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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese Characters: Make-Me-a-Hanzi Dictionary
[, xī, ㄒㄧ] lizard
Radical: , Decomposition:   虫 [chóng, ㄔㄨㄥˊ]  析 [, ㄒㄧ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] worm
Rank: 4307

KANJIDIC with stroke order from AnimCJK
[] Meaning: a lizard
On-yomi: シャク, セキ, shaku, seki
Kun-yomi: とかげ, tokage
Radical: , Decomposition:     

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[xī, ㄒㄧ, ] chameleon; Eumeces latiscutatus #54,647 [Add to Longdo]
蜥蜴[xī yì, ㄒㄧ ㄧˋ,  ] lizard #30,804 [Add to Longdo]
火蜥蜴[huǒ xī yì, ㄏㄨㄛˇ ㄒㄧ ㄧˋ,   ] fire lizard; fire-bellied salamander (Cynops orientalis David) [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
アメリカ毒蜥蜴[アメリカどくとかげ;アメリカドクトカゲ, amerika dokutokage ; amerikadokutokage] (n) (uk) Gila monster (Heloderma suspectum) [Add to Longdo]
コモド大蜥蜴[コモドおおとかげ;コモドオオトカゲ, komodo ootokage ; komodoootokage] (n) (uk) (See コモドドラゴン) Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) [Add to Longdo]
トカゲ目;蜥蜴目[トカゲもく(トカゲ目);とかげもく(蜥蜴目), tokage moku ( tokage me ); tokagemoku ( tokage me )] (n) (See 有鱗類) Squamata (order of scaled reptiles, sometimes esp. the Sauria or Lacertilia) [Add to Longdo]
ワニトカゲギス目;鰐蜥蜴鱚目[ワニトカゲギスもく(ワニトカゲギス目);わにとかげぎすもく(鰐蜥蜴鱚目), wanitokagegisu moku ( wanitokagegisu me ); wanitokagegisumoku ( wani tokage kisu me] (n) Stomiiformes (order of deep-sea ray-finned fishes) [Add to Longdo]
黄金大蜥蜴[こがねおおとかげ;コガネオオトカゲ, koganeootokage ; koganeootokage] (n) (uk) (See イエローヘッドモニター) quince monitor (Varanus melinus, species of carnivorous monitor lizard native to Indonesia); yellow-head monitor [Add to Longdo]
火蜥蜴[ひとかげ, hitokage] (n) salamander [Add to Longdo]
鎧蜥蜴[よろいとかげ, yoroitokage] (n) girdle-tailed lizard [Add to Longdo]
角蜥蜴[つのとかげ;ツノトカゲ, tsunotokage ; tsunotokage] (n) (uk) horned lizard; horned toad [Add to Longdo]
襟巻蜥蜴;襟巻き蜥蜴[えりまきとかげ;エリマキトカゲ, erimakitokage ; erimakitokage] (n) (uk) frilled lizard (Chlamydosaurus kingii); frill-necked lizard [Add to Longdo]
黒細大蜥蜴[くろほそおおとかげ;クロホソオオトカゲ, kurohosoootokage ; kurohosoootokage] (n) (uk) (See ブラックツリーモニター) black tree monitor (Varanus beccarii, species of monitor lizard from the Aru Islands of eastern Indonesia); Beccari's monitor [Add to Longdo]
尻棘大蜥蜴[しりとげおおとかげ;シリトゲオオトカゲ, shiritogeootokage ; shiritogeootokage] (n) (uk) (See トリスティスモニター) black-headed monitor (Varanus tristis, small species of carnivorous monitor lizard native to Australia); freckled monitor [Add to Longdo]
水大蜥蜴[みずおおとかげ;ミズオオトカゲ, mizuootokage ; mizuootokage] (n) (uk) (See サルバトールモニター) water monitor (Varanus salvator, species of carnivorous monitor lizard common from Sri Lanka in the west to the Philippines in the east); common water monitor [Add to Longdo]
昔蜥蜴[むかしとかげ;ムカシトカゲ, mukashitokage ; mukashitokage] (n) (uk) tuatara (primitive lizardlike reptile endemic to New Zealand) [Add to Longdo]
足無蜥蜴;足無し蜥蜴[あしなしとかげ;アシナシトカゲ, ashinashitokage ; ashinashitokage] (n) (uk) legless lizard (esp. Anguidae spp., inc. glass lizards and slow worms) [Add to Longdo]
大蜥蜴[おおとかげ;オオトカゲ, ootokage ; ootokage] (n) (uk) monitor lizard [Add to Longdo]
