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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
河口(P);川口(P)[かこう(河口)(P);かわぐち(P), kakou ( kakou )(P); kawaguchi (P)] (n, adj-no) mouth of river; estuary; (P) #6,971 [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
Hi, I'm Taro Kawaguchi.どうも、川口太郎です。
You like Kawaguchi.貴方は、川口が好きです。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Lord Dobé and Kawaguchiya[CN] 藤田领主和川口 An Actor's Revenge (1963)
[ Kawaguchi Taro and nephew ][CN] 川口太朗和外甥) Bakuman (2015)
The merchant Kawaguchiya is beside him[CN] 商人川口在他的旁边 An Actor's Revenge (1963)
Kawaguchi will die by my hand tomorrow.[CN] 明天川口就会死在我手上 Assassination (2015)
Kawaguchi Taro[CN] 川口太朗) Bakuman (2015)
Last two pairings. Kawaguchi-Otomo, Senzaki-Mishima.[CN] 川口,大友教官 仙崎,三岛 Umizaru (2004)
Kawaguchi will pair with trainer Otomo.[CN] 川口的拍档,由大友教官负责 Umizaru (2004)
Commander of the Korea garrison. November 7...[CN] 川口真守 Assassination (2015)
And congratulations to Commander Kawaguchi and Mr. Kang In-guk.[CN] 新婚大礼 同时也对我们的 朝鲜驻守军川口司令 以及康寅国社长 Assassination (2015)
Lieutenant Kawaguchi.[CN] 川口大尉 Assassination (2015)
Mr. Kawaguchi has arrived.[CN] 小姐 川口先生已经到了 Assassination (2015)
Atsushi Kawaguchi, Coast Guard Officer, 3rd Class.[CN] 三等海上保安官,川口淳 是 Umizaru (2004)
I killed Kawaguchiya[CN] 我杀了川口 An Actor's Revenge (1963)
Mishima and Senzaki... are adrift, Sir.[JP] 川口) 三島と仙崎が... 流されました Umizaru (2004)
Kawa... Kawa... Kawashima?[CN] 川口 Assassination (2015)
Your uncle was... Kawaguchi Taro...?[CN] 你叔叔是川口太朗吗? Bakuman (2015)
Mishima, Kawaguchi...[JP] ― 三島 川口 ― はい Umizaru (2004)
Atsushi Kawaguchi, 8th Region, Sir.[CN] 第八管辖区,川口 Umizaru (2004)
Kawaguchiya is here[CN] 川口来了 An Actor's Revenge (1963)
Kawaguchi will pair with trainer Otomo.[JP] 川口のバディは 大友教官が務める Umizaru (2004)
He knows very well what Kawaguchiya is doing hoarding rice, too[CN] 他知道川口在干什么... 知道他也在囤积大米 An Actor's Revenge (1963)
Kawaguchi.[CN] 川口 Assassination (2015)
We call a witness to testify that Yem informed Japan of three independence fighters plotting to assassinate[CN] 检方认为 被告人在1933年独立军 暗杀康寅国和川口真守事件中 将三名执行暗杀任务的人员信息泄露给日本方面 Assassination (2015)
Kawaguchi can handle a shot to the leg. - Get in.[CN] 就算是伤到川口 也要进去 Assassination (2015)
Kawaguchi, Mitsuko, are you okay?[CN] 川口 美津子 没事吧 Assassination (2015)
My congratulations on your wedding.[CN] 川口君 美津子小姐 恭祝你二人 Assassination (2015)
I meant, did you tell Lord Dobé or Kawaguchiya?[CN] 我的意思是你没有 告诉藤田或川口 An Actor's Revenge (1963)
Kawaguchi-Otomo, Senzaki-Mishima.[JP] 川口 大友教官 仙崎 三島 Umizaru (2004)
Because Kawaguchi Taro... died.[CN] 因为川口太朗的死 Bakuman (2015)
Kawaguchi![JP] 川口 Umizaru (2004)
Noritaka Kawaguchi I have gotten to know you too well, just like the night when we first quarreled, [CN] 制片: 川口典孝 The Garden of Words (2013)
I see.. so you're teacher was Kawaguchi Taro...[CN] 原来你是川口老师的... Bakuman (2015)
Yes. The Department Chief was definitely stamping his seal of approval this morning.[JP] (川口)はい 今朝 確かに部長が 承認印を押してましたから Episode #1.10 (2013)
Then if Kawaguchi and Kang need to stop for gasoline?[CN] 那么如果 川口和康寅国的车 必须要去加油的话 Assassination (2015)
Business is just like war, Kawaguchiya[CN] 商场如战场 川口 An Actor's Revenge (1963)
It was Dobé, in company with Kawaguchiya and Hiromiya[CN] 是藤田 还有川口 和黑山 An Actor's Revenge (1963)
Kawaguchiya, why all this fuss?[CN] 川口 为什么大惊小怪的? An Actor's Revenge (1963)
Kawaguchi Mamoru and Kang In-guk.[CN] 川口真守和康寅国 Assassination (2015)
Kawaguchi![CN] 川口 Umizaru (2004)
Kawaguchiya[CN] 川口 An Actor's Revenge (1963)
Mishima, Kawaguchi...[CN] 是 三岛、川口 Umizaru (2004)
Kawaguchi is dead![CN] 川口死了 Assassination (2015)
Kawaguchiya enjoyed the performance very much[CN] 川口非常喜欢你的表演 An Actor's Revenge (1963)
I've come as Kawaguchi's special guard.[CN] 不行 我是川口大尉请来的特别警卫 Assassination (2015)
The massacre was led by Kawaguchi Mamoru.[CN] 这场屠杀的幕后主谋就是 第19集团军的指挥官 川口真守 Assassination (2015)
Kawaguchiya and I were born in Nagasaki[CN] 我和川口在长崎出生 An Actor's Revenge (1963)
Kang In-guk, the leading pro-Japanese lapdog, is our second target.[CN] 第二个目标是亲日派走狗康寅国 康寅国与川口二人 Assassination (2015)
I'll take care of this. I'm Kawaguchi's future bride.[CN] 我马上就要成为川口的妻子了 Assassination (2015)
Atsushi Kawaguchi, 8th Region, Sir.[JP] 第8管区 川口 Umizaru (2004)
Dobé, Kawaguchiya and I have been friends a long time[CN] 藤田 川口和我是 多年的老朋友 An Actor's Revenge (1963)

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
川口[かわぐち, kawaguchi] Flussmuendung [Add to Longdo]

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