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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
胸口[xiōng kǒu, ㄒㄩㄥ ㄎㄡˇ,  ] pit of the stomach #9,687 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I sunk the needle in his chest.[CN] " 我把針扎進他胸口 " In a Glass Cage (1986)
Inhale, my beauty, inhale![CN] 尽情的吸进胸口 Lemonade Joe (1964)
I'll wear a picture of you next to my heart.[CN] 我会把你的照片紧贴我的胸口 What Every Frenchwoman Wants (1986)
- You know, when this is over I'd like to celebrate by punching a hole in Monte's chest.[CN] 等这案子完了之后 我会朝蒙弟胸口打个洞来庆祝 Cobra (1986)
Where can I heal my heartache with a glass of Trigger Whisky?[CN] 治愈胸口的痛的 威士忌到底在哪里 哪里 Lemonade Joe (1964)
Put your hand on your heart, and take the oath of allegiance.[CN] 把你的手放在胸口 然后发誓 The Children's Hour (1961)
Where do I finish? Dead with a paper medal on my chest:[CN] 于是乎我死的时候胸口 就会有一个报纸的奖章 Inherit the Wind (1960)
Oh, whither has he gone, of my desires, the champion?[CN] 我的白马王子现在在哪里 胸口就像要裂开 Lemonade Joe (1964)
This is the word "Villainous".[CN] 这个是奸字, 如果你的胸口 Mr. Vampire (1985)
I'm stuck by Cupid's bolt.[CN] 丘比特之箭刺中了胸口 Lemonade Joe (1964)
You must keep it close to your heart, every night.[CN] 你必须天天晚上紧贴你的胸口 The Corruption (1986)
The skin wrinkled all up.[CN] 一烙上去胸口的皮就绉成一堆 Mr. Vampire (1985)

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