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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: varan, -varan-
Possible hiragana form: う゛ぁらん
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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Let me give you a vaccine against viral infection... from the Ovaran mud flies.ฉันจะฉีดวัคซีนป้องกันเชื่อไวรัส จากเห็บหมัดเมลวาแรนให้นาย Star Trek (2009)
I'm here to settle the affairs of my aunt, Mme Lescure, with her lawyer, Mr Varange'.Ich bin hier, wegen des Erbes meiner Tante, Madame Lescure. Ich will zu ihrem Anwalt, Mr Varangé. Love on a Pillow (1962)
"Latin name is Varanus komodoensis."Lateinischer Name Varanus komodoensis." The Freshman (1990)
- Import and attempted slaughter of Varanus komodoensis, also known as the Komodo dragon.- Widerrechtliche Einfuhr... von Varanus komodoensis, auch bekannt als Komodowaran. The Freshman (1990)
Ghats Varanasi, INDIAGhats Varanasi, INDIEN Baraka (1992)
Dasaswameth Ghat Varanasi, INDIADasaswameth Ghat Varanasi, INDIEN Baraka (1992)
Uttar Pradesh Varanasi, INDIAUttar Pradesh Varanasi, INDIEN Baraka (1992)
Benaras Ghat Varanasi, INDIABenaras Ghat Varanasi, INDIEN Baraka (1992)
Funeral Lights on the Ganges Varanasi, INDIATotenlichter auf dem Ganges Varanasi, INDIEN Baraka (1992)
The sonata Varani is playing is lovely.Die Sonate, die Varani spielt, ist wundervoll. Sanctuary (1993)
When people hear it's Varani, they'll beat down your door.Wenn die Leute hören, dass Varani hier ist, rennen sie Ihnen die Tür ein. Sanctuary (1993)
This is Varani, a great musician.Das ist Varani, ein großer Musiker. Sanctuary (1993)
These people have lost everything, Varani.Diese Leute haben alles verloren, Varani. Sanctuary (1993)
I love hearing how delicious Melvaran mud fleas are... or about the time you spent two hours with an Orion slave girl... or the miracles doctors perform getting rid of Fluvian fungus.Ich höre gern, wie lecker melvaranische Fliegen sind oder von deinen 2 Stunden mit einem Sklavenmädchen von Orion oder wie Ärzte den fluvianischen Pilz entfernen können. Canamar (2003)
"The komodo dragon, or varanus komodoensis," by Francis Bischetti."Der Komodowaran oder Varanus komodoensis, "von Francis Bischetti. The Escape Artist (2004)
- from Melvaran mud fleas.-von melvaranischen Schlammfliegen. Star Trek (2009)
Let's explore the feeding habit of our planet's most ferocious predator, the Cavaranthus Mazorus, more commonly known as the Great Devil Corker!Lassen Sie uns herausfinden die Essensgewohnheit unseres Planeten wildesten Räubers der Cavaranthus Mazorus, besser bekannt als der Große Devil Corker ( Teufels Knüller )! Planet Hulk (2010)
- Oh, say, wasn't that Mrs. Zavransky's room?Sag mal, war das nicht das Zimmer von Frau Zavaransky? The Reunion Job (2010)
Dashashwamedh Ghat, Varanasi.Dasaswamedh Ghat. Varanasi. The Experiment (2010)
- Varanasi.Varanasi! The Experiment (2010)
Brother, you're in Dhanbad but the address you want is of Varanasi city.Das ist nicht in Dhanbad. Das hier ist Dhanbad. Da steht Varanasi drauf. Gangs of Wasseypur (2012)
Varanasi!Varanasi! Gangs of Wasseypur (2012)
This says Varanasi, man.Da steht Varanasi drauf. Gangs of Wasseypur (2012)
Dr Savaranoff.Dr. Savaranoff. The Big Four (2013)
