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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
筷子[kuài zi, ㄎㄨㄞˋ ㄗ˙,  ] chopsticks #8,754 [Add to Longdo]
筷子芥[kuài zi jiè, ㄎㄨㄞˋ ㄗ˙ ㄐㄧㄝˋ,   ] Arabis, a genus of Brassica family including cress [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
It's just an extra pair of chopsticks.[CN] 添双筷子而已 Echoes of the Rainbow (2010)
I think it may need sticks or a much finer fork.[CN] { \1cH00FF00 }我想我需要一双 筷子或很薄的叉子。 { \1cH00FF00 }没问题。 Dumb and Dumber To (2014)
Extract the chopstick without touching the bottle or breaking it.[CN] 拿回这根筷子 但不可以碰到酒瓶 也不可以打破它 The Bullet Vanishes (2012)
No problem, just adding an extra pair of chopsticks.[CN] 什么麻烦 不就是多添双筷子嘛 The Second Woman (2012)
Play Chopsticks, you jazzy slut.[CN] 弹筷子曲,爵士小骚货 Ted (2012)
Where are the chopsticks?[CN] 有筷子么? Drive (2011)
- Do you know how to use them? Hey![CN] -你知道怎么用筷子吗? Wild Bill (2011)
Chopsticks and a fortune cookie.[CN] 筷子和福饼 Drive (2011)
The boy prepared a pair of chopsticks for the girl.[CN] 男孩子就很细心地... 帮女孩子准备好筷子 Hot Summer Days (2010)
You can't eat with chopsticks?[CN] { \fnKaiTi\fs22\fscy120\1cH3979FF }你不会用筷子吃吗 You can't eat with chopsticks? On My Way (2013)
I just figured out... how to get the chopstick... out of the bottle.[CN] 我已经想到... 怎样把筷子... 从酒瓶里拿出来 The Bullet Vanishes (2012)
Brother, if this is embarrassing you, we can stop talking about it I formally announce that I'm as straight as this chopstick![CN] 大哥,如果你觉得尴尬,我们可以不说 我郑重声明,我郑宇强... 就如这筷子一样直! All's Well, Ends Well 2011 (2011)
And you thin... like a chopstick![CN] 你却瘦得... 像根筷子! Mr. & Mrs. Gambler (2012)
Pry with chopsticks[CN] 拿筷子撬 My Own Swordsman (2010)
He also said Always pass chopsticks to others with the end out[CN] 他说 这样 筷子要颠倒递来 I Wish I Knew (2010)
Returning customers use their own chopsticks[CN] 用自己的筷子叫做一招仙 Flying Swords of Dragon Gate (2011)
Chopsticks or fork?[CN] 筷子还是叉子? Chapter 9 (2013)
Why don't you stick your silver chopstick up your bento box?[CN] 你为什么不坚持你的银 筷子你的便当盒? Return to Nuke 'Em High Volume 1 (2013)
chopstick, sir yeah, where's the cookies[CN] 先生,筷子 我的曲奇呢 Drive (2011)
TO SELL GARMENTS, CHOPSTICKS, [CN] 服装,筷子, Death by China (2012)
Chopsticks upright are a bad omen.[CN] 筷子直立 是一個不好的兆頭。 The Wolverine (2013)
If anything happens, use chopsticks to hold my middle finger and drive him out.[CN] 要是谈不拢的话 就用筷子夹住我的中指赶走它 Microsex Office (2011)
She's a twig.[CN] 她瘦的跟筷子似的 Inseparable (2011)
I need to get one more pair of chopsticks. Take a seat.[CN] 多个人多双筷子,坐啊 Rigor Mortis (2013)
And I don't own any silver chopsticks.[CN] 而且我不拥有任何 银筷子。 Return to Nuke 'Em High Volume 1 (2013)
The crime scene shows there should be two murderers b heirs et chebstiche is the hisish ems[CN] 初步从现场来看 应该有两个凶手 在饭桌范围,找到三双筷子 Conspirators (2013)
Stop, you were gonna climb on an icy chair in six inch heels and break your neck and then I'm gonna be stuck with a horse in leggings and you in a wheelchair with a chopstick in your mouth[CN] 打住 穿那么高的高跟鞋爬冰梯 不怕把脖子摔断? 剩下我和这匹穿着紧身裤的马 而你在轮椅里 嘴里叼个筷子敲字 And the Reality Check (2011)
A guest for our lunch?[CN] 多摆双筷子吧 Amphetamine (2010)
They used their own chopsticks[CN] 她們是用自己的筷子 Flying Swords of Dragon Gate (2011)
Ah, it must be because the elders haven't started?[CN] 啊 因为大人没动筷子吗 Episode #1.8 (2012)
Why are there 2 pairs of chopsticks?[CN] 怎会有两双筷子? A Chinese Ghost Story (2011)
You can do that with chop sticks?[CN] 你可以用筷子就能做到? Fluttering Finger Mindslip (2011)
Shinobu Otake I'll get some chopsticks. I'll get some chopsticks.[CN] 我去拿筷子 A Night in Nude: Salvation (2010)
It's from people who used the inn's chopsticks[CN] 用黑店筷子吃東西的人的肉 Flying Swords of Dragon Gate (2011)
That cat is playing Chopsticks with chopsticks![CN] 那一只猫是玩 筷子 藉由筷子! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)
I threw my chopsticks![CN] 我把筷子丢了! Onigamiden - Legend of the Millennium Dragon (2011)
There's a new place in Macau... where you eat abalone on top of a real woman's abalone And you eat without chopsticks...[CN] 澳门有新夜场... 有人体寿司,把鲍鱼放在女生下面... 不给你筷子... SDU: Sex Duties Unit (2013)
And the snapping of the hyoid bone, and the chopstick through the eye.[CN] 还有咬断的舌头及筷子插穿眼睛 The Railway Man (2013)
Got chopsticks?[CN] 有筷子吗? Love and Bruises (2011)
Fill up the bottle with water... and the chopstick floats up.[CN] 把酒瓶... 装满水 筷子就会浮上来 The Bullet Vanishes (2012)
It's your brother who stabbed me with a chopstick first[CN] 是你哥哥先拿筷子插的我呀! Adventure of the King (2010)
Have you seen that video where the cat plays Chopsticks with the chopsticks?[CN] 见到你那一影像 哪里猫 游戏 筷子 藉由筷子? Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)
Those Gooks, Arabs, [CN] 那些筷子,那些好哦 -RAB的," Paulette (2012)
Give me chopsticks.[CN] 那请帮我拿一双筷子 The Wings of the Kirin (2011)
New customers use the inn's chopsticks[CN] 用他們的筷子叫做食通天 Flying Swords of Dragon Gate (2011)
One time, I swear I pooped out a stick of chalk.[CN] 有一天 我发誓我拉出了一条筷子 The Workplace Proximity (2013)
- Does she need chopsticks?[CN] -她需要筷子吗? Love and Bruises (2011)
Would you like me to teach you how to use the chopsticks?[CN] 讓我教你怎樣用筷子吧? Like Father, Like Son (2013)
You won't even be able to hold chopsticks.[CN] 筷子你都拿不住 If You Are the One 2 (2010)
Over the past few years the asshole made a fortune selling Styrofoam lunch boxes to us.[CN] 但是这几年 这家伙卖塑料饭盒跟筷子给我们 发财了 还爱上了打高尔夫 Once a Gangster (2010)

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