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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
抚摸[fǔ mō, ㄈㄨˇ ㄇㄛ,   /  ] to gently caress and stroke; to pet; to fondle #12,572 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
In one instant, Pedro had transformed Tita's breasts from chaste to voluptuous without even touching them.[CN] 那在短短的时间里 拜德罗就让蒂娜的双峰 能够不经抚摸 Like Water for Chocolate (1992)
Please, touch me.[CN] 抚摸我. Maladolescenza (1977)
Now you can afford that bed that lets you read, eat chat on the phone, watch TV, sleep and relax at the touch of a button.[CN] 现在你可以买得起那张床了 那床可以让你读书,吃东西, , 在电话里聊天, 看电视, 睡觉 以及在按钮的抚摸下放松放松 9½ Weeks (1986)
Get ahold of him and feel his hands. Talk to him![CN] 扶着他,抚摸他的手,跟他说话 The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
I already wanted to stroke them.[CN] 我已经想着要抚摸它们。 The Hairdresser's Husband (1990)
Watch how she softly rubs the shaft of the clitoris.[CN] 看看她是怎样轻柔地抚摸阴蒂的 The Lovers' Guide (1991)
Stroking the perineum or stimulating the prostate gland if he's into that, can also bring things back on track in record time.[CN] 抚摸会阴或者刺激前列腺 如果他有感觉 或许可以回到正轨上来 The Lovers' Guide (1991)
Berdykov would sit smiling for days, and stroke a little piece of velvet while Sonja would make him happy by feeding him cookies.[CN] 伯基科夫会成天坐在那儿傻笑, 用一小块天鹅绒抚摸自己的脸。 而索尼亚则拿着甜饼干喂他, 逗他开心。 Love and Death (1975)
You touched me. Don't you remember that?[CN] 抚摸过我 你记不记得 Cries & Whispers (1972)
(Man) Women tend to prefer the gentler approach to men, so notice how her fingers circle around her clitoris or tease her labia, rather than pressing hard or rubbing fast.[CN] 相对男性来说 女性更喜欢温柔的接触 注意她的手指怎样在阴蒂上打圈 怎样抚摸阴唇 并非用力挤压或快速搓动 The Lovers' Guide (1991)
Have you ever... felt each other?[CN] 你们曾经... 彼此抚摸吗? The Cousin (1974)
On some occasions, tender kisses and slow sensual caresses might bring passion to the fore.[CN] 有时候温柔的吻和缓慢的挑逗性抚摸 会给前戏带来激情 The Lovers' Guide (1991)
This mayor stuff is not about power, it's about reaching out to people... touching people, groping people.[CN] 我真的会喜欢上 候选市长这种事 非关权力 而是接触人民 触摸人民 抚摸人民 Batman Returns (1992)
Take your cock and caress it over your pants.[CN] 隔着内裤抚摸你的下体 Law of Desire (1987)
The only thing left for us to do is to touch our bodies.[CN] 我们唯一可做的事是抚摸自己身体 The Night of the Hunted (1980)
Oh! Oh! I'm rubbing my breasts.[CN] 我在抚摸我的胸 Toy Soldiers (1991)
And there's no reason you can't touch yourself while your lover is touching you.[CN] 当你的伴侣抚摸你的时候 你当然也可以抚摸自己 The Lovers' Guide (1991)
I'd play with him, and I'd stroke him, and I'd feed him and feed him and feed him...[CN] 我会跟它玩 我会抚摸它 我还会喂它 喂它 喂它... Dracula (1979)
♪ Love to run my fingers ♪ And toes through all their curls[CN] (爱用我的手指抚摸他们的曲发) Hair (1979)
Stroking, caressing ...[CN] 抚摸 爱抚... X-Rated Girl (1971)
Your touch is worth 100, 000 deaths.[CN] 抚摸这我, 让我死1 00, 000次也可以 Willow (1988)
With the other hand, touch it below.[CN] 用另外一只手抚摸下面 Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom (1975)
When he caressed my chin ...[CN] 抚摸我的下巴时... Justine & Juliette (1975)
The man has easy access to kiss and nibble the neck and shoulders, caress the back or stroke the clitoris during sex.[CN] 男人可以轻松地亲吻或轻咬伴侣的脖子和香肩 以及在性交过程中抚摸背部或揉搓阴蒂 The Lovers' Guide (1991)
