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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Japanese-Thai: Longdo Dictionary
朝食[ちょうしょく, choushoku] (n) อาหารเช้า

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
朝食[ちょうしょく, choushoku] (n) breakfast; (P) #18,818 [Add to Longdo]
朝食を取る[ちょうしょくをとる, choushokuwotoru] (exp, v5r) to take breakfast [Add to Longdo]
朝食を出す[ちょうしょくをだす, choushokuwodasu] (exp, v5s) to serve breakfast [Add to Longdo]
朝食[ちょうしょくご, choushokugo] (n-adv, n-t) after breakfast [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
Breakfast will not be served after ten o'clock.10時以降に朝食は出されないだろう。
Could you bring my breakfast to room 305?305号室に朝食をお願いできますか。
I'd like breakfast in my room at 8 sharp.8時きっかりに、自分の部屋で朝食を食べたいんだ。
Iris, what do you usually eat for breakfast?アイリス、君は普段朝食は何を食べているの? [ M ]
Do you always have coffee with your breakfast?あなたはいつも朝食にコーヒーを飲みますか。
Do you usually have tea for breakfast?あなたはふつう朝食に紅茶を飲みますか。
Have you finished breakfast yet?あなたはもう朝食を済ませましたか。
What do you do before breakfast?あなたは朝食の前になにをしますか。
Mrs. West is busy getting breakfast ready.ウエスト夫人は朝食の用意で忙しい。
We have breakfast in the kitchen.うちでは朝食は台所で食べる。
Father is in the habit of reading the paper before breakfast.お父さんは朝食に新聞を読む習慣がある。
It will soon be breakfast time.すぐに朝食の時間になる。
Mr Smith takes a good deal of exercise before breakfast.スミス氏は朝食前に十分に運動する。
Does that include breakfast?それには朝食は含まれていますか。
Does that price include breakfast?それは朝食こみの値段ですか。
We need not have eaten breakfast so early.そんなには早く朝食をとる必要はなかったのに。
I usually have a glass of milk for breakfast.たいてい朝食にコップ一杯の牛乳を飲む。
A little walk will give you a good appetite for breakfast.ちょっと散歩してくれば朝食がおいしく食べられるでしょう。
Tom will have breakfast early tomorrow.トムはあした早く朝食を食べるでしょう。
I had breakfast in pajamas.パジャマのまま朝食を食べた。
Bread and butter is their usual breakfast.バターをぬったパンを、彼らは普通朝食にしている。
Bread and butter is my usual breakfast.バター付きパンは私のいつもの朝食です。
Mike has been making a model plane since breakfast.マイクは朝食後からずっと模型飛行機をつくっている。
What do you think about having breakfast at McDonald's?マクドナルドで朝食を食べませんか。
Mayuko eats bread for breakfast.マユコは朝食にパンを食べる。
Meg is preparing breakfast.メグは朝食を作っています。
Don't forget that, if you are on a diet, skipping breakfast will not help you.もしあなたがダイエット中なら、朝食を抜くのはよくないということを忘れてはいけない。
I did some work after breakfast and went out.わたしは朝食後少し仕事をしてからでかけた。
We were all very happy at breakfast.われわれはみな楽しく朝食をとった。
I had a sustaining breakfast.栄養のある朝食をとった。
I went home and ate a hearty breakfast.家に帰って朝食を腹一杯に食べた。
We have breakfast at seven.我々は7時に朝食をとる。
You need to have breakfast.君は、朝食を食べる必要がある。 [ M ]
What do you have for breakfast?君は朝食に何を食べますか。 [ M ]
The critical period in matrimony is breakfast time.結婚の危険な時期は朝食の時である。
If had eaten breakfast this morning, I would not be hungry now.今朝、朝食を取っていたなら、今、空腹ではないだろうに。
Did you have breakfast this morning?今朝、朝食を食べましたか。
This morning I got up too late to have breakfast.今朝は寝坊したので朝食をとる時間がなかった。
I didn't have breakfast this morning.今朝は朝食を食べなかった。
My father had already finished breakfast when I got up this morning.今朝私が起きたときには、父はもう朝食を済ませていた。
I had breakfast in haste in order to be in time for the first.始発のバスに乗るために、急いで朝食を食べました。
We usually have breakfast at 7:30.私たちはふつう7時半に朝食を食べます。
We ate sandwiches for breakfast.私たちは朝食にサンドイッチを食べた。
We have bread and eggs for breakfast.私たちは朝食にパンと卵をとります。
We used to take a walk before breakfast.私たちは朝食前に散歩するのが習慣だった。
We jog before breakfast every morning.私たちは毎朝食前にジョギングをする。
My grandfather made it a rule to take a walk before breakfast.私の祖父は朝食前に散歩するのを常としていた。
I can't dispense with coffee at breakfast.私は、朝食の時に、コーヒーなしではすませられない。
I have breakfast at seven.私は7時に朝食を摂る。
I had breakfast at 7:30.私は7時半に朝食を食べた。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I too like to walk before breakfast but I wouldn't have gone out alone.[JP] 私も朝食前の 散歩は好きだが ひとり歩きは ごめんこうむりたい And Then There Were None (1945)
Breakfast.[JP] 朝食 Back to the Future (1985)
Or goes for an innocent walk before breakfast.[JP] あるいは朝食前の 罪のない散歩へ出かける And Then There Were None (1945)
- How about breakfast?[JP] - 朝食は? Roman Holiday (1953)
Take your breakfast later.[JP] そのあとが 朝食になります Raise the Red Lantern (1991)
- Have you had your breakfast?[JP] 朝食はまだ? ええ The Intruder (1962)
