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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
保守[bǎo shǒu, ㄅㄠˇ ㄕㄡˇ,  ] (politically) conservative; guard; keep #6,827 [Add to Longdo]
保守[bǎo shǒu dǎng, ㄅㄠˇ ㄕㄡˇ ㄉㄤˇ,    /   ] conservative political parties #31,581 [Add to Longdo]
保守[bǎo shǒu pài, ㄅㄠˇ ㄕㄡˇ ㄆㄞˋ,   ] conservative faction #31,867 [Add to Longdo]
保守主义[bǎo shǒu zhǔ yì, ㄅㄠˇ ㄕㄡˇ ㄓㄨˇ ㄧˋ,     /    ] conservatism [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
保守[ほしゅ, hoshu] (n, vs) maintenance; conservation; (P) #4,541 [Add to Longdo]
保守[ほしゅとう, hoshutou] (n) Conservative Party (UK, Canada, Japan); (P) #11,200 [Add to Longdo]
保守パネル[ほしゅパネル, hoshu paneru] (n) { comp } maintenance panel [Add to Longdo]
保守契約[ほしゅけいやく, hoshukeiyaku] (n) { comp } maintenance contract [Add to Longdo]
保守[ほしゅけい, hoshukei] (n) conservative [Add to Longdo]
保守系無所属[ほしゅけいむしょぞく, hoshukeimushozoku] (n) conservative without party affiliation [Add to Longdo]
保守車両[ほしゅしゃりょう, hoshusharyou] (n) maintenance train; railway maintenance vehicle [Add to Longdo]
保守主義[ほしゅしゅぎ, hoshushugi] (n) conservatism [Add to Longdo]
保守新党[ほしゅしんとう, hoshushintou] (n) New Conservative Party (defunct Japanese political party) [Add to Longdo]
保守[ほしゅせい, hoshusei] (n) maintainability; serviceability [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
The Conservative Party won the election in 1992.1992年の選挙では保守党が勝利を収めた。
Any political party is conservative in itself.いかなる政党も本質的に保守的である。
Englishmen are, on the whole, conservative.イギリス人は概して保守的である。
The English are said to be conservative.イギリス人は保守的だと言われている。
The union has a dominant influence on the conservative party.その組合は保守党に対して支配的な影響力をもつ。
The union exerts a dominant influence on the conservative party.その労働組合は保守党に対して支配的な影響力を行使する。
Speaking with reporters in Montreal, Canada, Walesa says the change of leadership in East Germany came about because the old guard leaders missed the train of history.モントリオールで報道人と会見したワレサ氏は、東ドイツ指導部の交代は、旧体制の保守は指導者らが歴史の流れに取り残されたために起きた、と述べました。
Englishman are, on the whole, conservative.英国人は概して保守的である。
The English are generally a conservative people.英国人は概して保守的な国民である。
On the whole, the Japanese are conservative.概して、日本人は保守的である。
On the whole, the older a man grows, the more conservative he becomes.概して、年をとるとますます保守的になります。
We are a conservative people.私たちは保守的な国民だ。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
People in Virginia's northwest region had different ideals than those from the traditional deep south.[JP] 北西地域の人々は 保守的な南部の住民... Pilot (2009)
- A conservative Catholic sect.[JP] - 保守的なカトリック宗派。 The Da Vinci Code (2006)
But that doesn't matter.[CN] 但无所谓了 Bob Bennett 参院中最保守的议员 The 112th Congress (2012)
The unknown intruder knocked out a Seven Seas Navigator maintenance worker.[JP] 侵入者は 保守係を襲って 制服を奪い After the Sunset (2004)
And then Wanda cou/dn't ho/d on to the secret any /onger.[CN] 而后 温塔终于再也不能保守那个秘密了 Penelope (2006)
It's kind of a secret. You can keep a secret, can't you, Polly?[CN] 这是个秘密,波莉, 你能保守这个秘密的,不是吗? Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (2004)
The conservative solution is we need more police.[CN] 保守的解决方案是增加警力 The Pervert's Guide to Ideology (2012)
Uptight, me?[CN] 保守小心眼儿 我? Ghost of Oogway (2011)
Well, you don't really seem like the adventurous type, you know?[JP] 思うに ―― 保守的な人が好みなのかい? The Italian Job (2003)
What would be great is if they ever need servicing or changing out you could do that yourself while no one else is around.[JP] 仮に保守や変更が必要なら 誰もいない間に自分で やってくれると助かる A Scanner Darkly (2006)
I'm not so sure you want the maintenance and safety department. The fire department might be a better bet.[JP] 保守点検担当よりも 防災担当者に聞かれた方が... Someone's Watching Me! (1978)
Can you keep a secret?[CN] 你能保守秘密吗? Chapter Eleven 'Fallout' (2006)

Japanese-English: COMPDICT Dictionary
保守[ほしゅ, hoshu] maintenance [Add to Longdo]
保守パネル[ほしゅぱねる, hoshupaneru] maintenance panel [Add to Longdo]
保守契約[ほしゅけいやく, hoshukeiyaku] maintenance contract [Add to Longdo]
保守[ほしゅせい, hoshusei] maintainability, serviceability [Add to Longdo]
保守[ほしゅばん, hoshuban] maintenance panel [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
保守[ほしゅてき, hoshuteki] konservativ [Add to Longdo]

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