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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese Characters: Make-Me-a-Hanzi Dictionary
[, bèi, ㄅㄟˋ] to prepare; to get ready, to equip; ready; perfect
Radical: , Decomposition:   亻 [rén, ㄖㄣˊ]  ?
Etymology: -
[, bèi, ㄅㄟˋ] to prepare; to get ready, to equip; ready; perfect
Radical: , Decomposition:   夂 [zhǐ, ㄓˇ]  田 [tián, ㄊㄧㄢˊ]
Etymology: [ideographic] To go 夂 to the farm 田 to prepare for a harvest
Variants: , Rank: 397

KANJIDIC with stroke order from AnimCJK
[] Meaning: equip; provision; preparation
On-yomi: ビ, bi
Kun-yomi: そな.える, そな.わる, つぶさ.に, sona.eru, sona.waru,
Radical: , Decomposition:             
Variants: , Rank: 356
[] Meaning: prepared
On-yomi: ビ, bi
Kun-yomi: そな.える, そな.わる, sona.eru, sona.waru

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[bèi, ㄅㄟˋ, / ] to prepare; get ready; to provide or equip #4,475 [Add to Longdo]
准备[zhǔn bèi, ㄓㄨㄣˇ ㄅㄟˋ,   /  ] preparation; prepare #482 [Add to Longdo]
设备[shè bèi, ㄕㄜˋ ㄅㄟˋ,   /  ] equipment; facilities; installations #955 [Add to Longdo]
具备[jù bèi, ㄐㄩˋ ㄅㄟˋ,   /  ] to possess; to have; equipped with; able to fulfill (conditions or requirements) #2,020 [Add to Longdo]
装备[zhuāng bèi, ㄓㄨㄤ ㄅㄟˋ,   /  ] equipment #2,347 [Add to Longdo]
储备[chǔ bèi, ㄔㄨˇ ㄅㄟˋ,   /  ] reserves; to store up #3,800 [Add to Longdo]
配备[pèi bèi, ㄆㄟˋ ㄅㄟˋ,   /  ] to allocate; to provide; to outfit with #4,122 [Add to Longdo]
筹备[chóu bèi, ㄔㄡˊ ㄅㄟˋ,   /  ] preparations; to get ready for sth #6,156 [Add to Longdo]
备战[bèi zhàn, ㄅㄟˋ ㄓㄢˋ,   /  ] prepare for war; be prepared against war #6,284 [Add to Longdo]
备受[bèi shòu, ㄅㄟˋ ㄕㄡˋ,   /  ] to fully experience (good or bad) #6,949 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-Thai: Longdo Dictionary
える[そなえる, sonaeru] (vt) ตกแต่ง, ติดตั้ง

Japanese-Thai: Longdo Dictionary (UNAPPROVED version -- use with care )  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
え付け[そなえつけ, sonaetsuke] (vt) we
え付け[そなえつけ, sonaetsuke] (vt) we

Japanese-Thai-English: Saikam Dictionary
[びこう, bikou] TH: บันทึกหมายเหตุ  EN: note
[びこう, bikou] TH: เชิงอรรถ  EN: remarks

