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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Japanese-Thai-English: Saikam Dictionary
引っ越す[ひっこす, hikkosu] TH: ย้ายบ้าน  EN: to move
引っ越す[ひっこす, hikkosu] TH: ย้ายถิ่นฐาน
越す[こす, kosu] TH: เกิน
引越す[ひきこす, hikikosu] TH: การย้ายบ้านไปอยู่แห่งใหม่  EN: to move (house)
引越す[ひきこす, hikikosu] TH: การย้ายที่อยู่  EN: to change quarters

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
一山越す[ひとやまこす, hitoyamakosu] (exp, v5s) to go over the hump; to get successfully through the bulk of the work [Add to Longdo]
引っ越す(P);引越す(io);引き越す;引っこす[ひっこす(引っ越す;引っこす)(P);ひきこす(引越す;引き越す), hikkosu ( hikkosu ; hikko su )(P); hikikosu ( hikkosu ; biki kosu )] (v5s, vi) to move (house); to change residence; (P) [Add to Longdo]
越す(P);超す(P)[こす, kosu] (v5s) (1) to cross over (e.g. mountain); to go across; (2) to go over (e.g. with audience); (3) to pass time (e.g. a winter); (4) (often 超す) to surpass; to be better than; to exceed; (5) to move house; (6) (hon) (See お越し) to go; to come; (P) [Add to Longdo]
寄越す(P);寄こす;遣す[よこす, yokosu] (v5s, vt) (1) to send; to forward; (2) to hand over (e.g. money); (P) [Add to Longdo]
繰り越す;繰越す[くりこす, kurikosu] (v5s, vt) to carry forward (i.e. on a balance sheet); to transfer [Add to Longdo]
見越す[みこす, mikosu] (v5s, vt) to anticipate; to foresee [Add to Longdo]
差し越す[さしこす, sashikosu] (v5s, vi) to go out of turn; to send [Add to Longdo]
山を越す[やまをこす, yamawokosu] (exp, v5s) (See 峠を越す) to surmount a difficulty; to go across a mountain [Add to Longdo]
持ち越す[もちこす, mochikosu] (v5s, vt) (See 持ち越し) to carry over; to carry forward; to keep (for later); to defer; (P) [Add to Longdo]
借り越す[かりこす, karikosu] (v5s) to overdraw [Add to Longdo]
勝ち越す[かちこす, kachikosu] (v5s, vi) to have more wins than losses; to lead (someone) by (three) matches; (P) [Add to Longdo]
乗り越す(P);乗越す(P)[のりこす, norikosu] (v5s, vt) to ride past; to pass; to outdistance; (P) [Add to Longdo]
申し越す[もうしこす, moushikosu] (v5s, vt) to send word to; to write to [Add to Longdo]
先を越す[さきをこす;せんをこす, sakiwokosu ; senwokosu] (exp, v5s) to take the initiative; to forestall; to beat to the punch [Add to Longdo]
追い越す(P);追越す;追いこす[おいこす, oikosu] (v5s, vt) (1) (See 追い抜く・おいぬく・1) to pass (e.g. car); to overtake; (2) (See 追い抜く・おいぬく・2) to surpass; to outstrip; to get ahead of; to outdistance; (P) [Add to Longdo]
通り越す[とおりこす, toorikosu] (v5s, vi) to go past (a place or thing); to go beyond [Add to Longdo]
度を越す[どをこす, dowokosu] (exp, v5s) (See 度を過ごす) to go too far [Add to Longdo]
峠を越す[とうげをこす, tougewokosu] (exp, v5s) to cross over a pass; to finish the most difficult part; to be over the worst (e.g. an illness) [Add to Longdo]
年を越す[としをこす, toshiwokosu] (exp, v5s) to enter a new year [Add to Longdo]
罷り越す[まかりこす, makarikosu] (v5s, vi) to visit; to call on [Add to Longdo]
飛び越す;跳び越す;飛越す;跳越す[とびこす, tobikosu] (v5s, vt) to leap over [Add to Longdo]
負け越す;負越す[まけこす, makekosu] (v5s) to have more losses than wins [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
By 2030 twenty-one percent of its population will be over sixty-five.2030年までには、全人口の21パーセントが65歳を越すようになる。
I hear you Americans like to move from place to place.あなた方アメリカ人はあちこち引っ越すのが好きだそうですね。
This job will mean moving to another city.この仕事を引き受けると他の町へ引っ越すことになるだろう。
Only I was able to jump across the stream then.そのとき私だけが小川を跳び越すことができた。