May I introduce to you the illustrious Dr Ivan Savaranoff.Darf ich vorstellen: Der berühmte... Dr. Ivan Savaranoff! The Big Four (2013)
I have no doubt that Dr Savaranoff was paid most handsomely.Für eine Reklameaktion. Dr. Savaranoff wurde zweifellos sehr großzügig bezahlt. The Big Four (2013)
Dr Savaranoff died of natural causes.Savaranoff starb eines natürlichen Todes. The Big Four (2013)
And Savaranoff was reputed to favour this? Yeah.Und Savaranoff war bekannt dafür, sie zu spielen? The Big Four (2013)
The exact move that sealed the fate of Dr Savaranoff.- Bon. Dieser Zug besiegelte das Schicksal von Dr. Savaranoff. The Big Four (2013)
This, it is the white bishop from the chess set, the exact piece that Dr Savaranoff was clutching in his hand when he died.Dies ist der weiße Läufer dieses Schachspiels. Exakt diese Figur hielt Dr. Savaranoff umklammert, als er starb. The Big Four (2013)
The table, it is electrified, and so when Dr Savaranoff places the white bishop upon this particular silver square, the electric current passes right through his body killing him instantly.Der Tisch ist elektrifiziert. Als Dr. Savaranoff den weißen Läufer auf genau dieses silberne Feld stellt, geht der Strom durch seinen Körper und tötet ihn auf der Stelle. The Big Four (2013)
If you truly believe and in this colourful way Savaranoff was murdered Monsieur Poirot suggests, that's your prerogative.Wenn Sie glauben, dass Savaranoff ermordet wurde, noch dazu so abenteuerlich, wie Monsieur Poirot behauptet, ist das Ihr gutes Recht. The Big Four (2013)
"Does the great detective, Monsieur Hercule Poirot, have suspicions regarding the death of Ivan Savaranoff?"Hegt der große Detektiv Monsieur Hercule Poirot einen Verdacht hinsichtlich des Todes von Ivan Savaranoff? The Big Four (2013)
It's true that there is bad blood between America and Russia, though, isn't it, after Savaranoffs death?Aber es gibt böses Blut zwischen Amerika und Russland, oder? Wegen Savaranoffs Tod? The Big Four (2013)
Savaranoff was killed to implicate Abe Ryland.Savaranoff wurde umgebracht, um Abe Ryland hineinzuziehen. The Big Four (2013)

Thai-English: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
ตะกวด(n) Varanus bengalesis, See also: desert monitor, monitor lizard, Syn. จะกวด, ตัวเงินตัวทอง, แลน, ตัวเหี้ย, Example: บางคนเชื่อว่าถ้าตะกวดเข้าบ้านแสดงว่ากำลังจะได้ลาภ, Count Unit: ตัว, Thai Definition: ชื่อสัตว์เลื้อยคลานชนิด Varanus bengalesis ในวงศ์ Varanidae ตัวสีน้ำตาลเหลือง ปากแหลม ลิ้นยาวแยกเป็น 2 แฉก หางยาวใช้ฟาดเพื่อต่อสู้ป้องกันตัว ชอบอาศัยตามป่าโปร่งมากกว่าป่าทึบ หากินตามพื้นดิน ขึ้นต้นไม้เก่ง ชอบพาดตัวนอนผึ่งแดดตามกิ่งไม้
เหี้ย(n) Varanus salvator, Syn. ตัวเงินตัวทอง, Example: สัตว์ชนิดที่พบเป็นจำนวนน้อยในบริเวณนี้ ได้แก่ จิ้งจกดินลายจุด จิ้งจกหางแบน ตุ๊กแกบ้าน เหี้ย จิ้งเหลนน้อยหางยาว เป็นต้น, Thai Definition: ชื่อสัตว์เลื้อยคลานขนาดใหญ่ชนิด Varanus salvator ในวงศ์ Varanidae เป็นสัตว์สกุลเดียวกับตะกวด ตัวอ้วนใหญ่สีดำ มีลายดอกสีเหลืองพาดขวาง หางยาว

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
เหี้ย[hīa] (n) EN: monitor lizard ; water lizard ; iguana  FR: iguane [ m ] ; varan [ m ]
พาราณสี[Phārānasī] (n, prop) EN: Varanasi ; Benares ; Banaras  FR: Bénarès

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
Varanidae(n) monitor lizards, Syn. family Varanidae
Varanus(n) type and sole extant genus of the Varanidae, Syn. genus Varanus