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
[びこう, bikou] (n) note; remarks; NB; (P) #721 [Add to Longdo]
[そなえ, sonae] (n) preparation; provision; guarding; (P) #3,237 [Add to Longdo]
える(P);具える[そなえる, sonaeru] (v1, vt) (1) to furnish; to provide for; to equip; to install; (2) to have ready; to prepare for; (3) to possess; to have; to be endowed with; to be armed with; (P) #9,857 [Add to Longdo]
えあれば憂いなし;えあればうれいなし;えあれば患いなし;えあれば患なし[そなえあればうれいなし, sonaearebaureinashi] (exp) well prepared means no worries (in time of need) [Add to Longdo]
え付け;[そなえつけ, sonaetsuke] (n) equipment; provision [Add to Longdo]
え付ける(P);えつける[そなえつける, sonaetsukeru] (v1, vt) to provide; to furnish; to equip; to install; (P) [Add to Longdo]
え有れば憂え無し[そなえあればうれえなし, sonaearebaureenashi] (exp) (id) Providing is preventing [Add to Longdo]
わる(P);具わる(P)[そなわる, sonawaru] (v5r, vi) (1) to be furnished with; to be endowed with; (2) to be among; to be one of; to be possessed of; (P) [Add to Longdo]
後表[びんごおもて, bingoomote] (n) a quality; tatami covering [Add to Longdo]
考欄[びこうらん, bikouran] (n) notes; remarks (reference) column [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
See that dinner is ready by ten.10時までに夕食の準をしておくように取り計らいなさい。
Rows of houses, each of them different and pleasing with their spacious gardens, are replaced by purely functional blocks of flats which have nothing more to commend them than over-praised 'modern conveniences'.一つ一つ違っていて、広々とした庭があって魅力的な家並が、もっぱら機能だけを追求したマンションにとって代わられるが、このマンションには、行き過ぎを思えるほど賞賛される「現代の便利な設」以外に褒めるべき点はないのである。
A watchman sat with his legs crossed.1人の警員が脚を組んで座っていた。
By installing two carburetors that racing-car enthusiast souped up his motor considerably.2つのキャブレターを装したことで、そのレーシング狂はエンジンをすこぶる強力にした。
We have two spare rooms upstairs, neither of which has been used for years.2階に予の部屋が二部屋ありますが、そのどちらもここ数年使用されていません。
500 policemen were put on strict alert.500人の警官が厳重な警態勢おかれた。
I will see to it that everything is ready for your departure.あなたの出発の準がすべて整うよう取り計らいます。
Let's leave when you are ready.あなたの準ができたら出発しましょう。
As soon as you have done that, I would like you to start preparing supper.あなたは、それをやり終えたらすぐに、夕食の準を始めていただきたい。
You must get ready quickly.あなたは急いで準をしなければならない。
You need to have answers ready about your strong point.あなたは自分の長所についての答えを準する必要がある。
You had better prepare for the future.あなたは将来にえたほうがよい。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Are you planning to build in the Spring Gardens district?[CN] 你準在春天花園區動工? Step Up Revolution (2012)
The question is, is he ready to be beaten?[JP] 質問だけど、 彼は打ちのめされる準ができてるの? Grand Prix (1966)
- Right We are sitting ducks without them.[CN] - 沒有他們我們毫無防 Zambezia (2012)
Oh no, It's up already[CN] 不 他已經準好了 Zambezia (2012)
Ready to blow.[JP] 完了したか? 爆破準ができたぞ La Grande Vadrouille (1966)
You are ready, right?[CN] 你已經準好了,是吧? Step Up Revolution (2012)
Mercury is already working on his artwork for the next Mob.[CN] 水銀已經在為下一次熱舞準作品了 Step Up Revolution (2012)
Now I've heard everything.[JP] これで準完了ね It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown (1966)
Guard?[JP] ? Rogues' Gallery (2015)
You didn't get the memo?[CN] 你沒有看見忘錄? Step Up Revolution (2012)
Nino wonders if you're ready to be beaten.[JP] あなたが負ける準ができてるって言ったら ニーノは不思議がってたわ Grand Prix (1966)
We can't possibly sneak onboard with sailors and guards, everywhere all over the ship.[JP] 水夫に化ける訳にもいかないしー ー警員だって至る所よ。 What's Up, Tiger Lily? (1966)

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
える[そなえる, sonaeru] einrichten, ausruesten [Add to Longdo]
わる[そなわる, sonawaru] besitzen [Add to Longdo]
[びこう, bikou] Anmerkung [Add to Longdo]
[びちく, bichiku] Vorratshaltung (fuer_den_Notfall) [Add to Longdo]

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