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Japanese-Thai: Longdo Dictionary (UNAPPROVED version -- use with care )  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
何をいまさ[なにをいまさら, naniwoimasara] (exp) มา......อะไรเอาป่านนี้

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
[まさ, masa] (n, n-pref) (1) (See 従・じゅ) greater (of equal court ranks); upper; senior; (2) (しょう only) (See 長官・かみ) director (highest of the four administrative positions of the ritsuryo period); chief; (pref) (3) (しょう only) (before a number) exactly; precisely #784 [Add to Longdo]
[まさ, masa] (n, adj-no) (1) (logical) true; regular; (2) 10^40; (3) (abbr) (See 正本・せいほん) original; (4) { math } (See 負・ふ) positive; greater than zero; (P) #784 [Add to Longdo]
[まさ, masa] (n, adj-na) (arch) (See 正に) exact; precise #784 [Add to Longdo]
正しく[まさしく, masashiku] (adv) surely; no doubt; evidently #5,507 [Add to Longdo]
正宗[まさむね, masamune] (n) sword blade by Masamune #11,622 [Add to Longdo]
摩擦[まさつ, masatsu] (n, vs) friction; rubbing; rubdown; chafe; (P) #13,919 [Add to Longdo]
正木;柾[まさき;マサキ, masaki ; masaki] (n) Japanese spindletree (Euonymus japonicus) #17,524 [Add to Longdo]
いかさま裁判[いかさまさいばん, ikasamasaiban] (n) fake trial; kangaroo court [Add to Longdo]
まさか鳥;偶さか鳥[たまさかどり, tamasakadori] (n) (obsc) (See 時鳥) lesser cuckoo (Cuculus poliocephalus) [Add to Longdo]
つま先(P);爪先[つまさき, tsumasaki] (n) tiptoe; (P) [Add to Longdo]
まさかの時[まさかのとき, masakanotoki] (exp) in time of need; for a rainy day; in case of emergency [Add to Longdo]
按摩さん(oK)[あんまさん, anmasan] (n) masseuse; masseur [Add to Longdo]
運動摩擦[うんどうまさつ, undoumasatsu] (n) kinetic friction [Add to Longdo]
何にも勝る[なににもまさる, naninimomasaru] (exp, adj-f) (1) surpassing everything; better than anything; (exp, v5r) (2) (obsc) to be better than anything [Add to Longdo]
滑り摩擦[すべりまさつ, suberimasatsu] (n) sliding friction [Add to Longdo]
乾布摩擦[かんぷまさつ, kanpumasatsu] (n) a rubdown with a dry towel [Add to Longdo]
偶さか[たまさか, tamasaka] (adv) occasionally [Add to Longdo]
熊さん八っつあん;熊さん八つあん[くまさんはっつあん, kumasanhattsuan] (n) the average Joe; the man in the street [Add to Longdo]
見優り[みまさり, mimasari] (n, vs) compare favourably; compare favorably [Add to Longdo]
胡麻鯖[ごまさば;ゴマサバ, gomasaba ; gomasaba] (n) (uk) blue mackerel (Scomber australasicus) [Add to Longdo]
杭周面摩擦力[くいしゅうめんまさつりょく, kuishuumenmasatsuryoku] (n) pile shaft friction [Add to Longdo]
今更(P);今さら[いまさら, imasara] (adv, n) now (after such a long time); at this late hour (i.e. it is too late for something); (P) [Add to Longdo]
山崎派[やまさきは, yamasakiha] (n) Yamasaki Faction (of the LDP) [Add to Longdo]
煮え湯を飲まされる[にえゆをのまされる, nieyuwonomasareru] (exp, v1) to be betrayed [Add to Longdo]
車冠オウム;車冠鸚鵡[くるまさかおうむ(車冠鸚鵡);くるまさオウム(車冠オウム);かクルマサカオウム, kurumasakaoumu ( kuruma kan oumu ); kurumasa oumu ( kuruma kan oumu ); ka kurumasak] (n) (uk) Major Mitchell's cockatoo (Cacatua leadbeateri); Leadbeater's cockatoo [Add to Longdo]
手弄り;手まさぐり[てまさぐり, temasaguri] (n, vs) (1) playing with something with one's fingers; (2) searching with one's fingers (e.g. in the dark) [Add to Longdo]
周面摩擦[しゅうめんまさつ, shuumenmasatsu] (n) (See 周面) skin friction [Add to Longdo]
勝る(P);優る[まさる, masaru] (v5r, vi) (1) to excel; to surpass; to exceed; to have an edge; to be superior; to outrival; (2) to outweigh; to preponderate; (P) [Add to Longdo]
真っ青(P);真青[まっさお(P);まさお(真青), massao (P); masao ( makoto ao )] (adj-na, n) deep blue; ghastly pale; (P) [Add to Longdo]
