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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Japanese-Thai: Longdo Dictionary (UNAPPROVED version -- use with care )  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
頭取[とうどり, toudori] กรรมการผู้จัดการใหญ่
頭取[とうどり, toudori] (n) กรรมการผู้จัดการใหญ่

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
頭取[とうどり, toudori] (n) (1) (bank) president; (2) greenroom manager (in a theater); (P) #11,829 [Add to Longdo]
頭取[おんどとり, ondotori] (n) forward planning; planning; planner; leader [Add to Longdo]
頭取[てんとうとりひき, tentoutorihiki] (n) over-the-counter transaction (financial) [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
The bank director was held in high regard.その頭取は尊敬を集めていた。
He is the president of the bank.彼は銀行の頭取だ。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
he is currently being held accountable for the 500 million yen loan mishap.[JP] (専務)しかし頭取 彼は今 5億の融資事故で 責任を問われてるところなんです Episode #1.1 (2013)
It's the Chairman.[JP] 頭取 Episode #1.6 (2013)
I'll go explain the situation to the Chairman now. give me a call no matter what time it is.[JP] 今から 頭取に説明してくる はい 湯浅社長から電話があったら 何時でもいい 連絡くれ Episode #1.7 (2013)
Okay, so we'll take out the bone, and then treat it[CN] 我們會把骨頭取出 然後用高劑量輻射殺死癌細胞 Can't Fight Biology (2010)
Let's play a game, Mr. President. It's called Spin the Dial.[JP] ゲームをしよう 頭取さん ダイヤル回しゲームだ Public Enemies (2009)
Chairman?[JP] 頭取は どうご覧になりますか? Episode #1.1 (2013)
Hanzawa right now is like a trusty sword to Chairman Nakanowatari.[JP] 今の半沢は 中野渡頭取の 懐刀みたいなもんだからな Episode #1.10 (2013)
Please don't mind me.[JP] お気遣いなく 私は頭取として Episode #1.9 (2013)
Chairman.[JP] 頭取 Episode #1.9 (2013)
I can imagine how pleased Director Owada is to get the best of[JP] 今回 中野渡頭取を筆頭とする 旧東京第一出身のやつらを➡ Episode #1.1 (2013)
this Hanzawa-kun. and grit to easily defeat you in argument.[JP] 《なかなか骨のある男じゃないか その半沢君は》 《頭取を目指す上昇志向に》 《君を簡単に論破する技能と 知恵と度胸を兼ね備えている》 Episode #1.2 (2013)
Why the Chairman?[JP] 頭取が どうして? Episode #1.6 (2013)
Can you possibly ask them for more time?[JP] (乾)頭取のお力で 延期してもらえませんか? Episode #1.6 (2013)
It's my chairman.[JP] 頭取からだ The Blind Banker (2010)
It's the Chairman's order. I couldn't say no.[JP] しょうがないよ 頭取命令なんだ さすがに逆らえない Episode #1.6 (2013)
Director Kishikawa seems to be under the weather...[JP] 頭取 岸川部長は少し体調が... Episode #1.10 (2013)
I don't know if he doesn't realize his place or what. aiming to be the chairman isn't it?[JP] まったく 身の程知らずというか 何というか まあ 銀行に入ったからには 頭取を目指すのは Episode #1.2 (2013)
Hanzawa was ordered by the Chairman to save the bank from that crisis.[JP] 我が行の経営そのものが 揺るぎかねない <そんな銀行の危機を救うよう 半沢は頭取から命令される> Episode #1.8 (2013)
Sir William's office - the bank's former chairman.[JP] 頭取の ウイリアム卿のオフィスだ The Blind Banker (2010)
Chairman.[JP] 頭取 Episode #1.1 (2013)
and the Chairman will be fired.[JP] ≪(内藤)そうなれば 我が行は破綻をきたし 頭取のクビがとぶ➡ Episode #1.6 (2013)
394.571) }Member of the Former Tokyo Daiichi Bank Managing Director Takagi Chairman Nakanowatari is very concerned too.[JP] 中野渡頭取も 大変 心配しておられた Episode #1.4 (2013)
