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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
明智之举[míng zhì zhī jǔ, ㄇㄧㄥˊ ㄓˋ ㄓ ㄐㄩˇ,     /    ] sensible act #39,307 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Look, I don't know how you found me here but this isn't a good idea.[CN] 我不知道你怎么找到这来的 但这绝不是明智之举 Fish Tank (2009)
- You made a wise decision.[CN] -兄弟 明智之举 Red River (1948)
They're not releasing many details. Wisely, I suppose.[CN] 他们没透露太多细节 我认为那是明智之举 Episode #1.1 (1989)
Sometimes I feel like a failure for comin' back here, but other times I think it's the smartest move I ever made.[CN] 当时我认为回来是一种失败 现在我认为这是明智之举 Sleeping with the Enemy (1991)
It would have been wiser if you had gone home at the end of your army service.[CN] 你们两个回家的话 可能是明智之举 在你们服役将满的时候 The Man Who Would Be King (1975)
Mr. DiNorscio, in a case of this magnitude, I don't think it's advisable.[CN] 狄诺西尔先生 鉴于本案的严重性 我想这不是明智之举 Find Me Guilty (2006)
That's not what you'd call good politics, my friend.[CN] That's not what you'd call good politics, my friend. 那可不是明智之举,我的朋友 Strange Cargo (1940)
That's really smart, Syd.[CN] 那真的见明智之举,席德 London (2005)
Perhaps it's a good thing I came tonight.[CN] 或许我今晚来找你是明智之举 Gaslight (1944)
that's a wise move.[CN] 这是一个明智之举。 The Day After (2002)
You were wise to flee from that man.[CN] 你离开那个男人真是明智之举 Tales from Earthsea (2006)
If you're unconvinced a particular plan I've decided is the wisest, tell me so.[CN] 若不相信我的决定... 是最明智之举 请直说无妨 Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003)
Mr. Sullivan, before this happened... the Good Guy outsold our other toys 2 to 1 .[CN] 讨论一下此产品推回到市场有何明智之举 沙利文先生 在事件发生之前 Child's Play 3 (1991)
You were wise to go.[CN] 你走得很明智. 是明智之举 The Element of Crime (1984)
It's brilliant, [CN] 我向你们保证这是明智之举 The Man in the Iron Mask (1998)
But it was, given the circumstances, the smart play.[CN] 但在这种情况下却是明智之举 Very Bad Things (1998)
They felt that was the responsible course.[CN] 他们决定这才是明智之举 They felt that was the responsible course. The Challenge (1982)
Probably not the best move.[CN] 这可不是什么明智之举 The Killing Box (2006)
I think it would be a wise and relieving thing to do.[CN] 我想这是明智之举,也让我送了口气 Emma (1996)
By leaving Shiro's service that was a wise move on your part.[CN] 离开志郎对你来说是明智之举 War (2007)
You're right to study law. You're quite an advocate.[CN] 你选法律系是明智之举 你口才真好 Chariots of Fire (1981)
- But I don't think it's advisable. It's up to you.[CN] - 但是我认为这不是明智之举 随便你吧 Find Me Guilty (2006)
Surgery's no good, they'll see the scars.[CN] 动手术不是明智之举 他们会发现疤痕 Gattaca (1997)
Yeah. Screw the dump, man. It's right in your backyard, dude.[CN] 是的,伙计,放弃去垃圾场是对的 我们来居民区才是明智之举 The Gang Finds a Dumpster Baby (2007)
But I'm telling you now, this is a really bad move.[CN] 但我现在告诉你,这不是明智之举 Tortured (2008)
I mean, you're hell bent on leaving... your boyfriend, and that's the wise decision[CN] 明智之举,要甩男朋友 非得下最大的决心 Yuen fan (1984)
Very clever, Master![CN] 明智之举 师傅! A Chinese Ghost Story III (1991)
You'd be wise not to follow us.[CN] 不要跟着我们v才是明智之举 Shogun Assassin (1980)
Let her, it's the first sensible thing she's said.[CN] 让她,这是第一个明智之举她说。 40 Carats (1973)
Now's not the time to be trusting a black inmate, Michael.[CN] 这时候相信一个黑人狱友 可不是什么明智之举 迈克尔 { \3cH202020 }Now's not the time to trust a black inmate. Allen (2005)
You should avoid a meaningless fight.[CN] 避开三上他们才是明智之举吧 Crows Zero (2007)
I think that's so wise.[CN] 我想这是明智之举 The Greatest Game Ever Played (2005)
And Xi said, "You have done a very wise thing. "[CN] 凯说,这才是明智之举 The Gods Must Be Crazy (1980)
It was the right thing to do, no matter where the body was found.[CN] 这是明智之举 ************** The Pelican Brief (1993)
It isn't wise to stand against me, Leonidas.[CN] 在神面前公然与我为敌 可不是明智之举 300 (2006)
- Avery smart woman.[CN] - 明智之举. I Am the Other Woman (2006)
Maybe it's just the smart thing to do.[CN] 可能倒是个... 明智之举 Survival of the Dead (2009)
A base camp in the mountains, is that wise?[CN] 在山区扎基地营 这是明智之举吗? Testudo et Lepus (The Tortoise and the Hare) (2007)
The rabbits were starting a grand project - since ketchup contained 83% water, it was rational to take the production of ketchup under water.[CN] 兔子们正在开始一项宏伟的工程 - 既然番茄酱包含83% 的水, 将生产番茄酱置于水便是明智之举. Night of the Carrots (1998)
You think that's the smartest thing to do right now, John?[CN] 你觉得这是明智之举吗? Man of Science, Man of Faith (2005)
- A wise decision on both your parts.[CN] - 这对双方而言 不啻明智之举 Kaisha (2006)
- Oh, yeah?[CN] 明智之举... A Good Year (2006)
- l must see him. - l don't think that's wise.[CN] 我必须去见他我想那不是个明智之举 The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover (1989)
Oh, I don't think that's a good idea, cause I didn't really bring my "a" game.[CN] 噢 我可不认为那是明智之举 因为我 我真的不在状态 Sweetheart, I Have to Confess (2006)
They were right to arrest him.[CN] 他们逮捕他是明智之举 Senso (1954)
Still, let's face it, it was kind of stupid to be out there that late.[CN] 尽管如此 我们还是要面对现实 我们那么晚才离开那儿 这真不是明智之举 Moe n' Joe (2006)
Brilliant move![CN] 明智之举 The Cat Returns (2002)
This means that war has begun, and I think it would be wise...[CN] 这相当于宣战 我认为明智之举是... Senso (1954)
It makes sense. Our interests are conjoined.[CN] 这是明智之举 我们的利益结合在一起 Son of Hades (2007)
Very wise.[CN] - 明智之举 Topsy-Turvy (1999)

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