I'm afraid you'll have to go without breakfast.[JP] 朝食抜きで済ませる ことになりそうだ And Then There Were None (1945)
Good morning, Miss Claythorne. What about breakfast?[JP] おはよう、クレイソーンさん 朝食は? And Then There Were None (1945)
Upon my word, it reminds me greatly of the small summer breakfast room at Rosings![JP] ロージングズの 小さな朝食室のようだ Episode #1.2 (1995)
What about breakfast?[JP] 朝食は? And Then There Were None (1945)
What, is she getting breakfast?[JP] 朝食中かな? Crossroads (1986)
I fixed breakfast for my husband.[JP] 主人の朝食の準備 The Graduate (1967)
I'll make you breakfast.[JP] 朝食作るわ Soylent Green (1973)
"The breakfast with the built-in bounce." - I wrote that line.[JP] 元気の出る朝食"という うたい文句で 12 Angry Men (1957)
I'm having my breakfast[JP] 私は自分の朝食を抱えている Howl's Moving Castle (2004)
Haven't had a real breakfast in a long while[JP] 本物の朝食を持っていなかった 長い間 Howl's Moving Castle (2004)
I'll eat breakfast in town.[JP] 朝食は 町で食うよ Rough Night in Jericho (1967)
I'm sure Howl won't eat any breakfast[JP] 私は、ハウルはどんな朝食を食べないと確信している Howl's Moving Castle (2004)
Well, if I don't stop for breakfast... .[JP] まあ、私が朝食のために 手を止めなければ・・ Forbidden Planet (1956)
- What about breakfast?[JP] 朝食は? Soylent Green (1973)
Father, I'm eating out with Khuyen.[JP] 父さん ぼく 朝食は友達と外で The Scent of Green Papaya (1993)
What I wanted for breakfast.[JP] 朝食に 何を食べるかを Hollow Triumph (1948)
Breakfast is on the house, these are vouchers for free tennis lessons, complimentary skin exfoliant, seaweed body wrap and facial scrub, located in the spa on the club level.[JP] 朝食もこちらで テニス教室も無料です 海藻のボディーパックや スクラブ洗顔料などは 会員制クラブの温泉並みです After the Sunset (2004)
I'm sorry there's no breakfast prepared but you see, my wife ...[JP] 誠にあいすみません 朝食の支度ができません あの、妻が And Then There Were None (1945)
- You wanna come over for breakfast?[JP] - 朝食でも食べに来る? When Harry Met Sally... (1989)
What would you like for breakfast?[JP] 朝食は何がいい? Rough Night in Jericho (1967)
You, I'll have fried for breakfast![JP] 朝食のフライにしてやる! Return to Oz (1985)
- No breakfast yet?[JP] - 朝食はまだかしら? And Then There Were None (1945)
Br eakfast.[JP] 朝食 Turkish Delight (1973)
This week I have left three times to have dinner with him and he/she already speaks of having breakfast.[JP] ディナーは 今週3度目よ... とうとう朝食の話も 始めたわ Scarlet Street (1945)
I will run the dress up for you in time for breakfast.[JP] 私はあなたのドレスを作ります 朝食には間に合います Forbidden Planet (1956)
- We'll have your breakfast going soon.[JP] 朝食は すぐできるから Rough Night in Jericho (1967)
You wanna go for breakfast later?[JP] 後で朝食に行きたいわ Halloween II (1981)
Someone's meeting me in the restaurant.[JP] いえ これから朝食です 約束があるので 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
Come on, I'II give you free breakfast for a week.[JP] 1週間朝食タダにしてあげる A Cinderella Story (2004)
- You want breakfast?[JP] - 朝食は? Brainstorm (1983)
Taking me to breakfast?[JP] 朝食に連れて行ってくれる? Heat (1995)
Have I got time for breakfast?[JP] 朝食は摂れるかな 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
- That's it. We forgot all about breakfast.[JP] - そうだ、朝食をすっかり忘れていた And Then There Were None (1945)
How about some breakfast?[JP] 朝食にしよう Blade Runner (1982)
If you say no, Elwood and I will come here for breakfast, lunch and dinner every day of the week.[JP] いやだと言うなら 俺たちは 朝食とランチとディナーに 毎日でも毎週でも来てやる The Blues Brothers (1980)
It's breakfast time.[JP] 朝食の時間よ A Cinderella Story (2004)
how nice. It's not everyone that has a friend to serve his breakfast.[JP] 朝食を作る友だちなんて めったにいないよ You're in Love, Charlie Brown (1967)
Thanks, I'll have breakfast ready in no time.[JP] ごくろうさま すぐに朝食を 用意するわ Rough Night in Jericho (1967)
Want some breakfast?[JP] - 朝食は? Heat (1995)
8.30, breakfast with the embassy staff.[JP] 8時半 大使館員と朝食 Roman Holiday (1953)
Miss Lang, you're burning breakfast.[JP] ラングさん 朝食が焦げてるよ Rough Night in Jericho (1967)
- You got time for breakfast?[JP] - 朝食を取りました? Starship Troopers 2: Hero of the Federation (2004)
You do look pale, Lizzy. Why don't you have some breakfast?[JP] 顔色が悪いわ 朝食を召し上がれ Episode #1.4 (1995)
Take your coca and a sandwich.[JP] 朝食を食べて Sky Palace (1994)

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
朝食[ちょうしょく, choushoku] Fruehstueck [Add to Longdo]

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