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Japanese-Thai: Longdo Dictionary (UNAPPROVED version -- use with care )  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
活用[かつよう, katsuyou] (vt) ใช้งาน

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
活用[かつよう, katsuyou] (n, vs) (1) practical use; application; (2) { ling } conjugation; declension; inflection; (P) #2,300 [Add to Longdo]
カリ活用[カリかつよう, kari katsuyou] (n) classical form of i-adjective inflection formed by contraction of the "ku" adverbial form with the classical verb "ari" ("aru") [Add to Longdo]
カ行変格活用[カぎょうへんかくかつよう, ka gyouhenkakukatsuyou] (n) irregular conjugation (inflection, declension) of the verb "kuru" [Add to Longdo]
ク活用[クかつよう, ku katsuyou] (n) classical form of i-adjective inflection (easily recognized by its attributive form ending in "ki" and predicative form ending in "shi") [Add to Longdo]
サ行変格活用[サぎょうへんかくかつよう, sa gyouhenkakukatsuyou] (n) irregular conjugation (inflection, declension) of "suru" verbs [Add to Longdo]
シク活用[シクかつよう, shiku katsuyou] (n) classical form of i-adjective inflection (easily recognized by its attributive form ending in "shiki" and predicative form ending in "shi") [Add to Longdo]
タリ活用[タリかつよう, tari katsuyou] (n) classical form of na-adjective inflection formed by contraction of the particle "to" with the classical verb "ari" ("aru") [Add to Longdo]
ナリ活用[ナリかつよう, nari katsuyou] (n) classical form of na-adjective inflection formed by contraction of the particle "ni" with the classical verb "ari" ("aru") [Add to Longdo]
ナ行変格活用[ナぎょうへんかくかつよう, na gyouhenkakukatsuyou] (n) { ling } irregular conjugation (inflection, declension) of verbs ending in "nu" (in written Japanese) [Add to Longdo]
フル活用[フルかつよう, furu katsuyou] (n, vs) full use; extensive use; complete utilization [Add to Longdo]
ラ行変格活用[ラぎょうへんかくかつよう, ra gyouhenkakukatsuyou] (n) irregular conjugation (inflection, declension) of a limited number of verbs ending in "ru" (in written Japanese) [Add to Longdo]
一段活用[いちだんかつよう, ichidankatsuyou] (n) conjugation (inflection, declension) of ichidan verbs [Add to Longdo]
下一段活用[しもいちだんかつよう, shimoichidankatsuyou] (n) conjugation (inflection, declension) of ichidan verbs ending in "eru" [Add to Longdo]
下二段活用[しもにだんかつよう, shimonidankatsuyou] (n) conjugation (inflection, declension) of nidan verbs (resulting in a stem of either "e" or "u" for every conjugation) [Add to Longdo]
活用形[かつようけい, katsuyoukei] (n) { ling } conjugated form [Add to Longdo]
活用語[かつようご, katsuyougo] (n) { ling } conjugated word [Add to Longdo]
活用語尾[かつようごび, katsuyougobi] (n) conjugative suffix (i.e. "-iru" and "-eru" for ichidan verbs, "-i" for i-adjectives, etc.) [Add to Longdo]
活用率[かつようりつ, katsuyouritsu] (n) { comp } activity ratio [Add to Longdo]
五段活用[ごだんかつよう, godankatsuyou] (n) conjugation (inflection, declension) of godan verbs [Add to Longdo]
四段活用[よだんかつよう, yodankatsuyou] (n) (See 五段活用) yodan verb conjugation (verb form of classical Japanese) [Add to Longdo]
上一段活用[かみいちだんかつよう, kamiichidankatsuyou] (n) conjugation (inflection, declension) of ichidan verbs ending in "iru" [Add to Longdo]
上二段活用[かみにだんかつよう, kaminidankatsuyou] (n) conjugation (inflection, declension) of nidan verbs (resulting in a stem of either "i" or "u" for every conjugation) [Add to Longdo]
正格活用[せいかくかつよう, seikakukatsuyou] (n) regular conjugation (declension, inflection) [Add to Longdo]
生活用品[せいかつようひん, seikatsuyouhin] (n) supply; livingware [Add to Longdo]
二段活用[にだんかつよう, nidankatsuyou] (n) conjugation (inflection, declension) of nidan verbs [Add to Longdo]
変格活用[へんかくかつよう, henkakukatsuyou] (n) irregular conjugation (declension, inflection); irregular verb [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
You should make the most of your ability.せいぜい自分の能力を活用しなさい。
In such a case, restraints in fiscal policy must be brought into play.そのような時は、財政政策の抑制が活用されなければならない。
We should make the most of solar energy.我々は太陽エネルギーを最大限に活用しなければならない。
One should always make the most of one's opportunities.機会は常に最大限に活用すべきだ。