I'm supposed to have the Chairman take a look at it tomorrow before it gets brought up at the board meeting as an agenda item.[JP] 取締役会に議題としてあげる前に 明日 頭取に見せることになってる Episode #1.10 (2013)
A letter addressed to the Chairman was delivered from the Financial Services Agency.[JP] 金融庁から 頭取宛てに書面が送られてきた Episode #1.10 (2013)
Was it Executive Director Owada's objective to get the bank driven into a corner by FSA? causing his downfall.[JP] えッ 大和田常務の狙いは うちが金融庁から 追い込まれることだったの? その責任を 中野渡頭取に取らせ Episode #1.8 (2013)
My son is right, but when the bank CEO does it, they bail him out with our money.[JP] そうだ それなのに頭取は 金で保釈したんだ A Stitch in Time (2012)
What is your opinion in regards to the content of this report?[JP] 頭取は どう思われますか? この報告書の内容について Episode #1.10 (2013)
Chairman Nakanowatari.[JP] どうか ご安心ください 中野渡頭取 Episode #1.6 (2013)
The downfall of the Chairman?[JP] 頭取の失脚? Episode #1.10 (2013)
- What is the Chairman saying?[JP] 頭取は 何と? Episode #1.8 (2013)
The Chairman was called to the Financial Services Agency on a short notice and will not be attending.[JP] (高木)頭取は 急きょ➡ 金融庁に呼ばれて ご欠席だ➡ Episode #1.4 (2013)
I'm meeting the president of Toto Bank.[JP] 今夜 駄目だな~。 とうと銀行の頭取と 会うからさ。 Second Virgin (2010)
and Iseshima too...[JP] 私が負ければ頭取は交代 伊勢島も Episode #1.8 (2013)
I feel bad making the Chairman accompany us all the way down here.[JP] 申し訳ないわね 頭取に こんな場所まで つきあわせて Episode #1.9 (2013)
Hanzawa was ordered to be the banker in charge by the Chairman.[JP] 半沢は 頭取の指示で 担当を任されたんですよ Episode #1.8 (2013)
Chairman Hanzawa.[JP] (渡真利)偉くなっても 口きいてくださいね 半沢頭取 Episode #1.1 (2013)
There really might come a day when he becomes the chairman.[JP] 本当に あいつが頭取になる日が 来るかもしれないな Episode #1.10 (2013)
He must have a ve~ry good reason for doing so.[JP] 頭取なりの深~い お考えがあってのことだ Episode #1.9 (2013)
I don't know either! the next chairman's position isn't out of reach.[JP] 》 《私にも分かりません》 上層部が皆 吹き飛べば じき 頭取も夢ではない Episode #1.10 (2013)
appointed Deputy Manager Hanzawa![JP] 半沢次長を指名したのは 頭取ご自身です! Episode #1.9 (2013)
Hanzawa was entrusted with reviving the hotel.[JP] <半沢は頭取命令によって> <ホテルの再建を 任されることになった> Episode #1.7 (2013)
I'm the one who asked Chairman Nakanowatari to assign you as our banker.[JP] 中野渡頭取にお願いして あなたを指名したのは 私です Episode #1.6 (2013)
The Chairman would like to see you.[JP] 頭取が お呼びだ お~い! Episode #1.10 (2013)
Don't you think even the Chairman's given up on him?[JP] ≪(岸川)さすがに頭取も 見限ったのじゃ? Episode #1.8 (2013)
but Kishikawa has much more to gain by siding with Owada rather than Kurosaki.[JP] いや だけど岸川は 黒崎より大和田についてたほうが はるかに得だよな もし 大和田が頭取になれば Episode #1.10 (2013)
There goes the little banker...[JP] 頭取さんのお通りだ Sky Palace (1994)
The Chairman is well aware of that![JP] そんなことは 頭取も 十分承知していることだよ! Episode #1.9 (2013)
that's being disrespectful to the Chairman.[JP] 頭取に対して 第一 失礼だよ Episode #1.10 (2013)
I'm a mere Executive Director. we won't see the light of day.[JP] たかが常務だよ 頭取の椅子に 中野渡さんが座っているかぎり 我々が 日の目を見ることはないだろう Episode #1.6 (2013)
Get yourself to the Chairman's Office right away. it won't be surprising if it's a unexpected personnel move.[JP] すぐに頭取室へ行ってくれ はい ≪(渡真利)頭取 じきじきの 内示ともなれば➡ Episode #1.10 (2013)

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