真猿[まさる, masaru] (n) (arch) monkey (esp. the Japanese macaque, Macaca fuscata) [Add to Longdo]
真逆[まさか, masaka] (adj-na, adj-no) the exact opposite [Add to Longdo]
真逆[まさか, masaka] (int) (uk) by no means; never!; well, I never!; you don't say!; (P) [Add to Longdo]
真逆様に[まさかさまに, masakasamani] (adv) headlong; head over heels [Add to Longdo]
真砂[まさご, masago] (n) sand [Add to Longdo]
真鯖[まさば;マサバ, masaba ; masaba] (n) (uk) chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) [Add to Longdo]
真盛り[まさかり, masakari] (adj-na) height of; middle of; full bloom [Add to Longdo]
真拆[まさき, masaki] (n) (arch) (obsc) (See 真拆葛) Asiatic jasmine (Trachelospermum asiaticum); Asian jasmine [Add to Longdo]
真拆の葛;柾の葛[まさきのかずら, masakinokazura] (n) (arch) (See 定家葛) Asiatic jasmine (Trachelospermum asiaticum); Asian jasmine [Add to Longdo]
真拆葛[まさきずら, masakizura] (n) (arch) (obsc) (See 真拆の葛) Asiatic jasmine (Trachelospermum asiaticum); Asian jasmine [Add to Longdo]
親勝り[おやまさり, oyamasari] (adj-na, n) surpassing one's parents [Add to Longdo]
身につまされる[みにつまされる, minitsumasareru] (exp, v1) (sometimes incorrectly as 身につままれる) to sympathize deeply with; to strike a chord of sympathy [Add to Longdo]
正に(P);将に;当に[まさに, masani] (adv) (1) (uk) (esp. 正に) exactly; surely; certainly; (2) (esp. 将に) just (about to); on the verge (of doing or happening); (3) (esp. 当に) duly; naturally; (P) [Add to Longdo]
正夢[まさゆめ, masayume] (n) dream that comes true [Add to Longdo]
生悟り[なまざとり;なまさとり, namazatori ; namasatori] (n, vs, adj-no) (1) incomplete enlightenment; (n) (2) incompletely enlightened person [Add to Longdo]
浅間山荘事件;あさま山荘事件[あさまさんそうじけん, asamasansoujiken] (n) Asama-Sanso incident (famous hostage crisis and police siege in Feb. 1972) [Add to Longdo]
増さる[まさる, masaru] (v5r, vi) to increase; to grow [Add to Longdo]
男勝り[おとこまさり, otokomasari] (adj-na, n, adj-no) (of a woman) strong-minded; spirited; mannish [Add to Longdo]
潮汐摩擦[ちょうせきまさつ, chousekimasatsu] (n) tidal friction [Add to Longdo]
爪先で歩く[つまさきであるく, tsumasakidearuku] (exp, v5k) to tiptoe [Add to Longdo]
爪先下がり;つま先下がり[つまさきさがり, tsumasakisagari] (n) downhill path [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
Desktop publishing lets you produce books quickly and cheaply. It's like killing two birds with one stone.DTPで本を作れば、安いし早いし、まさに一挙両得だ。
Your words of encouragement meant a lot to me.あなたの激励の言葉に励まされました。
I was about to leave when you telephoned.あなたの電話が鳴ったときまさに出かけようとするところだった。
You said she was kind and so she is.あなたは彼女が親切だと言ったが、まさにその通りである。
That nurse is a real angel to her patients.あの看護婦さんは患者にはまさに天使だ。
It is no use blaming him for the accident now.まさらあの事故のことで彼を非難しても仕方ない。
It's no use regretting it now.まさら後悔しても無駄だ。
No matter how much you hurry your effort is just a drop in the bucket.まさら焦っても焼け石に水じゃないの。
You can regret it all you want but it won't do you any good now.まさら嘆いても、それこそ、後の祭だよ。
It's too late now.まさら遅いよ。
John claimed that the dishonest salesman had tricked him into buying a useless piece of machinery.インチキなセールスマンにだまされて、役立たずの機械を買わされたとジョンは主張した。
Kate was made to read the book.ケイトはその本を読まされた。
This is the very reason why I take no interest in art.こういうわけで、まさに私は芸術に全く関心がないのです。
This is the very place that I have long wanted to visit.こここそまさに私が長い間訪れたいと思っていたところです。
I can't help but feel when I come here that all my senses are sharper than usual.ここにいるといやでも感覚は研ぎ澄まされる。
This is the very room that I first met my wife in.ここはまさしく私が初めて家内にあった部屋です。
As the proverb goes, time is really money.ことわざにある通り、時はまさに金である。
I'm troubled by this wart.このいぼに悩まされています。
