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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
按理[àn lǐ, ㄢˋ ㄌㄧˇ,  ] according to reason; in the ordinary course of events; normally #37,655 [Add to Longdo]
按理[àn lǐ shuō, ㄢˋ ㄌㄧˇ ㄕㄨㄛ,    /   ] it is reasonable to say that... #26,892 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
No. In theory.[CN] 按理是不想 You Could Drive a Person Crazy (2005)
You'd think she'd leave a note.[CN] 按理说也会留封遗书 Episode #2.7 (2011)
'Tis not alone, my inky cloak, good mother, nor customary suits of solemn black, together with all forms, moulds, shows of grief that can denote me truly.[CN] 尽管我披件黑外套 好母亲 按理从俗地穿起丧服 再加上多少眼泪悲哀 Hamlet (1948)
Stands to reason, the two things may go together quite well.[CN] 按理说, 这两件事可以一起去很好。 And So It Goes (2014)
I don't see why it should, but you never know.[CN] 按理说我插不上嘴 但也说不准 Episode #2.7 (2011)
Whose lesson should they be at?[CN] 按理是谁的课? Whose lesson should they be at? We'll Live Till Monday (1968)
It stands to reason that his zombie flesh should contain within it... the genetic code for the reanimation of dead tissue.[CN] 按理说,他的僵尸 肉应该包含在其中. 遗传密码的复苏 对死亡的组织。 My Boyfriend's Back (1993)
That's just not normal. That's not normal by any definition.[CN] 这不正常这按理说一点都不正常 Bang Bang (2014)
He should've been here ages ago. And him being a policeman.[CN] 按理他早该来了 警察应该是比较守时的 Türkisch für Anfänger (2012)
My new friends are predictable.[CN] 我的新朋友都是按理出牌 Oathkeeper (2014)
By rights you should be blind![CN] 按理说,你应该盲了。 Golem (1980)
Friendship is usually less bloodthirsty.[CN] 288) }朋友之間按理不至於如此血刃相見 Francisca (1981)
The logic thing to do was to ask you to go back to the room, however, [CN] 按理说我该要你回房间 The Creature (1977)
They're supposed to be safe there, but they're not.[CN] 按理他们该是安全的 但其实不然 Marine One (2011)
I'm dating a Turkish policeman. A nightmare for my image.[CN] 我在跟一个土耳其警官约会 按理我会把这事归类为噩梦的 Türkisch für Anfänger (2012)
It was supposed to help, but it only made me feel worse.[CN] 按理这药应该有用 但却让我更难受了 Dog Eat Dog (2010)
One would think Master Oogway would choose someone who knew kung fu.[CN] 按理说 乌龟大师会选一个真正会功夫的人 Kung Fu Panda (2008)
Maybe Charmaine was right![CN] { \fnVrinda\fs20\shad1\3cH800000\be1 }按理说 也许这是正确的! Miss Nobody (2010)
Any sudden movements, and I gotta pull the trigger.[CN] 事实上 按理说 我早该这麽做了 Fresh Paint (2010)
It's not reasonable! The robbers've not be disclosed[CN] 按理不會的,那些賊人還沒有去打劫 Coupe de Grace (1990)
But I can't help thinking that tradition demands a little mention of love.[CN] 但我还是想 按理说 两人结合总该提及一点爱情 Episode #2.2 (2011)
Logically speaking, Chai and Bo dolongod to tdo sums gnng[CN] 按理说 很明显柴哥和波叔是同一路人 Conspirators (2013)
It's the Armed Robbery Squad, mate. They don't do business.[CN] 他们可是防抢队啊 不按理出牌 Animal Kingdom (2010)
On principle, I can't negotiate with these people.[CN] 按理说,我不跟这些人谈条件 X-Men: The Last Stand (2006)
And the tests we've run have all come back negative, so I—[CN] 按理說應該有反應的 並沒有起應有的反應 Goodbye for Now (2005)