With all that dirty touching of his hands all over me.[CN] 喜欢他用他的脏手抚摸我的身体! With all that dirty touching of his hands all over me! Carrie (1976)
He was always kissing and touching her and her sisters.[CN] 他经常亲吻抚摸她和她姐妹 Forrest Gump (1994)
I don't know if you touched his genitals or if he obliged you to hold it.[CN] 抚摸了他的阳具吗? 他强迫了你那样做吗? Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom (1975)
Caress yourself with your fingertips, wherever you like.[CN] 用指尖爱抚你自己 抚摸任何你喜欢的部位 Law of Desire (1987)
There it is again, my feeling of well-being... as if inside my body, a hand was softly tightening.[CN] 我的情绪又好起来 仿佛我的身体里 一只手正在温柔地抚摸 Wings of Desire (1987)
If I had breasts, I'd fondle myself all day long.[CN] 如果我有胸 我一定会每天抚摸自己 Bed & Board (1970)
A sound or a touch.[CN] 一个声音或抚摸 然后我再一次能动了 Awakenings (1990)
The first few times he pulled on my hair... like a mane.[CN] 前几分钟他像负面鬃毛一样 抚摸我的头发 The Decline of the American Empire (1986)
I want to see your body. See you naked. Feel you.[CN] 我想看你的身体 看你裸体 抚摸 Lehrmädchen-Report (1972)
Touch me.[CN] 抚摸我 Touch me. The Natural (1984)
Touched lightly on the eyes of Lucy Jordan[CN] 轻柔地抚摸着露西的眼睛 Thelma & Louise (1991)
(Woman) When it comes to pleasuring your man, explore every last inch of his penis and beyond, stroking him from his balls to the tip of his shaft.[CN] 当你在取悦你的男人的时候 抚摸他阴茎的每个地方 从睾丸一直到阴茎的顶端 The Lovers' Guide (1991)
And burning looks you then must steal.[CN] 抚摸她们的柔腰 机灵的眼睛不时的掂量着 Mephisto (1981)
Does he run his fingers through your hair?[CN] 他会抚摸你的秀发吗? Play Misty for Me (1971)
I'm not running around for his cigarettes while he strokes you.[CN] 我不要为了他跑腿做事 而他却正在抚摸着你 The Cotton Club (1984)
And may I caress this hummingbird?[CN] 我可以抚摸一下这蜂鸟吗? Mournful Unconcern (1987)
Sometimes, as I'm falling asleep I can feel him breathing on my face and touching me with his hand.[CN] 有时 当我入睡的时候 我能感觉到他在我脸上的呼吸 用他的手抚摸着我 Autumn Sonata (1978)
(Woman) For some, a finger traced along the spine, back of the knee or the nape of the neck, can produce a strong and erotic charge as more X-rated exploration.[CN] 对有些人来说 手指抚摸脊柱 膝盖的后侧或是后颈部 能和直接探索性器一样产生强烈的情欲 The Lovers' Guide (1991)
Touch your buttocks.[CN] 抚摸你的臀部 Law of Desire (1987)
We anointed her with my perfume and instructed her not to speak, only to touch.[CN] 我在她身上擦了我的香水 并且教她不要说话, 只是抚摸 Shogun (1980)
And he fondled it, opened it, played with it and kissed it as the healthiest man would've.[CN] 抚摸我的屁股,拨开它 用手捏它,用嘴亲它, 好像是世界上最健康的人一样 Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom (1975)
He'd touch my little flower under my skirt and I'd hold him in my hand.[CN] 他会抚摸我裙下的花朵... -我会把手放他身上 All Ladies Do It (1992)
Caress me![CN] 抚摸我! Successive Slidings of Pleasure (1974)
Now he'll want to inspect you all[CN] { \fn微軟雅黑\bord1\shad0\1cHC8C8C8\b0 }他会抚摸你全身. Street of Joy (1974)
Having made me undress, he made me get on all fours like an animal... and stroking my head two or three times, said...[CN] 在脱掉我的衣服之后, 他命令我像个动物一样爬在地上 在抚摸了我的头两三次后... Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom (1975)
Think it's quite exciting the way you grope and push and you're so bloody hopeless![CN] 认为你抚摸揪扯的方式很令人激动 你个烂人 Deep End (1970)

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