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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
表兄[biǎo xiōng, ㄅㄧㄠˇ ㄒㄩㄥ,  ] older male cousin via female line #57,075 [Add to Longdo]
表兄[biǎo xiōng dì, ㄅㄧㄠˇ ㄒㄩㄥ ㄉㄧˋ,   ] male cousins via female line [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
- (Accent Quebec) Jean-Paul cousin Quebec I come to the wedding.[CN] (魁北克口音) 让 -炮锣 我是来自魁北克的表兄 我来参加婚礼 Un plan parfait (2012)
By cons, in heavy type, your cousin, it is browned.[CN] 相反地 要说奇怪的事 你们的表兄 他才是非常奇葩 他还真是个人物 Un plan parfait (2012)
You got cousins and you got aunts and uncles just like everything else and then you got cousins' cousins. And then you have Brian.[CN] 表兄,叔叔,婶婶,远方亲戚数不清 接着还有布莱恩 End of Watch (2012)
Hey. Billy's cousin gets in tomorrow and we need to know about dinner Sunday night.[CN] 嘿 Billy的表兄明天要来 Gone (2012)
So-- You is cousins?[CN] 所以 - 你是表兄弟? Home Again (2012)
Maybe cousin Fernande's found you a room by the main post office.[CN] 可能表兄费尔南德已在邮电总局旁给你找了一间房。 What the Day Owes the Night (2012)
They kept calling my cousin apparently.[CN] 他们一直打给我表兄. Simon Killer (2012)
Your cousin Quebec.[CN] -保罗 你们的魁北克表兄 Un plan parfait (2012)
'I'm spending time with our cousin Carlo and his friends.[CN] '我和我表兄Carlo还有他朋友在一起。 . Simon Killer (2012)
Now I'm staying with my cousin.[CN] 现在我和表兄住了. Simon Killer (2012)
Do you have a cousin who you find attractive?[CN] 你有没有特别迷人的表兄弟 Do you have a cousin who you find attractive? The Stag Convergence (2012)
my cousin who I've been staying with.[CN] 我一起住的表兄. Simon Killer (2012)

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