This film is indeed an enduring masterpiece.この映画はまさしく不朽の名作である。
I cannot do without this dictionary.この辞書が無くては済まされない。
I can't do without this dictionary.この辞書なしには済まされない。
His victory at this age in an international competition is a good indication of a bright future.この若さで国際大会で優勝するなんて、まさに前途洋洋ですね。
This government is really putting the clock back.この政府はまさしく時代に逆行している。
This book is not less amusing than that one.この本は面白さの点ではあの本にまさるとも劣らない。
Just as all kinds of communications methods are increasing the human relationships are becoming weak. A perfect case of mistaking means for ends.コミュニケーションの方法が多種にわたって増加する一方で人間関係が希薄なものになりつつある。まさに本末転倒だ。
This is the very camera I've long wanted.これがまさに私が長い間欲しいと思っていたカメラだ。
This is just what I wanted.これがまさに私の欲しかったものです。
This is the very dictionary that I have been looking for.これこそがまさに私が探していた辞書です。
This is the very book I have been looking for.これこそまさしく私がさがしていた本です。
This is the very thing you need now.これこそまさに君が今必要としているものだ。 [ M ]
This is the very thing that you need.これこそまさに君が必要としているものだ。 [ M ]
This is the very book I have been looking for.これこそまさに私が探していた本です。
This is the very video I wanted to see.これこそまさに私の見たかったビデオだ。
This is the very place I have long wanted to visit.これこそまさに長い間私が訪ねたいと思っていたところです。
This is the coffee.これぞまさにコーヒーだ。 [ M ]
This is the very best way to do it.これはそれを行うまさに最良の方法です。
This is exactly the same camera that I have lost.これはまさに私が失くした同じカメラです。
This is the very book that I wanted to read.これはまさに私が読みたかった本だ。
This is the very video I have been looking for.これは私が探していたまさにそのビデオです。
These goods are greater in quantity than in quality.これらの品物は質よりも量でまさっている。
No other hotel can beat this for service.サービスにかけてはここにまさるホテルはない。
Jane was about to leave the house.ジェーンはまさに家を出ようとしていた。
Jane is fat, rude, and smokes too much. But Ken thinks she's lovely and charming. That's why they say love is blind.ジェーンは太ってるし、態度も悪いし、煙草もぷかぷか吸うし。でも、ケンは彼女のことを可愛くてチャーミングだと思ってるんだな。『あばたもえくぼ』っていうけど、まさにそれだな。
But she had not expected to cross an ocean, enter a new and romantic-sounding country, and find herself in exactly the same position.しかし大洋を越え、新たな、ロマンティックな響きのある国に行って、まさしく以前と同じ状態になることなど彼女は思ってもいなかった。
Jim didn't wake up until his mother woke him.ジムはお母さんが起こすまで目を覚まさなかった。
The supermarkets are now closed, so we'll have to make do with what is left in the refrigerator.スーパーマーケットはもう閉まっているので、冷蔵庫に残っているもので済まさなければならないだろう。
Don't let the soup get cold.スープをさまさないように。
The team had advantage over their opponents.そのチームは相手よりまさっていた。
The timid soldier was tormented by terrible nightmares.その臆病な兵士は恐ろしい悪夢に悩まされた。
The customer contended that she had been cheated.その客はだまされたと主張した。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
- No.[JP] まさ I.F.T. (2010)
- Of course not.[JP] -まさ The Graduate (1967)
Yes, sir, I was wondering if I could talk to you about that.[JP] はい社長、まさにそのことでご相談が The Wing or The Thigh? (1976)
My God![JP] まさ Back to the Future (1985)
Oh, man.[JP] まさか! A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
Well, yeah, I mean, together here or in the city. But... But up there, Alex...[JP] 町で住むならわかるけど まさ The Last Starfighter (1984)
You refer to that joke on humanity, the Horned King.[JP] まさかその... その... 生き価値もない角王ですか? The Black Cauldron (1985)
What? ! My God![JP] まさ Farewell, My Lovely (1975)
Oh, no.[JP] まさ The Black Cauldron (1985)
- Or there ain't no going home.[JP] - 済まさないと故郷に帰れない Crossroads (1986)
Oh, no![JP] まさ Tekkonkinkreet (2006)
- Something under the floor, not in the plans.[JP] まさか床下? Aliens (1986)
