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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
分居[fēn jū, ㄈㄣ ㄐㄩ,  ] to separate (married couple); to live apart (of husband and wife, family members) #23,669 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
trial separation.[CN] 分居考验! Killshot (2008)
- My wife and I are separated.[CN] - 我和我妻子分居 Good (2008)
We've been separated for a year.[CN] 我们已经分居一年了 Mirror, Mirror (2008)
The American Midwest was mostly settled by Scandinavian and Germanic peoples...[CN] 美国中西部的大部分居民 都是 斯坎迪纳维亚人和日耳曼人后裔 The Barbarian Sublimation (2008)
I didn't know you were separated.[CN] 我不知道你们夫妻分居 World's Greatest Dad (2009)
How's he dealing with the separation?[CN] 他怎么适应父母分居 World's Greatest Dad (2009)
I took the ring off about 18 months ago when we agreed to separate, we agreed to disagree.[CN] 我大概18个月前摘下戒指的 我和妻子同意分居 Burn After Reading (2008)
There's nothing like having an affair with your estranged husband to put the spark back in things.[CN] 没什么比的上跟分居的丈夫... ... 再擦出点小火花了 The Women (2008)
Well, separated, but still.[CN] 虽然分居了 但名号上仍是 Resonance (2009)
Hugo took the initiative to separate.[CN] 雨果主动提出分居 De l'autre côté du lit (2008)
Our marriage was over, so it doesn't really change anything[CN] 我们早就分居 Tokyo Sonata (2008)
He's at a hotel 'cause we're separated.[CN] 他现在住在饭店, 因为我们分居 Did You Hear About the Morgans? (2009)

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