monitor(n) any of various large tropical carnivorous lizards of Africa and Asia and Australia; fabled to warn of crocodiles, Syn. monitor lizard, varan

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

n. [ F. ] (Zool.) The monitor. See Monitor, 3. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. One of the Northmen who founded a dynasty in Russia in the 9th century; also, one of the Northmen composing, at a later date, the imperial bodyguard at Constantinople. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖prop. n. [ NL., fr. Ar. uaran, uaral; cf. F. varan, from the Arabic. ] (Zool.) A genus of very large lizards native of Asia and Africa. It includes the monitors. See Monitor, 3. [ 1913 Webster ]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Varanasi (Stadt in Indien)Varanasi (city in India) [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
アオハナホソオオトカゲ[aohanahosoootokage] (n) canopy goanna (Varanus keithhornei, species of carnivorous monitor lizard native to Northeast Australia); blue-nosed goanna; Nesbit River monitor [Add to Longdo]
アオホソオオトカゲ[aohosoootokage] (n) blue-spotted tree monitor (Varanus macraei, species of carnivorous monitor lizard from the island of Batanta, Indonesia) [Add to Longdo]
アケボノヒメオオトカゲ[akebonohimeootokage] (n) northern ridge-tailed monitor (Varanus primordius, species of carnivorous monitor lizard native to the Northern Territory of Australia); blunt-spined goanna [Add to Longdo]
イエメンオオトカゲ[iemen'ootokage] (n) Yemen monitor (Varanus yemenensis, species of carnivorous monitor lizard found at the base of the Tihama mountains along the western coast of Yemen) [Add to Longdo]
イエローヘッドモニター[iero-heddomonita-] (n) yellow-head monitor (Varanus melinus, species of carnivorous monitor lizard native to Indonesia); quince monitor [Add to Longdo]
イワヒメオオトカゲ[iwahimeootokage] (n) Storr's pygmy monitor (Varanus storri, species of small carnivorous monitor lizard native to Australia); Storr's goanna; Storr's monitor [Add to Longdo]
エメラルドツリーモニター;エメラルド・ツリー・モニター[emerarudotsuri-monita-; emerarudo . tsuri-. monita-] (n) emerald tree monitor (Varanus prasinus, species of arboreal carnivorous monitor lizard found from New Guinea to Queensland, Australia); green tree monitor [Add to Longdo]
オオトカゲ科[オオトカゲか, ootokage ka] (n) Varanidae (family of carnivorous monitor lizards whose only living genus is Varanus) [Add to Longdo]
オオトカゲ属[オオトカゲぞく, ootokage zoku] (n) Varanus (genus of carnivorous monitor lizards in the family Varanidae) [Add to Longdo]
オルリオオトカゲ[oruriootokage] (n) blue-tailed monitor (Varanus doreanus, species of carnivorous monitor lizard found in Australia, New Guinea, and the Bismarck Archipelago); Kalabeck's monitor [Add to Longdo]
キイロオオトカゲ[kiiroootokage] (n) yellow monitor (Varanus flavescens, species of asian carnivorous monitor lizard found in India, Pakistan, Nepal and Bangladesh) [Add to Longdo]
キングヒメオオトカゲ[kinguhimeootokage] (n) King's goanna (Varanus kingorum, species of small carnivorous monitor lizard native to the Australia) [Add to Longdo]
クジャクオオトカゲ[kujakuootokage] (n) peacock monitor (Varanus auffenbergi, species of carnivorous monitor lizard native to the island of Roti in Indonesia); Auffenberg's monitor [Add to Longdo]
クロコダイルモニター;クロコダイル・モニター[kurokodairumonita-; kurokodairu . monita-] (n) crocodile monitor (Varanus salvadorii, species of carnivorous monitor lizard found in New Guinea); Salvadori's monitor; Papua monitor; artellia [Add to Longdo]