Sebastian, it's not supposed to take this long.[CN] Sebastian 按理不会要这么长时间的 Into the Blue 2: The Reef (2009)
Normally I shouldn't tell you about such tricks.[CN] 按理说像我这种人 不该给你出这样的招 Keep Cool (1997)
Get to him, we make this thing right.[CN] 按理说就是他掌握着魅蓝有限公司 Stands to reason that he'd be the person holding 全体员工的护照 the passports of all Blue Limit's workers. Undercover! (2016)
Are you gonna... say anything else?[CN] 按理说是必然的 Ghost Rider: Let Me Stand Next to Your Fire (2016)
Assume our suspect's covered in blood.[CN] 按理说疑犯的身上有血迹 Hollow Man II (2006)
I know it should be at my home in London, but we've been through so much here.[CN] 按理应该在我伦敦的家里举办 但我们在这经历了太多事情 Episode #2.7 (2011)
I mean, supposedly everything happens for a reason.[CN] 我的意思是 按理说 事出有因 Bernard and Doris (2006)
But it's lustful and completely meaningless.[CN] 按理說,一定是要停下來的 但它卻讓你很爽,而且無關痛癢 Learning to Lie (2003)
We traveled west-east, and any temporal dislocation that west-east travelers feel works in the opposite direction.[CN] 我们是从西边往东边飞,而按理来说 从西往东的乘客的时差应该完全相反 The Langoliers (1995)
His method is unconventional, but very effective.[CN] 它完全不按理出牌 但是办法很有用 Free Birds (2013)
You know by rights I could take this farm back today, don't you?[CN] 按理说我今天就可以收回这个农场 War Horse (2011)
He is therefore not demented. I must however warn you.[CN] 按理说 他情况不是太坏 不过我要提醒你们 The Chorus (2004)
In theory there should be a flag right about there.[CN] 按理说,这里应该有个标杆旗在这里的 Antarctica: A Year on Ice (2013)
Well, classically, they're not even supposed to speak.[CN] 按理说他们都不应该会说话 Everybody Hates Hitler (2013)
They did go all Benihana on my ass with that knife and it should have killed me, but for some reason it didn't.[CN] 他们离开之后,按理说我也该死了 但是,出于某些原因,我没死 Jennifer's Body (2009)
-So I should be able to understand them.[CN] - 那按理说我应该能听懂的 A Coffee in Berlin (2012)
I know what's going 'round the canteen. The job should have gone to a detective sergeant.[CN] 我知道餐厅里的事 按理说接案子的应该是警长 Girl (2013)
And in charge of security- it stands to reason that you might have an opinion or two about these matters.[CN] 而你又是保安 按理说 你对这些事 应该有自己的看法 Mirrors 2 (2010)
For the crime of disobedience, you should all be executed as common criminals.[CN] 这抗命之罪 按理说你们都应该 像普通罪犯那样被处死 47 Ronin (2013)
It is my speculation only.[CN] 我只是按理推测 Tactical Unit - Human Nature (2008)
- Nothing. It should be hard by now.[CN] - 没,按理说,它早该梆梆硬了 Paradise: Love (2012)
This place should be crawling with Division agents, but you're here alone.[CN] 按理组织的人应该把这儿围个水泄不通 可你却独自前来了 Covenant (2011)
They were rightfully ours, and we wanted them back.[CN] 按理说,女孩的胸部是我们男孩的 我们得去把它们占领回来 High Fidelity (2000)
Auntie Si knew your father when she was 30 something.[CN] 按理说 { \cH00FFFF }{ \3cH2F2F2F }{ \4cH000000 }Auntie Si knew your father 四姐认识你爸爸的时候才三十几岁 { \cH00FFFF }{ \3cH2F2F2F }{ \4cH000000 }when she was 30 something. Gau lung wong hau (2000)
He hasn't come home from his night shift.[CN] 按理应该在夜班之后回家的 Rosenstrasse (2003)

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