passage reveals that authorities had arbitrarily changed the standards.[CN] 艾拉指出 她还透过其他管道发现 当局意更动标准 The Battle of Chernobyl (2006)
I'm still supposed to be working like a dog and... then come home and do stupid things, like bungee jumping and jell-o shots.[CN] 我應該依舊努力工作 然後... 回家意狂歡 Blink (2010)
It was just sort of a fling kind of a deal.[CN] 只是一种意一时的放纵. The Incredibly True Adventure of Two Girls in Love (1995)
Its denial is an arbitrary indignity... that no American in 1963 should have to endure, but many do.[CN] 对这项基本权利的剥夺是意损害公民尊严的行为 是1963年的美国人不应当被迫容忍的行为 但有许多人却在容忍 Lee Daniels' The Butler (2013)
and we make the most of them.[CN] 而我們只管意揮灑 Valentine's Day Massacre (2010)
Richard![CN] 砸钱玩别人女儿,意妄为 The Beach (2000)
The King doth wake tonight and makes carouse, keeps wassail and the swaggering upspring reels.[CN] 国王今天晚上要通宵的宴饮 纵酒作乐而且意地寻欢 Hamlet (1948)
So speaking of going wild?[CN] 说到情放纵... Piranha 3D (2010)
♪ We'll soon be walking free there ♪[CN] "假以时日将意遨游" Home on the Range (2004)
Steal their food![CN] 意劳役 Seven Samurai (1954)
Because you listened to Damon and Damon makes everything he wants sound like a good idea.[CN] 因為你了聽Damon的話 每次他都把意的想法慫恿給別人 The Five (2012)
And when we do, no mumbo jumbo.[CN] 行动时不要意妄为 Hellboy (2004)
They move in crazy pieces, any way they want to, and suddenly, you're capable of anything.[CN] 他们变幻莫测 意发展 突然 你变成万能的了 The Basketball Diaries (1995)
The proof perhaps, was all around us.[CN] 意地想象 证据也许 就在身旁 Chariots, Gods and Beyond (2009)
Doesn't mean we're gonna let you get away with this.[CN] 但这不意味着我们会袖手旁观 让你意妄为 Brave New World (2013)
I breathed the air of the wide open seas.[CN] 我在宽广的海面上情呼吸 Planet Ocean (2012)
Vampires will take whatever they want. They will hurt whoever they want.[CN] 吸血鬼意橫行 見誰傷誰 Smells Like Teen Spirit (2011)
Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's called vandalism.[CN] 嗯,我很确定,这叫做意破坏罪 G-Force (2009)
- We'll take what we please![CN] -意夺取所需 Good Form (2013)
Instead of acrimony.[CN] 而不是辛苦 What Just Happened (2008)
Is that an excuse for wanton cruelty?[CN] 这就是意残忍的理由吗 Is that an excuse for wanton cruelty? Twins of Evil (1971)
His first adventure was with a party of those men whose profligate ways could be conducted with safety only under the protection of red coats.[CN] 他最初的历史遇上这样一群人 他们的放荡和意生活 只能存在于理想社会 Tom Jones (1963)
I was safe here while my loved ones were enduring the war.[CN] 我的这里过着安然意的生活 而我爱的人们却活在战争的噩梦中 Persepolis (2007)
It uses you at whim And drives you to despair[CN] 意利用你 让你落入绝望 Love Never Dies (2012)
If women can transform into men, and men into women and we can sleep with everyone, then maybe gender doesn't exist anymore.[CN] 要是女人可以变成男人 男人变成女人 我们可以意与人上床 那么性别或许就不存在了 Boy, Girl, Boy, Girl... (2000)
I discovered my power as woman and used it without any concern for others.[CN] 我不顾他人的感受 利用女性魅力意妄为 Nymphomaniac: Vol. I (2013)
Now, tell me in your own words, did you, Satin, on certain nights last Garethstide, indulge, albeit I accept, in all innocence, [CN] 去年某月某日夜晚 清白的你被引誘 以至于你意妄為地... Witchsmeller Pursuivant (1983)
- I know you can't. But this is really fucking manipulative.[JP] そうだが これは意的だ Chapter 13 (2013)
Recently, a man returned to the public eye who refuses to do nothing while chaos runs rampant.[CN] 但近来 一个人重回公众的视线 他拒绝放任意蔓延的混乱 Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2 (2013)
The lion and the leopard hunted savagely among the huge herds of game.[CN] 狮子和猎豹在 野性的荒原里意捕杀 The Naked Prey (1965)
You cannot allow such vile insinuations against your character to go undenied.[CN] 你不能允许这些影响你形象的恶劣言辞意横流 Paths of Glory (1957)
You'll be better off back there than free to do the things you will do.[CN] You'll be better off back there than free to do the things you will do. 关在那里比意妄为对你更有益 Strange Cargo (1940)
I kill where I wish, when I wish.[CN] 意杀戮 The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013)
I'm genuinely sorry, but there's something worse than a kid who breaks the rules, fucks around, tokes down on a bit of hakeem marijuolajuwon now and again.[CN] 但是还有比违法校规,意破坏 吸食大麻成瘾的孩子 更糟糕的事情在发生. High School (2010)
Noe ltd led a life 9f chaotic beauty with Osugi.[CN] 「他們叛變,只為意品嚐頹廢之美」 Eros + Massacre (1969)
Up, sword, and know thou a more dark intent, when he is drunk asleep, or in his rage, or in the incestuous pleasure of his bed, at gaming, swearing, or about some act that has no relish of salvation in it.[CN] 收起剑 等到他作恶的时刻 等他喝得烂醉 等他发怒 等他在床上情寻乐 Hamlet (1948)
They have too much freedom. They do what they want.[CN] 她们自由太多了 意妄为 The Corruption (1986)
From Kate's age onwards, what we see is actually brain connections are dying off much more rapidly than they're growing.[CN] 意冒险和闯荡 Building Your Brain (2011)

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