グレイオオトカゲ[gureiootokage] (n) Gray's monitor (Varanus olivaceus, species of carnivorous monitor lizard from Luzon and the Catanduanes Islands in the Philippines) [Add to Longdo]
コモドドラゴン[komododoragon] (n) Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) [Add to Longdo]
コモド大蜥蜴[コモドおおとかげ;コモドオオトカゲ, komodo ootokage ; komodoootokage] (n) (uk) (See コモドドラゴン) Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) [Add to Longdo]
サバクオオトカゲ[sabakuootokage] (n) Desert monitor (Varanus griseus, species of carnivorous monitor lizard found in North Africa and western Asia) [Add to Longdo]
サバンナオオトカゲ[sabannaootokage] (n) savanna monitor (Varanus exanthematicus, species of carnivorous monitor lizard native to sub-Saharan Africa); Bosc's monitor [Add to Longdo]
サビイロオオトカゲ[sabiiroootokage] (n) rusty monitor (Varanus semiremex, species of carnivorous monitor lizard native to the east coast of Queensland, Australia) [Add to Longdo]
サルバトールモニター;サルバトール・モニター[sarubato-rumonita-; sarubato-ru . monita-] (n) water monitor (Varanus salvator, species of carnivorous monitor lizard common from Sri Lanka in the west to the Philippines in the east); common water monitor [Add to Longdo]
ザラクビオオトカゲ[zarakubiootokage] (n) black roughneck monitor lizard (Varanus rudicollis, carnivorous species found throughout Southeast Asia) [Add to Longdo]
シュミットオオトカゲ[shumittoootokage] (n) peach throat monitor (Varanus jobiensis, species of carnivorous monitor lizard native to Australia) [Add to Longdo]
スジメヒメオオトカゲ[sujimehimeootokage] (n) stripe-tailed goanna (Varanus caudolineatus, species of carnivorous monitor lizard native to the forests of Western Australian) [Add to Longdo]
スナオオトカゲ[sunaootokage] (n) Gould's monitor (Varanus gouldii, species of carnivorous monitor lizard native to Australia); sand goanna; sand monitor; Gould's goanna [Add to Longdo]
スペンサーオオトカゲ[supensa-ootokage] (n) Spencer's monitor (Varanus spenceri, species of carnivorous monitor lizard native to northern Australia); Spencer's goanna [Add to Longdo]
セグロオオトカゲ[seguroootokage] (n) tricolored monitor (Varanus yuwonoi, species of carnivorous monitor lizard from Halmahera Island in North Maluku, Indonesia); Moluccan black-backed monitor [Add to Longdo]
デュメリルオオトカゲ[deyumeriruootokage] (n) Dumeril's monitor (Varanus dumerilii, species of carnivorous monitor lizard from Southeast Asia) [Add to Longdo]
トリスティスモニター;トリスティス・モニター[torisuteisumonita-; torisuteisu . monita-] (n) black-headed monitor (Varanus tristis, small species of carnivorous monitor lizard native to Australia); freckled monitor [Add to Longdo]
ナイルモニター;ナイル・モニター[nairumonita-; nairu . monita-] (n) Nile monitor (Varanus niloticus, species of carnivorous monitor lizard native to sub-Saharan Africa); water leguaan [Add to Longdo]
ノドジロオオトカゲ[nodojiroootokage] (n) rock monitor (Varanus albigularis, species of carnivorous monitor lizard found in southern Africa); legavaan; white-throated monitor [Add to Longdo]
ハシゴオオトカゲ[hashigoootokage] (n) banded tree monitor (Varanus scalaris, species of carnivorous monitor lizard native to northwestern Australia); spotted tree goanna [Add to Longdo]
ヒガシベンガルオオトカゲ[higashibengaruootokage] (n) clouded monitor (Varanus nebulosus, species of diurnal carnivorous monitor lizard native to South-East Asia) [Add to Longdo]
