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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
高棉[Gāo mián, ㄍㄠ ㄇㄧㄢˊ,  ] Cambodia; Kampuchea; Khmer #38,075 [Add to Longdo]
红色高棉[hóng sè gāo mián, ㄏㄨㄥˊ ㄙㄜˋ ㄍㄠ ㄇㄧㄢˊ,     /    ] Red Khmers; Cambodian revolutionary army in the 1970s [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Rouge, too?[CN] 高棉,太? Princess Mononoke (1997)
Second, take her to Cambodia. Get her lobster. Pay more than a dollar.[CN] 然后带她去高棉吃龙虾大餐,别只花一块钱 Men in Black II (2002)
Laotian? Vietnamese? You forgot this.[CN] 还是高棉文老挝文,或是越南文 Fureur (2003)
Khmers with buffaloes aren't that easy to find![CN] 那些放牛的高棉人可不容易找 The Buffalo Boy (2004)
We raised the 25, 000 dollars so now we can bring the genius Samnang out of Cambodia and bring him here to study at Westport.[CN] 我們可以讓天才宋洋離開高棉... 到我們學校唸書 The Girl Next Door (2004)
That's Khmer Rouge.[CN] 那是红色高棉. Beyond Borders (2003)
But the last Cafe Rouge we passed was in Winchester.[CN] 但最后的咖啡高棉 我们通过在温彻斯特。 The Harry Hill Movie (2013)
- It's an old Khmer tune.[CN] -这是一首高棉人的老曲子 The Buffalo Boy (2004)
Can't we approach the Khmers?[CN] 你说,我们找找那些高棉人怎么样? The Buffalo Boy (2004)
Cambodia[CN] 高棉 The Girl Next Door (2004)
Cambodia actually.[CN] 高棉 Cruel Intentions 2 (2000)
I know it was the Khmer one, but still.[CN] 害死了300万人 3 millions de morts. 高棉族 柬埔寨的主要民族 我知道是高棉族 但也算数 Je sais c'étaient les Khmers, mais ça comptent quand même. What's in a Name? (2012)
I wanted to go to Cambodia. You can get a lobster dinner for a dollar.[CN] 我一直想去高棉,那儿的龙虾大餐只要一块钱 Men in Black II (2002)
Third, the second y'all get back from Cambodia move your bum ass out of your mom's house.[CN] 你一从高棉回来... ... 就搬出你老妈的家 Men in Black II (2002)
Well, if we don't have anything for the Khmer Rouge, we're in deep shit.[CN] 喔, 如果我们没有东西给红色高棉, 我们有大麻烦了. Beyond Borders (2003)
No, he didn't. It was a Khmer.[CN] 不,他没有,是一位高棉 City of Ghosts (2002)
- It was Kampuchea at the time.[CN] - 当时叫高棉 Edison (2005)
This is Chateau Rouge.[CN] 这是酒庄高棉 Le Week-End (2013)
Find those assholes, Rouge and Blue.[CN] 探索高棉和蓝色的混蛋。 Dick Figures: The Movie (2013)
The Khmer Rouge-- rouge being very much the appropriate color-- used Pailin as a hideout.[CN] 红色高棉 -- 红色是恰当的颜色 Beyond Borders (2003)
Cambodian.[CN] 高棉 Escape from Dragon House (2008)
But when the future finally came there was more war the Cambodians, the Chinese.[CN] 等到终於赢得未来 战争却未曾止歇 高棉,中国 Heaven & Earth (1993)
Khmer Rouge kill our doctor.[CN] 红色高棉把我的医生谋杀了. Beyond Borders (2003)
- You wanna go to Cambodia?[CN] -你想去高棉吗? Men in Black II (2002)
THAT'S HIGH COTTON, BLOOD.[CN] THAT'S高棉价,血。 The Prince (2014)
A container will be dropped off the coast of Burma in the Mergui archipelago.[CN] 有一个容器将会被投至 高棉海岸的 有一个容器将会被投至 高棉海岸的 满古群岛附近 Thunderball (1965)
And he's been spotted in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Iraq, Iran, Beirut and Cambodia.[CN] 他也曾出没在... 阿富汗、伊拉克、伊朗 贝鲁特、高棉 The World Is Not Enough (1999)
No, he's Cambodian.[CN] 他是高棉 The Girl Next Door (2004)
Communist coalition forces headed by the Khmer Rouge versus Communist Vietnamese running the government.[CN] 红色高棉领导的共产主义联军 加上越共当权. Beyond Borders (2003)
Could be bandits, ex-Khmer Rouge.[CN] 是除了高棉人的强盗 City of Ghosts (2002)
The Khmer Rouge![CN] 红色高棉! No Man's Land (2001)
No. It's in Khmer.[CN] 不懂是高棉 City of Ghosts (2002)

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