We would move to a bigger house if we had more money.もっとお金があれば、もっと大きな家に引っ越すでしょう。
Many retired people move to the Sunbelt to enjoy sports such as golf or tennis in a milder climate.より温暖な気候の中でゴルフやテニスといったスポーツを楽しもうと陽光地帯(サンベルト)へ引っ越す退職者も多い。
Can you help me when I move?引っ越すとき手伝ってもらえますか。
I had a hand in the family deciding to move to New York.家族がニューヨークに引っ越す決意をしたのは、私に関係があることだった。
Our present house is too small, so we decided to move.今の家は狭すぎるので、引っ越す事にした。
The work wasn't finished at 11:00PM Friday, so they decided to carry it over to the following Monday.仕事は金曜日の11時に終わらなかったので、次の月曜日に持ち越すことにした。
We will move into our new house next month if it is completed by then.私たちは、それまでに完成していれば、来月新しい家に引っ越すつもりだ。
I'm not moving out of range of that telephone.私はその電話の届く範囲より遠くに引っ越すわけではない。
The ship will cross the line tonight.船は今夜赤道を越すだろう。
An individual with an annual income of more than 15 million yen is required to file his or her final tax return in March.年間所得が1500万円を越す人は毎年3月に確定申告しなければならない。
He gave me chapter and verse on how bears pass the winter.彼はクマがどうやって冬を越すのかをくわしく語ってくれた。
He could not live out the year.彼は年を越すことができなかった。
I am moving next month.来月には引っ越す予定です。
I am moving next month.来月に引っ越す予定です。
Under the Constitution, the lower chamber's resolutions override those of the upper chamber.憲法の規定に従い衆院の議決が参院に優越する。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
You're gonna move to India, and become a guru.[JP] 君はインドに引っ越すんだね で、グルになるんだろ. Source Code (2011)
Your new premises, when you moving in?[JP] 新しい家にはいつ 引っ越すんだ? Sherlock Holmes (2009)
Holly said she and Bethie are moving out to Aspen.[JP] ホリーはアスペンに越すって Because I Know Patty (2007)
I'm going to live there when I'm 16.[JP] 16歳になったら引っ越すの Dark Shadows (2012)
It's not like you're moving to mars, right?[JP] 火星に引っ越すんじゃないでしょ Today Is the Day: Part 1 (2009)
I met a school of grey mullet heading to Taiwan for the winter[JP] 台湾で冬を越す雷魚の群れを見たよ 遇見了要往台灣避冬的烏魚群 Cape No. 7 (2008)
We were supposed to move in in the spring but, construction was halted, so it's gonna be just a little while longer.[JP] 春に越す予定だったけど― 建設が中止されて ちょっと延びたの Martha Marcy May Marlene (2011)
- I'm moving back east next month.[JP] 来月引っ越すわ Mission Creep (2011)
Why buy a starter house when we'll have to move out in a year or two?[JP] 引っ越すと分かってる家を どうして買う? Full Measure (2010)
No, and don't bothershowing up at the flat either, 'cause I've moved.[JP] わざわざアパートに来ないで 引っ越すから The Constant (2008)
He's trying to overtake us![JP] 追い越すつもりだ! Paul (2011)
It was just amazing for about three months, until it turned out that this jerk who had fronted us the lease was actually shining everyone on and...[JP] ここに引越す事になったの とうとう無一文よ The Bourne Identity (2002)
He always knew what was going on in Battlestar before me 'cause his mum had cable.[JP] 彼はいっつもオレより先を越すんだ 彼はいっつもオレより先を越すんだ Paul (2011)
Before you can move on, gina, you gotta make things right now.[JP] ここから引っ越す前に ジーナ 今改めるべきことがあるはずだ Red Sauce (2009)
You both work so much, you don't even have time to eat, plus you're saving your money to move into Manhattan.[JP] 2人とも忙しすぎて 食べる暇もないし― マンハッタンへ越すのに 節約中だろ Jesus, Mary and Joe Cocker (2007)
I'm moving?[JP] - 引っ越す? The Reichenbach Fall (2012)
- I'm moving in.[JP] - こっちに引っ越すわ 50/50 (2011)
So I started thinking about the wedding and the ceremony, and about our buying a house and moving in together.[JP] それで結婚式の事を考え始めた 家を買って引っ越すことを Up in the Air (2009)
