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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
预知[yù zhī, ㄩˋ ㄓ,   /  ] anticipate; foresee #22,088 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
What happens next is anybody's guess.[CN] 接下来会发生什么就不可预知 The Andromeda Strain (2008)
You've always been more unpredictable than your flesh and blood counterparts.[CN] 你一直都比你的实体副本更难以预知 Torn (2006)
EVP, the white light, precognition, all that kind of stuff.[CN] 超自然电子异象 白光 预知 诸如此类 White Noise 2: The Light (2007)
He can see the future.[CN] 他能预知未来 Chapter Six 'Dying of the Light' (2008)
Men and women are erratic, unpredictable, and irrational.[CN] 男人和女人都是古怪 不可预知 不理性的生物 I Wanna Rock and Roll All Knight (2008)
You never know who'll beat you to the money.[CN] 无法预知谁将把你打败 My Tutor Friend 2 (2007)
Even know future events.[CN] 甚至预知未来 Next (2007)
Pakal appears to be and kind of stick.[CN] Pakal看起来 是一位有预知能力的萨满. 2012: Science or Superstition (2009)
'An act of terrorism is unpredictable, arbitrary.[CN] 恐怖袭击无法预知 Incendiary (2008)
No one knows what lies at the edge of this endless world.[CN] 在无止尽的世界尽头 没人知道会发生什么事 即使是凑巧也无妨若能预知未来 King of Thorn (2009)
If we'd anticipated this, we could have made a lot of money.[CN] 要是预知此劫,就能海捞一票 The Taking of Pelham 123 (2009)
Because they tell you what's gonna happen in the future?[CN] 因为他们能预知未来? Chapter Four 'Collision' (2006)
An unknown chapter lies ahead[CN] 一个无法预知的未来在等待我们 Underworld: Evolution (2006)
Not the future.[CN] 不是预知未来 Chapter Six 'Dying of the Light' (2008)
So what do you want me to do with the precog?[CN] 那个有预知能力的人怎么处理? Chapter Six 'Better Halves' (2006)
You never know what can happen and we really want security for her.[CN] 你无法预知未来,我们真的想要给她以安全感。 Sorry, If I Love You (2008)
All these great things we've still got to do in the northern part of the Sea of Cortez.[CN] 天气会充满着无法预知的危险 Sea of Cortez (2008)
You know it's coming, you make a great deal with $2 million.[CN] 预知此事,用两百万就能赚大钱 The Taking of Pelham 123 (2009)
Anna saw the celebrity thing coming way before everybody else jumped on that bandwagon.[CN] 早在所有人跟风之前 安娜就已经预知会有明星效应 The September Issue (2009)
If the Bearded Wonder predicts the future, he wouldn't be here.[CN] 如果这个大胡子能预知未来 他就不会在这了 Flashes Before Your Eyes (2007)
It's a precognitive state often confused with intuition... in which the brain perceives the deep logic... underlying transitory human existence, unaided by the conscious mind... materializing much as you did just now.[CN] 预知状态经常跟直觉混淆 直觉是靠头脑感知 短暂人生的深奥逻辑 无法诉诸意识的理智 The X Files: I Want to Believe (2008)
It is so clearly betterto go into the terrible situation with a known risk than... to take an alternative with an ambiguous outcome... where the hazards are much worse for Americans and the whole world and General with all due respect if you weren't so worried about your career...[CN] 你宁愿放弃一个预知风险的方法 却采纳一个后果不明朗的方案 该结果是会严重危害 美国人与及全球人类 Futureshock: Comet (2007)
There are cases where going through a traumatic experience could make people more sensitive to premonitions, psychic tendencies.[CN] 曾经有过这样的案例 极度痛苦的经历 导致当事人能在某种程度上预知未来和通灵 Dead in the Water (2005)
They see you coming.[CN] 他们能预知你的到来 Chapter Six 'Dying of the Light' (2008)
So predictable So confused I'm at a loss for words to explain my mood[CN] # 即一切预知 又如此烦恼 # # 我无言来表达我的心情 # Smart People (2008)
Need I remind you, this man's seen things.[CN] 我得要提醒你们 这人有预知能力 He's Our You (2009)
But I am no prophet.[CN] 但我不能预知未来 Elizabeth: The Golden Age (2007)
Well, I guess you saw this comin', huh?[CN] 我想 你已经预知了这一切? Sparks Fly Out (2008)
Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the man who knows what you're going to do before you do it.[CN] 女士们、先生们 我这有位先生,他能预知你们的想法 Next (2007)
I don't believe for one minute that I have a sense of what's gonna happen or a sense of real change the way Grace does.[CN] 我从来不认为 我有预知未来的能力 或者是像格蕾丝创新的能力 The September Issue (2009)
And not just visions either.[CN] 而且不止是预知 No Rest for the Wicked (2008)
I take it that as an Anglican bishop you wouldn't deny miracles, and I think you ought to, to be consistent with what you've just been saying.[CN] 我想,如果上帝会 奇迹的时候, 生活在一种世界 "爱丽丝梦游仙境" 将是不可预知的,我们可以 有一个理性的对话。 Root of All Evil? (2006)
On the same day, my visions fail me for the first time.[CN] 在同一天 我的预知能力出现失误 The Air I Breathe (2007)
The body's healing powers are unpredictable, but 48 to 72 hours is the normal.[CN] 人的自我修复能力是无法预知的 不过一般来说应该是在48到72小时之间 Bloodshot (2009)
Have you ever wished you could look into the future?[CN] 你曾希望能预知未来吗 The Butterfly Effect 2 (2006)
It's still about change and still untraceabIe.[CN] 但是 而且无法预知 Trailer Park Boys: The Movie (2006)
Precognition, the light you're seeing, all that is part of supernatural white noise.[CN] 你所见到的有预知性的白光 就是超自然现象的一种 White Noise 2: The Light (2007)
- You always said how unpredictable life is.[CN] - 你总是说生活是不可预知 Cassandra's Dream (2007)
# The future's not ours to see[CN] # 我们无法预知未来 # Mary and Max (2009)
But the summer ahead will be fleeting and far from easy[CN] 但在这片不可预知的荒野中 即将到来夏天是短暂的 Summer (2009)
I mean, there's just chaos and violence. Random, unpredictable evil that comes out of nowhere and rips you to shreds.[CN] 只有混乱 暴力和无序 还有不知从哪儿来的无法预知的魔鬼 Houses of the Holy (2007)
That I expected this?[CN] 听我说预知会这样? Impact Point (2008)
In India, I once met a man who predicted his own death right down to the number and the placement of the bullets that killed him.[CN] 有一次在印度遇到一个男人 他能预知自己 是被多少子弹,从哪个角度 击中而死的 Sherlock Holmes (2009)
Nothing predictive if that's what you're asking.[CN] 如果你问有没有预知未来的 没有 Chapter Eleven 'Fallout' (2006)
Predictability takes all the fun[CN] 如果可以预知一段关系的话 I Wanna Rock and Roll All Knight (2008)
That you're special, in that ESP vision kind of way.[CN] 你很特殊,有超能力 预知幻觉的能力 No Rest for the Wicked (2008)
That's our hope, but the brain's tricky.[CN] 那是我们的希望 但事关大脑 你永远不能预知 Honeymoon (2005)
- What can a guy expect?[CN] 一个人能预知什么? The Hive (2008)
But the thing is you just never know.[CN] 但问题是 你永远无法预知 A Single Man (2009)

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