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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
马车[mǎ chē, ㄇㄚˇ ㄔㄜ,   /  ] carriage #10,600 [Add to Longdo]
四轮马车[sì lún mǎ chē, ㄙˋ ㄌㄨㄣˊ ㄇㄚˇ ㄔㄜ,     /    ] chariot [Add to Longdo]
运货马车[yùn huò mǎ chē, ㄩㄣˋ ㄏㄨㄛˋ ㄇㄚˇ ㄔㄜ,     /    ] cargo wagon [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
馬車[ばしゃ, basha] (n) (horse-drawn) coach; carriage; wagon; cart; (P) #10,127 [Add to Longdo]
馬車鉄道[ばしゃてつどう, bashatetsudou] (n) (See 鉄道馬車) horse tramway [Add to Longdo]
馬車[ばしゃうま, bashauma] (n) cart-horse; work-horse [Add to Longdo]

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He lost the cartridge drums.[CN] 他丟了那馬車上的鼓 Franz + Polina (2006)
You went over it. You went off the wagon trail.[CN] 你走過頭了 你把馬車的痕跡都弄沒了 Hidalgo (2004)
- It's those micks outside the hotel - with those carriage rides.[CN] 是旅館外頭那些愛爾蘭人 在用馬車搬貨 The Test Dream (2004)
Coach is headed for Bigsby, Boss[CN] 馬車前往畢斯比了,老大 3:10 to Yuma (2007)
Mr. Dolan, when we pick up the passengers... at the relay station, we'll be back in business.[JP] ドーランさん お客が 見つかりしだい 駅馬車を 再開したいの Rough Night in Jericho (1967)
What happens if they catch the wagon?[CN] 如果他們追上馬車,怎麼辦? 3:10 to Yuma (2007)
What if they caught up with the coach already?[CN] 如果他們已經追上了馬車 怎麼辦? 3:10 to Yuma (2007)
I think maybe a coach headed for here got itself held up in a canyon about 10 miles back[CN] 到這邊的馬車 在十英哩外的峽谷被搶了 3:10 to Yuma (2007)
Get that coach up on its four legs and get me-[JP] 馬車を走れるように してくれ わしのことは... Rough Night in Jericho (1967)
Thanks for offering to leave the coach.[JP] 馬車を置いていって くれるのね 感謝するわ Rough Night in Jericho (1967)
Head for Evan's ranch, I'll meet you there with the coach[CN] 去亞文斯的農場 我跟馬車一起到那邊會合 3:10 to Yuma (2007)
Looking for a wheel for that coach.[JP] 馬車の車輪を 探しにな Rough Night in Jericho (1967)

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