Incredible. How did you manage to overtake us?[JP] 私らを追い越すとは・・・ Stalker (1979)
Maybe you could give me a hand... moving.[JP] 引っ越す時 手伝ってくれない? Breaking Away (1979)
He moved six times in the first year! There's no way they could find him![JP] 年に6回も引っ越す奴だ 見つからんよ Designated Target (2007)
National Weather Service is tracking a tropical storm about 75 miles west of us. Why didn't I build in Orlando?[JP] 西120キロの位置に 暴風雨が発生してます オーランドに引っ越すか Jurassic Park (1993)
Yeah, I'm actually... I decided. I'm moving to Paris.[JP] 実は パリに越す決心を したんだ Midnight in Paris (2011)
The temp agency's sending someone.[JP] 派遣会社が人を寄越すはずだ The Tower Is Tall But the Fall Is Short (2008)
I try to leave Atlanta.[JP] アトランタから 引っ越す予定です Due Date (2010)
Europe plans to pass Japan.[JP] ヨーロッパは日本を追い越す予定です An Inconvenient Truth (2006)
- He talks about giving that all up and moving here![JP] - 彼 ここに越すって言ってた Midnight in Paris (2011)
Are we capable of rising above ourselves and above history?[JP] 私たちは自分自身を そして歴史を超越する能力があるのか? An Inconvenient Truth (2006)
Hop over it. Like this.[JP] こいつを飛び越すんだ! Bambi (1942)
And it gets stronger, too, with each passing moon, until one day, [JP] そして満月を越すごとに 獣は強くなっていき Werewolf: The Beast Among Us (2012)
So maybe we can move into a nice fucking one-bedroom apartment somewhere.[JP] 多分どこか寝室1つの アパートに引っ越すさ Up in the Air (2009)
I think we should sell the apartment and move up to westchester- great schools, new friends for em, a real sense of high school community and a fresh start for all of us.[JP] 家を売ってウェストチェスターに越すべきじゃないかな 良い学校と新しい友達をエミリーに 良い高校共同体だし家族の再出発だよ Stay with Me (2008)
Gil's moving to Paris. - I knew it.[JP] - ギルはパリに越すんですって Midnight in Paris (2011)
I'm moving to, like, Oregon or something...[JP] オレゴンに引っ越す A No-Rough-Stuff-Type Deal (2008)
To notice I don't age, I move on.[JP] みんなが気づくんだ だから引っ越す The Man from Earth (2007)
- Give me the gun, Brody.[JP] 銃を寄越すんだ ブロディ Semper I (2011)
If you do move into, um 221B Baker Street, I'd be happy to pay you a meaningful sum of money on a regular basis to ease your way.[JP] もし君が引っ越すなら ベーカー街221Bへだ 私は喜んで A Study in Pink (2010)
What do you mean, "overtake"?[JP] 追い越す? Stalker (1979)
It transcends all.[JP] 全てを超越する力 Tekkonkinkreet (2006)
She's sending a car.[JP] 迎えの車を寄越すって Achilles Heel (2011)
I'm going to move into my own apartment, okay?[JP] 家を出てアパートに越すの My First Mister (2001)
Give me the alien![JP] 寄越すんだ Paul (2011)
Otherwise you'd have never come to me.[JP] そうじゃなきゃ家に人を 寄越すはずがない Space Cowboys (2000)
We move out of the Baxter Building.[JP] 僕達はバクスタービルから引っ越す Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007)
Instead she sends you.[JP] お前を寄越す代わりに Garden of Bones (2012)
Well, I'll send a car in the morning.[JP] 明朝 迎えの車を寄越すよ Pilot (2011)
I'm leaving Don't go[JP] ー引越すわ ー行くんじゃない Someone's Watching Me! (1978)
Who's moving in with who?[JP] どっちがどっちの家に引っ越す? Haley, the Life Coach (2011)
If I was hiding, I would've moved.[JP] 隠れてたなら 引っ越すさ Subject 9 (2011)
He can move on. People move.[JP] 引っ越す事はできるだろう 誰だって The Bridges of Madison County (1995)

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
峠を越す[とうげをこす, tougewokosu] einen_Pass_ueberqueren [Add to Longdo]
引っ越す[ひっこす, hikkosu] umziehen [Add to Longdo]
越す[こす, kosu] ueberschreiten, passieren [Add to Longdo]
追い越す[おいこす, oikosu] ueberholen [Add to Longdo]

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