We must make the most of our vacation as it is so short.休暇は短いので、最大限に活用しなければなりません。
You have only a short rest, so make the best of it.休憩は短いから十分に活用しなさい。
We want to put our money to good use.私たちは私たちのお金を有効に活用したい。
I have to make the best of that small room.私はその狭い部屋をせいぜい活用しなければならない。
We put all the resources to use in writing up this paper.私達はあらゆる素材を活用して、この書類を書き上げた。
Time is a precious thing, so that we should make the best use it.時間は貴重なものであるから、できるだけ活用すべきである。
You must make the most of your time.時間は最大限に活用すべきだ。
Try to make the most of your time.時間を最大限に活用するようにしなさい。
As a politician, he makes utmost use of his acting ability.政治家として、彼は、演技のうまさを目一杯活用している。
To own a library is one thing and to use it is another.蔵書があるということと、それを活用することとは別のことだ。
He made the most of the chance.彼はその機会を最大限に活用した。
He had to call on all his experience to carry out the plan.彼はその計画をやり遂げるのにこれまでの経験をすべて活用しなければならなかった。
He made the most of his opportunities.彼は自分の機会を最大限に活用した。
He took full advantage of the wrapper.彼は風呂敷を十分に活用した。
She took full advantage of her stay in London to improve her English.彼女はロンドン滞在を活用して大いに英語の力を伸ばした。
Whenever you study, make the best of your dictionary.勉強するときはいつも最大限に辞書を活用しなさい。
Our aim is that when planning classes we should know how to select stimulating material for the students and how to put it into use.目標は授業設計をするときの、学生の思考を触発するメディア教材の選択および活用方法について理解することである。
Conjugation of irregular verbs - essential for those learning English.英語を学習する上で不可欠な、不規則動詞の活用。
For a display where the data items increase and decrease I think you are best making use of a spreadsheet program, not Access.項目が増えたり減ったりする表示なら、Accessでなくて表計算ソフトを活用すべきだと思います。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
- other than necessities.[CN] - 除了日常生活用品 一切... Green Street Hooligans 2 (2009)
Every anniversary, Gilbert bought me an appliance.[CN] Every anniversary, Gilbert bought me an appliance. 每次周年纪念 Gilbert都会给我买生活用品 My Husband, the Pig (2007)
They say you can make bomb from everyday's material. You combine.[CN] 他们说做可以用日常生活用品做炸弹 你可以买到 You Don't Mess with the Zohan (2008)
Run all informants, work with known-associates lists.[JP] 情報網を駆使して当たれ 協力者のリストを活用するんだ Welcome to the War (2010)
What they trained me to do.[CN] 活用我所受训练 Most Wanted (1997)
And your work is brilliant. But your ideas are being underutilized.[JP] そして、あなたの仕事は素晴らしい あなたのアイデアが十分に活用できる RoboCop (2014)
That phone you get along with better than most people, the guy who owns this apartment invented it, along with half the computers in the country.[JP] 君は 信じられないだろうな 君がよく活用しているあの電話 このアパートを所有しているのは アレを発明した人物だ Blood Is Thicker (2013)
I've come to ask this group to utilize its considerable resources to find a witch elder named Agnes.[JP] この者達を有効活用させて 貰えないか頼みに来た その多大な手段をもって 魔女の長老を探して貰いたい 名はアグネス Fruit of the Poisoned Tree (2013)
He can actually use only one hundred thousand of them at most[JP] 実際はにせいぜい十万しか 活用できません Red Cliff (2008)
You gobble up all of life's energies, and you excrete the waste.[JP] 湧き上がる力を 無駄なく活用できます Yes Man (2008)
Let's start putting everybody through facial recognition... cross-referencing with I.N.S., D.M.V. - every database we've got.[JP] まず顔認識システムで全員を確認 INS DMVと照合 あらゆるデータベースを活用して Semper I (2011)
But for that, we would need to access at least 40% of our brain's capacity.[JP] そのためには、脳力の40%を 活用する必要あり Lucy (2014)
This is shopping for a huge amount of daily goods for the clan and takes a lot of strength![CN] 采买一族所需的大量生活用品 是非常需要体力的 Hunter X Hunter: Phantom Rouge (2013)
I am forming a neighborhood watch, a task force of concerned citizens to solve the murder of Antonio Guzman.[JP] アントニオ殺人事件を解決 する為に市民の力を活用する The Watch (2012)
I brought you your groceries. I will cook you a nice lunch, yes?[CN] 我带了点生活用品来 一会给您弄午餐 Last Love (2013)
I was running low on smokes.[CN] { \fn方正黑体简体\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3cH2F2F2F }[ 美国监狱中有专门向犯人出售日常生活用品的商店 ] 我刚好烟快抽完了 { \3cH202020 }I was running low on smokes. Nana Gallagher Had an Affair (2011)
Rags, brooms, whatever.[CN] 拖把 扫帚 生活用品 Dheepan (2015)
