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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
大儲け;大もうけ[おおもうけ, oomouke] (n, vs) large profit; a killing [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
He made a killing by investing in the stock market.彼は株式市場に投資をして大儲けをした。
He made a fortune in oil.彼は石油で大儲けをした。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Well, I suppose this summer vacation with a big haul south of the border, was out of the question now.[JP] この夏休みは・・ 南の国境で 大儲けするはずだった が・・問題外であった Get the Gringo (2012)
I only have to whip you guys into picking up a fortune.[JP] 大儲けするんだ 目が覚ませ Hollow Triumph (1948)
$200, 000? That's a lot of dough for just a minute's worth.[JP] 時短で大儲けだな Hollow Triumph (1948)
Have you guessed right in the careers?[JP] ウォールストリートで 大儲けしたの? Scarlet Street (1945)
He/she had the opportunity of winning a departure.[JP] クラップで 大儲けしそうだったのに Scarlet Street (1945)
Hard to make a killing on the market when you're dead.[JP] 彼は大儲けの目前で Stakeout (2008)
Noisy's been in Japan. Softer bots over there.[JP] 日本で大儲けしてたぜ Real Steel (2011)
Say Roberts, you hit the jackpot this time ...[JP] 今夜は大儲けだな ロバーツ Detour (1945)
I'll make a bundle selling them at school.[JP] 学校で売れば大儲け We Need to Talk About Kevin (2011)
At 20 bucks a pop, they were making a killing.[JP] 一発20ドル 大儲け Get the Gringo (2012)
Good to be out, eh, Johnny? Sure. Lost a lot of time though.[JP] 時間を無駄にしたが これから大儲けだ! Hollow Triumph (1948)
Tell me why, gentlemen, has the Big Three in Detroit been allowed to make billions of dollars without spending one dime on safety?[JP] ご説明します 今までの大企業は 大儲けしながら 安全には金を使っていません Tucker: The Man and His Dream (1988)

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