ヒャクメオオトカゲ[hyakumeootokage] (n) Argus monitor (Varanus panoptes, species of carnivorous monitor lizard found in northern Australia and southern New Guinea); yellow-spotted monitor [Add to Longdo]
ブラックツリーモニター;ブラック・ツリー・モニター[burakkutsuri-monita-; burakku . tsuri-. monita-] (n) black tree monitor (Varanus beccarii, species of monitor lizard from the Aru Islands of eastern Indonesia); Beccari's monitor [Add to Longdo]
ベンガルオオトカゲ[bengaruootokage] (n) Bengal monitor (Varanus bengalensis, species of carnivorous monitor lizard found widely distributed over South Asia); common Indian monitor [Add to Longdo]
ペレンティーオオトカゲ[perentei-ootokage] (n) perentie (Varanus giganteus, largest species of carnivorous monitor lizard native to Australia) [Add to Longdo]
ホオスジオオトカゲ[hoosujiootokage] (n) Kimberley rock monitor (Varanus glauerti, species of carnivorous monitor lizard native to northern Australia); Glauert's monitor [Add to Longdo]
ボガートホソオオトカゲ[boga-tohosoootokage] (n) Louisiade tree monitor (Varanus bogerti, species of carnivorous monitor lizard) [Add to Longdo]
マルガヒメオオトカゲ[marugahimeootokage] (n) stripe-tailed Goanna (Varanus gilleni, species of carnivorous monitor lizard native to northwestern and central Australia) [Add to Longdo]
マングローブオオトカゲ;マングローブモニター[manguro-buootokage ; manguro-bumonita-] (n) mangrove monitor (Varanus indicus, species of carnivorous monitor lizard from the Western Pacific); mangrove goanna; Western Pacific monitor lizard [Add to Longdo]
ミッチェルオオトカゲ[micchieruootokage] (n) Mitchell's water monitor (Varanus mitchelli, species of carnivorous monitor lizard native to Australia) [Add to Longdo]
メルテンスオオトカゲ;メルテンスモニター[merutensuootokage ; merutensumonita-] (n) Mertens' water monitor (Varanus mertensi, species of carnivorous monitor lizard found in northern Australia) [Add to Longdo]
ヨジリオオトカゲ[yojiriootokage] (n) Timor monitor (Varanus timorensis, species of small carnivorous monitor lizard native to Indonesia); spotted tree monitor [Add to Longdo]
リッジテールモニター;リッジテール・モニター[rijjite-rumonita-; rijjite-ru . monita-] (n) ridge-tailed monitor (Varanus acanthurus, species of monitor lizard found throughout the arid northern regions of Australia); spiny-tailed monitor [Add to Longdo]
レースオオトカゲ;レースモニター[re-suootokage ; re-sumonita-] (n) lace monitor (Varanus varius, species of carnivorous monitor lizard found in eastern Australia); lace goanna [Add to Longdo]
ローゼンバーグオオトカゲ[ro-zenba-guootokage] (n) Heath monitor (Varanus rosenbergi, species of carnivorous monitor lizard found in Australia); Rosenberg's monitor [Add to Longdo]
黄金大蜥蜴[こがねおおとかげ;コガネオオトカゲ, koganeootokage ; koganeootokage] (n) (uk) (See イエローヘッドモニター) quince monitor (Varanus melinus, species of carnivorous monitor lizard native to Indonesia); yellow-head monitor [Add to Longdo]
黒細大蜥蜴[くろほそおおとかげ;クロホソオオトカゲ, kurohosoootokage ; kurohosoootokage] (n) (uk) (See ブラックツリーモニター) black tree monitor (Varanus beccarii, species of monitor lizard from the Aru Islands of eastern Indonesia); Beccari's monitor [Add to Longdo]
尻棘大蜥蜴[しりとげおおとかげ;シリトゲオオトカゲ, shiritogeootokage ; shiritogeootokage] (n) (uk) (See トリスティスモニター) black-headed monitor (Varanus tristis, small species of carnivorous monitor lizard native to Australia); freckled monitor [Add to Longdo]

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