Remember? Did these old ears hear the word "bargain"?[JP] まさか"取引"って言わなかったか? The Black Cauldron (1985)
It's the last breath of Mr PJ.[JP] PJ様の"最後の息"だ まさ Kin-dza-dza! (1986)
That's like saying they're in Arizona.[JP] まさかアリゾナ じゃないでしょうな Chinatown (1974)
Well, I never thought of you and Mr. Robinson as the kind of...[JP] まさか あなたたちが... The Graduate (1967)
Now, steady on there, Basil. No, no.[JP] まさかそれを The Great Mouse Detective (1986)
Did you know you were a wealthy woman?[JP] 貴女は大金持ちですよ まさ Chinatown (1974)
"But there's more that I admire[JP] だが 一層まさるのは Stalker (1979)
You can't get out of the flow. Well then, tomorrow at 9 in my office.[JP] まさかまたお前と一緒に やることになるとはな Cat City (1986)
You... you wouldn't.[JP] まさ The Great Mouse Detective (1986)
That was so wonderful what you just did in there.[JP] それよ、素晴らしいわ、 まさにあなたが今した事 Brewster's Millions (1985)
That's what you are, Scott. A bloody marvel. Here.[JP] これこそが君だよ、スコット まさに驚異だ ここだ、どうしてこうなった? Grand Prix (1966)
That was a novel experience.[JP] まさに小説的体験てやつだった Return to Oz (1985)
So, it must be fate, destiny, blind chance, luck, even, that brings us together.[JP] それがこうして会えたのは まさに運命だよ The Last Starfighter (1984)
[ THUNDER CRASHING ] no.[JP] 雨が降りだした まさか... Be My Valentine, Charlie Brown (1975)
Impossible, absolutely impossible.[JP] まさか、そんな、まさ The Wing or The Thigh? (1976)
Yes! Typical Martians.[JP] ああ まさに火星だ Kin-dza-dza! (1986)
Gentlemen, shall we say 12 midnight exactly?[JP] 諸君、まさに始まりじゃないか? Brewster's Millions (1985)
No, you know that.[JP] まさか。 解ってるだろう。 Live for Life (1967)
No.[JP] まさか! Insidious: Chapter 3 (2015)
You know... he gave me a phoney picture of Velma.[JP] ヴェルマの偽の写真を つかまされた Farewell, My Lovely (1975)
Oh, no. I thought it was supposed to be 5 years.[JP] まさか 5年だと思ってたのに The Blues Brothers (1980)
It's too late for that, Solo.[JP] (いまさら遅いわ ソロ) Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983)
Hands off Verdi.[JP] まさか! Nostalgia (1983)
Do you mean we're trusting our lives to him?[JP] まさか皆の命をあいつに任せるってことか? The Black Cauldron (1985)
You haven't let her escape as well?[JP] まさかアレまで逃がしたのか? Return to Oz (1985)
- Right this minute.[JP] ー ええ、今まさ The Wing or The Thigh? (1976)
You're looking at the owners of a 50, 000-acre empire.[JP] 皆ここに居る 5万エーカーの大地主が まさ Chinatown (1974)
You have no designs on the gold?[JP] まさか お前が財宝に手を出す気か? Siegfried (1980)
I never thought I'd be smuggling myself in 'em.[JP] まさか自分が入ることになるとは Star Wars: A New Hope (1977)
You think you can talk your way out of this?[JP] まさら誤魔化せるとでも思うの? The Blues Brothers (1980)
You can't quit now.[JP] まさら逃げられんぞ The Blues Brothers (1980)
I know enough for my purposes.[JP] 彼らが得たのは まさに聞きがいの ある答だった Siegfried (1980)
Jesus.[JP] まさ The Machine (2013)
You're right..![JP] まさしく・・・! Cat City (1986)
- No. Never.[JP] - いや、まさか。 Live for Life (1967)
My God![JP] まさか! A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge (1985)
A survivor, unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of morality.[JP] 生き抜いたのだ 一片の曇りも無く 研ぎすまされ 良心にも 道徳にも 縛られずに Alien (1979)

Japanese-English: COMPDICT Dictionary
カスタマサービス[かすたまさーびす, kasutamasa-bisu] customer service [Add to Longdo]
摩擦送り[まさつおくり, masatsuokuri] friction feed [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
冷水摩擦[れいすいまさつ, reisuimasatsu] kalte_Abreibung [Add to Longdo]
勝る[まさる, masaru] uebertreffen [Add to Longdo]
摩擦[まさつ, masatsu] das_Reiben, Reibung, Reiberei [Add to Longdo]
[まさ, masa] genau, sicher [Add to Longdo]

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