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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
发扬光大[fā yáng guāng dà, ㄈㄚ ㄧㄤˊ ㄍㄨㄤ ㄉㄚˋ,     /    ] to advocate; to promote; to advertise; to carry out propaganda on behalf of #22,440 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
To further the reach of medicine is one that should be cherished and never allowed to die.[CN] 要将医学发扬光大,那么 就要珍爱生命永远不让她湮灭 Something the Lord Made (2004)
I'm asking you to make an investment, Raysy, in Dodds Motors.[CN] 我一定要把你们的传统发扬光大 Last Orders (2001)
But the 4 great inventions were not developed by foreigners.[CN] 但是中国四大发明... 不又是靠「西人」发扬光大 72 ga cho hak (2010)
It stereotypes and homogenizes homosexuals.[CN] 发扬光大了同性恋。 God Bless America (2011)
Slavery in all its splendor.[CN] 奴隶制度发扬光大 Check to the Queen (1969)
Let him show the world what a marvelous skill that is![CN] 希望他能把长洲人 世世代代的传统发扬光大 My Life as McDull (2001)
I finally found a great way to promote Shaolin kung fu.[CN] 可以将少林武功更加发扬光大 Shaolin Soccer (2001)
In the Mahrisch-Ostrau papers, there's a memo where Eichmann says, [CN] 要将盖世太保的威望发扬光大 The Last of the Unjust (2013)
You should get an act together. - Can you do Barbra Streisand?[CN] 你该发扬光大 能学芭芭拉史翠珊吗? Red Badge (2009)
The Kushans adopted Buddhism and fostered Buddhist culture.[CN] 贵霜人接受了佛教并使佛教文化发扬光大 Spice Routes & Silk Roads (2007)
His patriotic and glorious sacrifice has once again glorified the revolutionary spirit of our forefathers the spirit of sacrifice and struggle writing down the most glorious page in our Air Force history[CN] 其壮烈成仁的忠贞表现 又再一次发扬光大了 先烈勇往直前 牺牲奋斗的革命精神 A Time to Live and a Time to Die (1985)
What I'm looking for is someone who can contribute to what England has given to the world:[CN] 我要寻找的 是一个能将英国的历史发扬光大的人 英国对这个世界所做出的贡献 The Long Good Friday (1980)
I can not tell you how proud I am, followed by traces of the old you, like a dog[CN] 我为你 把我们的事业发扬光大 去当一条护卫犬 Tom and Jerry Meet Sherlock Holmes (2010)
WE GOTTA BRING THAT ONE BACK.[CN] 我们得把这词发扬光大 Zapped (2014)
You're saying, like, do the things you do, go even further with them.[CN] 你在说,继续做自己,发扬光大 也许该在全身粘上成吨的猫毛 The Gang Gets Analyzed (2012)
From being manifest, it becomes brilliant.[CN] 『著则明』 - 发扬光大之后... The Fatal Encounter (2014)
I'd like to start a martial arts school to promote Wing Chun[CN] 我希望将来可以开武馆将咏春发扬光大 The Legend Is Born: Ip Man (2010)
This οId glοriοus traditiοn we're nοw brοught here.[CN] 这是我们的国粹啊必须在海外发扬光大! The Wedding Banquet (1993)
When Chaz Reinhold passed the sacred rules of wedding crashing onto us 12 years ago, he gave us a legacy.[CN] 切斯・廊侯在12年前传授给我们傲客秘诀 我们继承了这份财富,并将它发扬光大, 在我们的努力下开创了新时代! Wedding Crashers (2005)
Our master taught us that kung fu was sacred.[CN] 当年师父叫我们将少林功夫发扬光大 Shaolin Soccer (2001)
And everyone, including the choir, the ensemble, everyone, they're all the stars of the West End that have kept the British musical theatre thriving.[CN] 而每个人 包括合唱 伴舞 每个人 都是西区的明星 是他们将英国音乐剧发扬光大 Les Misérables in Concert: The 25th Anniversary (2010)
I, Chung So, will exert all energy, with all my might, to make authentic Wing Chun prosper for as long as I liνe[CN] 有生之年,必尽全力 将正宗咏春发扬光大 The Legend Is Born: Ip Man (2010)
However, another toad on this same mountain has elaborated this strategy.[CN] 但是同一座山上的另一种蟾蜍 进一步的把这种策略发扬光大 Reptiles & Amphibians (2009)
Flourish[CN] 发扬光大 Ip Man 3 (2015)
May all our schools work side-by-side to promote martial arts and let's present our petition to governor Li together.[CN] 但愿各门各派为武术开天辟地 发扬光大 干了这一杯之后 大家再商量怎么上书总理大人 Once Upon a Time in China III (1992)
It is our duty to develop the legacy of our fathers.[CN] 将先辈遗产发扬光大之责任我们义不容辞。 The Organ (1965)
what I'm doing with all your great ideas.[CN] 你还能亲眼看到我如何把你的点子发扬光大 The Other Woman (2014)

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