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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
中華料理[ちゅうかりょうり, chuukaryouri] (n) (sens) Chinese cooking; Chinese food [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
They serve wonderful Chinese at that restaurant.あのレストランではすばらしい中華料理を出しますよ。
No, Chinese dishes are the best.いや、中華料理がいちばんいいです。
I like Chinese food in general.概して私は中華料理が好きだ。
My wife and I like to go out for Chinese food once in a while.妻と私はときどき好んで中華料理を食べに行く。
Chinese food is no less delicious than French.中華料理はフランス料理と同様に美味しい。
He asked if I liked Chinese food.彼は私に中華料理が好きかどうかたずねた。
He asked if I like Chinese food.彼は中華料理がすきかたずねた。
They regaled me on a Chinese banquet.彼らは私を豪華な中華料理でもてなした。
She cooked us Chinese dishes last night.彼女は昨晩私達に中華料理を作ってくれた。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
That's a Chinese restaurant. This is rinten. Sairyou rinten (discretionary on-site inspection).[JP] 中華料理屋じゃないですか それじゃ 臨店です 裁量臨店 Episode #1.3 (2013)
You get yourself a little of that moo goo gai pan from that chink place around the corner?[JP] モーテルの近くにある 中華料理店か? Bit by a Dead Bee (2009)
End of Baker Street, there's a good Chinese. Stays open till two.[JP] ベーカー街の端に 良い中華料理屋がある A Study in Pink (2010)
I've got some leftover Chinese.[JP] 中華料理が残ってる Strangerland (2015)
You eat Chinese take-out and yogurt.[JP] 中華料理のテイクアウトとヨーグルト The Vest (2011)
- In a Chinese restaurant?[CN] 中華料理 The Mother and the Whore (1973)
- Eight million fingerprints... a man's belt from Macy's- size 32- couple of takeout food containers from a local Chinese restaurant.[JP] 指紋が800万点 メイシーズの男性用ベルト1点 サイズは32 近場の中華料理店の テークアウト容器が若干 The Good Soldier (2011)
You're going to go out for Chinese food in a pair of shorts, and the whole wait staff is gonna be laughing their asses off at you.[JP] 中華料理屋に行ったら 店員全員に笑われるぞ The Dead (2013)
Andie... that wasn't the Chinese.[JP] アンディ 中華料理じゃなかった How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (2003)
I do the same thing every day. I take this walk down to the corner to the Chinese restaurant.[JP] 毎日 角にある 中華料理屋へ行き Small Apartments (2012)
Like, Chinese food?[JP] 中華料理 Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010)
You ordered Chinese food?[JP] パリで中華料理頼んだの? Comet (2014)
Did you not kill your drug dealers in a Chinese restaurant?[JP] 中華料理店でディーラーを 殺してないか? Black Mass (2015)
How about Chinese?[JP] 中華料理は どうですか? The Great Red Dragon (2013)
I think it's funny that your favourite English food is Chinese.[JP] 好きな食べ物が 中華料理って面白い A Brilliant Young Mind (2014)
'I was having some Chinese food when a dark shadow fell on my chop suey. '[JP] 中華料理を食ってると 影におおわれた Farewell, My Lovely (1975)
You had Chinese food.[JP] 中華料理 The Geek in the Guck (2014)
There's the Chinese.[JP] 中華料理が来たわ How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (2003)
We ate really bad Chinese food.[JP] ひどい中華料理だった Serial (Bad) Weddings (2014)
Chinese?[JP] 中華料理か? Léon: The Professional (1994)
Today, it's a Chinese food retrieval robot.[JP] 今は中華料理を 配ってるけど The Robotic Manipulation (2010)
He ate every single takeout meal from the same Chinese restaurant.[JP] 彼は 毎回同じ中華料理店から テイクアウトした食事を食べていた The Rat Race (2012)
Chinese food.[JP] 中華料理だわ The Geek in the Guck (2014)
Howard and I brought Chinese.[JP] ハワードと私が中華料理を持ってきたの I Wasn't Ready (2013)
Some even said he was selling them to the Orientals over in Boston, turning them into chop suey.[JP] ボストンで東洋人に売って 中華料理に使ってたとも... We Are Still Here (2015)
Chinese food is quite easy to get, and it's cheap too, and...[JP] 中華料理も お手軽だ それに安い それに ちょっと待て... Kidnapping Mr. Heineken (2015)

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
中華料理[ちゅうかりょうり, chuukaryouri] chinesisches_Gericht, chinesische_Kueche [Add to Longdo]

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