毒蜥蜴[どくとかげ;ドクトカゲ, dokutokage ; dokutokage] (n) (uk) heloderm (any venomous lizard of genus Heloderma, inc. the gila monster and the beaded lizard) [Add to Longdo]
尼羅大蜥蜴[ナイルおおとかげ;ナイルオオトカゲ, nairu ootokage ; nairuootokage] (n) (uk) (See ナイルモニター) Nile monitor (Varanus niloticus, species of carnivorous monitor lizard native to sub-Saharan Africa); water leguaan [Add to Longdo]
飛蜥蜴[とびとかげ;トビトカゲ, tobitokage ; tobitokage] (n) (uk) flying dragon (any gliding lizard of genus Draco) [Add to Longdo]
鼻太大蜥蜴[はなぶとおおとかげ;ハナブトオオトカゲ, hanabutoootokage ; hanabutoootokage] (n) (uk) (See クロコダイルモニター) crocodile monitor (Varanus salvadorii, species of carnivorous monitor lizard found in New Guinea); Salvadori's monitor; Papua monitor; artellia [Add to Longdo]
木登蜥蜴;木登り蜥蜴[きのぼりとかげ;キノボリトカゲ, kinoboritokage ; kinoboritokage] (n) (uk) Ryukyu tree lizard (Japalura polygonata) [Add to Longdo]
緑細大蜥蜴[みどりほそおおとかげ;ミドリホソオオトカゲ, midorihosoootokage ; midorihosoootokage] (n) (uk) (See エメラルドツリーモニター) emerald tree monitor (Varanus prasinus, species of arboreal carnivorous monitor lizard found from New Guinea to Queensland, Australia); green tree monitor [Add to Longdo]
棘尾大蜥蜴[とげおおおとかげ;トゲオオオトカゲ, togeoootokage ; togeoootokage] (n) (uk) (See リッジテールモニター) ridge-tailed monitor (Varanus acanthurus, species of monitor lizard found throughout the arid northern regions of Australia); spiny-tailed monitor [Add to Longdo]
蚯蚓蜥蜴[みみずとかげ;ミミズトカゲ, mimizutokage ; mimizutokage] (n) (uk) worm lizard; amphisbaenian [Add to Longdo]
蜥蜴;石竜子[とかげ;トカゲ;せきえき(蜥蜴)(ik), tokage ; tokage ; sekieki ( tokage )(ik)] (n) lizard [Add to Longdo]
蜥蜴座[とかげざ, tokageza] (n) (constellation) Lacerta [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
It was like Altered States. I saw an iguana and a dwarf Indian.[CN] 就像《靈魂大搜索》(1980) 我看到蜥蜴和印第安侏儒了 We Bought a Zoo (2011)
What's taking you so long, Four Eyes? Hurry up![CN] 可以了吧,蜥蜴仔,快点了 The Invaluable Treasure (2011)
This giant sea creature looks like a whale, but it is actually an extinct lizard.[CN] 这种巨大的海洋生物看上去像是鲸鱼 但它实际上是已经绝种的蜥蜴 Can We Live Forever? (2011)
The razor-sharp jaws of these army ants can strip a frog or a lizard to the bone in minutes.[CN] 这些军蚁的锐利下颌 能在几分钟内 把青蛙或蜥蜴吃到只剩骨头 Chimpanzee (2012)
And so the lizard completes his journey from humble beginnings to the legend we sing of today.[CN] 就这样蜥蜴结束了他的旅途 从一开始的悲剧到如今为人所高歌传颂 Rango (2011)
- One was a skalengeck and the other two were blutbaden, which personally, I take great offense at.[JP] 蜥蜴獣(トカゲ)1人に狼獣2人 自分としては 大いに憤慨している 承知の上で 利用したのだな? Natural Born Wesen (2013)
But the lizard? He is going to die.[CN] 至于这只蜥蜴 会死翘翘的 Rango (2011)
Watch.[CN] 等等,小心蜥蜴 Journey 2: The Mysterious Island (2012)
You are a very lonely lizard.[CN] -你是一只无比孤独的蜥蜴 Rango (2011)
Your lizard tried to bite her foot.[CN] 因为你的蜥蜴想咬她的脚 Puncture (2011)
Sorry, scaly one.[CN] 真抱歉,小蜥蜴 A Dog and Pony Show (2011)
You seem to forget you`re just one little lizard.[CN] 你好像忘了自己只是一只小蜥蜴 Rango (2011)
70 million years ago, there were lizards in the sea.[CN] 7000万年前 海洋里有过蜥蜴 Can We Live Forever? (2011)
Honey, he's your best lizard friend.[CN] 亲爱的 它是你最好的蜥蜴朋友 Little Fockers (2010)
