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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
经商[jīng shāng, ㄐㄧㄥ ㄕㄤ,   /  ] to trade; to carry out commercial activities; in business #10,406 [Add to Longdo]

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With daily uplinks, your robot will never be out of communication with USR and will be the perfect companion for business or home.[CN] 透过每天连结 你的机器人将与USR保持联系 而它必将是你居家经商的好伙伴 I, Robot (2004)
Of course, we hope we could collaborate with China in business.[CN] 当然是希望,日中提携,合作经商 Once Upon a Time in Shanghai (2014)
He's in business to make money.[CN] 经商是为了赚钱 Capitalism: A Love Story (2009)
Clause four of the law passed this afternoon... limits Jewish involvement in public and economic circles.[CN] 议会今天通过第4款法律 限制犹太人的经商范围 Sunshine (1999)
Business ethics?[CN] 也许你的目的是把妞搞上床 我可是学到了不少经商理论 The Gang Gets Racist (2005)
First rule of business is you have to know who to speak to.[CN] 经商第一课 你必须搞清楚在和谁谈生意 Episode #2.10 (1990)
The only reason you don't care is you have black girls hanging all over you.[CN] 经商理论? The Gang Gets Racist (2005)
Now, quiet.[CN] 已经商量完了吗 来 安静 Episode #5.8 (2012)
Brother Guilbert and I have discussed this.[CN] 吉伯特修士和我已经商量过了 Arn: The Knight Templar (2007)
Well, it's the gang, madam, it was all pre-arranged to rob you.[CN] 夫人 那帮流浪汉是一伙的 是已经商量好要抢您的东西 A Scandal in Bohemia (1984)
If you think I'm going to hurt someone because you made a bad business decision...[CN] 你若认为我会去伤害某个人... ...只因你做了不当的 经商决策... Sundown (2010)
Go into entertainment or business.[CN] 搞娱乐或经商 The Ides of March (2011)
I trade to make money... not to offend God by associating with Christians.[CN] 我经商是为了钱 I trade to make money... 不是为了和基督徒扯上关系得罪真主 not to offend God by associating with Christians. Kingdom of Heaven (2005)
The father's business failed, and he ran off leaving debts behind.[CN] 他父亲因为经商失败负债累累 已经不知去向 Diary of June (2005)
I had an agreement to sell it to a third party.[CN] 我已经商量好把它卖给别人了 I had an agreement to sell it to a third party. Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
I hope his footballing brain is better than his business brain.[CN] 比经商头脑好用 The Damned United (2009)
Just like the modern Indians and Pakistanis, the Indus people were traders.[CN] 就像现代印度人和巴基斯坦人一样 印度河流域人也擅长经商 Beginnings (2007)
It has been decided that neither of you is going to be disqualified because...[CN] 我们已经商定 你们两个 都不会被取消比赛资格 因为... Bad Words (2013)
We have talked about this. We are ready.[CN] 我们已经商量过了 我们准备好了 Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom (2013)
We're both merchants. Let's try to strike a deal.[CN] 我们都是经商的 让我们来做个约定 The Divine Weapon (2008)
I thought we agreed that you was gonna leave town.[CN] 我以为咱们已经商量好了 你会离开这里 Life (1999)
Each generation of businessmen brings its stone to our community.[CN] 你们家世代都这么懂经商 可称得上我们这里的基石 The Maiden and the Wolves (2008)
It means that yesterday before 7:30, when dinner was served, the crime had already been decided upon.[CN] 这就是说在昨天 七点半开晚饭之前 犯罪的计划就早已经商量妥了 Death on the Nile (1978)
Nick and I have an arrangement. You can trust me.[CN] 尼克和我已经商量好了 你就相信我吧 50 First Dates (2004)
We regarded this as the Ransom Kidnapping Case.[CN] 经商议后,认定是一宗求财的绑架案 Bayside Shakedown (1998)
Where did you sell your trinets?[CN] 在哪儿经商? Season of the Witch (2011)
And in a land teeming with images of the divine, perhaps the reason for its ultimate rojection here is not hard to see.[CN] 就像现代印度人和巴基斯坦人一样 印度河流域人也擅长经商 The Power of Ideas (2007)
But by encouraging long-distance trade and religious tolerance, the Kushans brought peace to a vast area for more than 2 centuries.[CN] 通过鼓励长距离经商和宗教宽容 贵霜人给这片广大地区带来 超过两个世纪的和平 Spice Routes & Silk Roads (2007)
What, are you two guys the sons of the soil, huh?[CN] 怎么 你们突然都变成正经商人了 啊? The Entitled (2011)
When the Indian economy started to take off, Bansi reinvented himself as a businessman, distanced himself from men like Sadiq.[CN] 当印度经济开始腾飞时 Bansi想标榜自己是正经商人 就疏远了像Sadiq这样的手下 Reparation (2010)
Clark started in mercantile, but he's strong in gold now.[CN] 克拉克经商出身 现在金矿上很强势 Advances, None Miraculous (2005)
Into business. It's all set up.[CN] 我要经商 已经准备妥当了 Episode #2.7 (2011)
And why is it some dirty little secret that it's in America's interest to do business overseas?[CN] 为什么会有这些肮脏的小秘密 就是因为海外经商符合美国的利益? Syriana (2005)
Always remember, the art of good business is being a good middleman.[CN] 永远记住 好的经商策略是做一个好的中间人 Layer Cake (2004)
The art of good business is being a good middleman.[CN] 好的经商策略是做一个好的中间人 Layer Cake (2004)
And knowing what was discussed by both you and I, [CN] 既然我们俩都已经商讨过 Margin Call (2011)
My father was failing at work, and my mother picked up and left[CN] 父亲因为经商失败 母亲放我一人,离家出走 Fireflies: River of Light (2003)
We either move forward or back.[CN] 经商就是不进则退 The Maiden and the Wolves (2008)
We're all in agreement.[CN] 我们四人已经商量好了 Episode #1.1 (2011)
Business is my passion, it's also my job.[CN] 经商是我的爱好,也是我的职业 Ghajini (2008)
You made your deal with me, I made my deal with Brad. We're getting outta here.[CN] 我们已经商量好了,我和布拉德也商量好了,我们得离开这 We're the Millers (2013)
I should have enough to go into business, properly.[CN] 我也能挣够钱 正经经商了 Episode #2.7 (2011)
One can either do business or cozy up to his wife.[CN] 一个人除了去经商, 就只能奉承自己老婆 Paheli (2005)
He is not only a successful Hong Kong businessman, but also our most eligible bachelor.[CN] 他不只在香港经商事业有成 也是我们的黄金单身汉 7 Days to Leave My Wife (2007)
We've agreed on a price for the laptop.[CN] 我们已经商定好了手提电脑的价格 C.O.D. (2012)
We had agreed that it would be his next case.[CN] 我们已经商定下一个案子就是这个 The Girl Who Played with Fire (2009)
Business acumen and ideas and friendship. Pfft![CN] 经商头脑,新点子友谊 The Incredible Burt Wonderstone (2013)
For commercial release On a real platform.[CN] 还是在主流平台上发布的正经商业游戏 Indie Game: The Movie (2012)
We've negotiated your package.[CN] 不 我们已经商量好了 Outside the Bubble (2013)
I-I tracked down a video from one of Joe's business coaching seminars from before I knew him.[CN] 进行经商培训的演讲 是在我认识他以前的 Man of the House (2012)

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