Study. Analyze. Reprogram.[JP] "学習シ、分析シ、活用セヨ" Kill Command (2016)
You do not know of money. It is not part of our life here.[CN] 你不懂钱 我们的生活用不到钱 The Village (2004)
100 billion neurons per human, of which only 15% are activated.[JP] 000億個で出来ている その中で、ほんの 15%が活用される Lucy (2014)
Because you need to be able to 'juice it'[CN] 因为你必须活用这些机制 Indie Game: The Movie (2012)
Once the brain reaches 20%, it opens up and expands the rest.[JP] 活用度が20%に達し 覚醒すれば Lucy (2014)
Let's imagine for a few moments what our life would be like if we could access, let's say, [JP] もし、脳力を20%活用 出来た場合 Lucy (2014)
The challenge for the act is to use sense memory of childhood trauma.[JP] "表現のカギは" "記憶の活用にある" "幼時体験の情動的記憶を" The Movie Star (2012)
- Ah, groceries.[CN] - 啊,生活用品 Rabbit Without Ears 2 (2009)
If you're asking me what to do...[JP] 知識の活用ですね? Lucy (2014)
This is essentially an empty slot and what this tells us is that our mind, our entire DNA, in fact, is destined to be upgraded.[JP] 脳の未使用域さ ここを活用し― 人間の脳とDNAを 飛躍的に進化させる Iron Man 3 (2013)
We're stealing groceries.[CN] 你疯了吗? 我们来偷生活用品 Friendship! (2010)
Anything we can use to leverage him.[JP] 他に彼を活用することだ A Flash of Light (2017)
Go see what's going on at household products.[CN] 去一趟生活用品区 Handphone (2009)
Burnside is not a man with the luxury of flexibility.[CN] 好在伯恩塞德不是那种会灵活用兵的人 Gods and Generals (2003)
All of whom can be leveraged.[JP] 活用できる全ての人 Point of Origin (2014)
No blank ones, tear off a half.[CN] 我这没新的 这纸写了一半 你凑活用吧 Six Degrees of Celebration (2010)
I am actually going to go and pick up some supplies, so if I see her, I will tell her to give you a call.[CN] 其实我正要去买些生活用品 如果我看到她 叫她回你电话 Dinoshark (2010)
There is a whole club full of leverage above our heads right now.[JP] クラブの関係を活用して たった今 The Huntress Returns (2013)
Well, this little guy and pretty much everything else in town has to take four separate plane rides to arrive up here in chilly Barrow, Alaska.[CN] 這玩意和這裏的生活用品... 一共要轉四次機 才能到達寒冷的阿拉斯加州巴羅鎮 Big Miracle (2012)
EPA moved into Dimock, announced a full round of testing of 60 homes, and began delivering water to residents that were affected.[CN] 环保署开始测试迪莫克 60生活用水。 此外,dimockilaisille 开始供水。 Gasland Part II (2013)
I'll get groceries.[CN] 我去买点生活用品 Set Fire to the Stars (2014)
It's a strategy to leverage our power by waiting until a huge number of us agrees to participate, before taking an action.[JP] 参加に同意する人が、膨大な数に達するのを待ってから 行動を起こすことによって力を 最大限に活用する戦略です。 Thrive: What on Earth Will it Take? (2011)
You'll have every means at your disposal, the full resources of this office, [JP] その為のあらゆる手段を活用し 我々の持てる 全リソースを駆使して当たれ Hearts and Minds (2010)
Leverage him.[JP] 彼を活用、ね A Flash of Light (2017)
Don't tell me how to live my life.[CN] 我要怎么生活用不着你管 Dog Eat Dog (2010)
In the back, there is the bathroom, and everything you need[CN] 后面是卫生间,有各种生活用品。 Welcome to the Sticks (2008)
Right now, I'm at 28%, and what you wrote is true.[JP] 現時点での活用度は28% あなたの理論が正しければ Lucy (2014)
that will allow me to use 100% of my cerebral capacity.[JP] 脳力の100%を 活用できる Lucy (2014)
Luckily, Anna and the Visitors wasted no time using their Blue Energy reactor at the Concordia site to turn power back on across the affected areas within minutes.[JP] しかし幸いな事に アンナとビジターが間髪を入れず コンコーディア拠点の ブルー エネルギー炉を活用し ものの数分で全域の電力を回復 Devil in a Blue Dress (2011)
They sold groceries.[CN] 他们卖生活用品 The Station Agent (2003)
Leave your kit in there, go back out through security.[CN] 把生活用具放在这里 出来接受安检 Green Street Hooligans 2 (2009)
You are suggesting the Admiral violated every regulation he vowed to uphold simply because he wanted to exploit your intellect.[JP] 元帥は 君の知性を 活用するために― 艦隊規則を破ったと? Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
I want you to take the pain that you're feeling right now, and I want you to use it.[JP] 今の痛みを堪えて 活用してくれ Journey to Xibalba (2013)

Japanese-English: COMPDICT Dictionary
活用率[かっせいりつ, kasseiritsu] activity ratio [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
活用[かつよう, katsuyou] (Nutz)Anwendung [Add to Longdo]

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