Lizard![CN] 蜥蜴! Still (2010)
This is Lizard![JP] こちらは「蜥蜴(とかげ)」! Sunny (2008)
Of course the lieutenant knows that.[CN] 我们会把爱着的女人称之为缺肢蜥 中尉当然也知道是什么回事的 Silent Souls (2010)
This is Lizard One. We need an EVAC.[JP] こちらは蜥蜴(とかげ) 救護ヘリコプタを寄こしてくれ Sunny (2008)
- A veretenitsa.[CN] - 缺肢蜥(爬虫类动物) Silent Souls (2010)
Here she comes! You better run, Mojito! -What?[CN] -她来了 你赶紧跑吧 小蜥蜴 Rango (2011)
Forget the lizard already![CN] 別管那條蜥蜴了 Bloodhounds (2011)
Iguana. That's what they say.[CN] 还可治百病,据说成份是蜥蜴 Killer Elite (2011)
I'll send you some iguanas.[CN] 让我来送你几只大蜥蜴 Tales of the Night (2011)
This man brought snakes and lizards and turtles and everything.[CN] 有個男的拿來了蛇和蜥蜴和海龜什麼的 Grace (2011)
Mongoose, bee, iguana?[CN] 巨獴、巨蜂、巨蜥? Tales of the Night (2011)
Make sure to rip the lizard's tail![CN] 记得要把蜥蜴的尾巴撕下来! P-047 (2011)
Fantastic Four, Daredevil Invincible Iron Man, Happy Hogan, Curt Connors...[CN] 神奇四侠 超胆侠 铁甲奇侠 快乐霍根 蜥蜴博士... The Excelsior Acquisition (2010)
Yeah, and your testimony about two blutbaden and a skalengeck should go over really well with a jury.[JP] 蜥蜴獣1人と狼獣2人についての証言を 陪審員の前で明確に繰り返す必要があるからな もう判ったからどうする? Natural Born Wesen (2013)
A boy lizard. What's his name?[CN] 一隻公蜥蜴 他叫什麼名字 Bloodhounds (2011)
-Lizards, frogs... -Find your own hiding place![CN] -蜥蜴 青蛙 五百年前是一家啊 Rango (2011)
Not so interesting.[CN] 至少是一只蜥蜴的计算能力了 Can We Live Forever? (2011)
When I was stationed in the Mekong Delta during the Vietnam War, a tiny gecko crawled into my ear one night and laid its eggs.[CN] 越战的时候我驻扎在湄公河三角洲 一支小蜥蜴趁着夜黑风高偷偷爬进我耳朵下蛋 Little Fockers (2010)
These venomous manchineel apples will trick the iguana.[CN] 这些有毒的果实 可以骗过巨蜥 Tales of the Night (2011)
So, relax. You're not a lizard.[CN] 別激動, 你不是蜥蜴 Friends with Benefits (2011)
If you sailed all the way to the Basilisk Isles, his spies would tell him.[CN] 就算你远渡蛇蜥岛,他的探子也会告诉他 You Win or You Die (2011)
Hello, iguana.[CN] 嗨,大蜥蜴 Tales of the Night (2011)
He was scaled like a lizard, blind, with leather wings like the wings of a bat.[CN] 他像蜥蜴一样全身长满鳞片, He was scaled like a lizard, 眼睛是瞎的, 有一对像蝙蝠一样的翅膀. blind, with leather wings like the wings of a bat. Fire and Blood (2011)
Or a Komodo dragon.[CN] 也没有科莫多巨蜥. Mr. Popper's Penguins (2011)
It had to be a lizard. Why couldn't it be snakes?[CN] 为啥非是蜥蜴不可,为何不是蛇 Journey 2: The Mysterious Island (2012)
Big man's afraid of a little lizard?[CN] 大块头也怕小蜥蜴 Journey 2: The Mysterious Island (2012)
Are you a lizard?[CN] 你以为你是蜥蜴啊 The Front Line (2011)
So, how can a shockwave cause such awesome destruction?[CN] 也许它的样子 和你家的蜥蜴很相似 5英吋长 满身鳞片 Speed Limits (2010)
Lizards.[CN] 蜥蜴啊 Bloodhounds (2011)
I don't know. Lizards?[CN] 我也不晓得 蜥蜴? The Chaperone (2011)
A toad-headed agama.[CN] 一条沙蜥 Russland - Im Reich der Tiger, Bären und Vulkane (2011)
And who likes lizards? Cold-blooded people.[CN] 什麼樣的人會喜歡蜥蜴呢 冷血的人 Bloodhounds (2011)
Yeah... a lizard.[CN] 是啊... 蜥蜴。 Still (2010)
How come you're afraid of lizards?[CN] 你为什么会害怕蜥蜴呢? Little Fockers (2010)
But he`s a snake and you`re a lizard.[CN] 可是 他是条蛇 你是蜥蜴 Rango (2011)
And i've seen skalengecks...[JP] しかも私は 蜥蜴獣(トカゲ)も Wesenrein (2015)

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