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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
放置[fàng zhì, ㄈㄤˋ ㄓˋ,  ] put #7,944 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
放置[ほうち, houchi] (n, vs) leave as is; leave to chance; leave alone; neglect; (P) #5,150 [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
A bicycle will rust if you leave it in the rain.雨の中に放置しておくと自転車はさびるでしょう。
Wherever you go, you see a lot of bicycles left on sidewalks near stations.駅の近くの歩道には何処に行ってもおびただしい数の自転車が放置されているのが見かけられる。
The girls were trussed up and left in a cellar.少女たちは縛り上げられて地下室に放置された。
For things that have had contents with volatile oil like thinners they should be left for a few days to completely evaporate it before being disposed of as non-flammable waste.シンナーなどの揮発性油分が入っていたものについては数日間放置して完全に揮発させてから、不燃物として捨てます。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
If you've just joined us, the original report... of a bomb planted in the lobby of the Carlin building has now been confirmed.[CN] 如果你才打开电视,原先报导... 卡琳大楼大厅被放置炸弹的消息 已经获得证实 Neverending Battle (1993)
He would have left you in there to rot.[JP] 彼なら あそこで君をやせ衰えるままに 放置していただろう Red Sails in the Sunset (2012)
Whatever's down there, they must've put it there.[CN] 是他们放置的 Ghostbusters II (1989)
One of our units saw the car, thought it was abandoned, pulled in for a routine check.[JP] - 見つけたのはパトです 放置車両と思ったので お決まりで The Kiss (2012)
No. No, you left me in there to drown.[JP] 私をおぼれ死ににさせて 放置しようとした Chicago (2007)
If left untreated.[JP] 治療しないまま放置の場合はです United (2005)
Jews will be allowed to keep a maximum of 2, 000 zlotys in their homes."[CN] 犹太人在家中放置现金上限为2000波币 The Pianist (2002)
By the power of the magic Loc-Nar placed in your hands I command you.[CN] 到了魔术禄,全国房地产经纪人协会权力 放置在你的手中... ...我命令你。 Heavy Metal (1981)
Don't leave![JP] 放置しないでください! Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)
Now my parents put up this stupid artificial tree. It's all fake.[CN] 现在,我的父母放置了 一株可笑的杂交的树 Untamed Heart (1993)
They set up their machinery around areas in the house where Binder had reported an attempted communication by his wife and child.[CN] 他们在房子周围放置了仪器 当Binder报告他老婆孩子试图与他沟通时 Faces of Death (1978)
Why hasn't that case been closed? Because I saw Dexter's report.[JP] バカが死体を 放置したからだ Sin of Omission (2011)
I left it alone.[JP] それを私は放置した The Vest (2011)
However, if you leave it as is, the cancer is sure to progress.[JP] 「でも このまま放置したら 確実に がんは進行する」 Episode #1.3 (2012)
You know, some cases are better left alone--[JP] 放置すべき事件もある Talk to the Hand (2011)
Skewer him and leave her to rot. I don't like killing girls.[JP] やつは串刺し、娘は放置だ 娘殺しは気分が悪い Snow White and the Huntsman (2012)
I want you all to make sure your gear is stowed.[CN] 大家放置好行李! White Squall (1996)
Why don't they just dip our balls in honey and stake us to an ant farm?[JP] 身体にハチミツを塗って 蜂の前に放置する気か? RED 2 (2013)
Put it down.[CN] 放置在那里。 Deep Cover (1992)
The fact that the Mona Lisa was not hanging in her usual place was no doubt due to the fact that she was in the photographic studio.[CN] "蒙娜丽莎"没有挂在原来的位置 无疑被认为是因为 她被放置在画室中 The Final Problem (1985)
Yesterday, CBI consultant Jane's car was found abandoned by the side of the road.[JP] [道路脇に放置されているのが発見されました] Red Sails in the Sunset (2012)
Officer Thurmond Brucks found their abandoned car, which contained a large bag of marijuana.[JP] 彼らの放置車からは━ 大量の薬物が 発見されました Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle (2004)
First Hill, then Conlon, Armstrong, Richardson, confessed to the bombing.[CN] 希尔在先,然后是康伦,阿姆斯特朗,理查森 对放置炸弹供认不讳 In the Name of the Father (1993)
I brought in 300 sets. My men are just re-laying the tables.[CN] 我买进300套,我的人刚刚重新放置在餐桌上 The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover (1989)
Grubbing about and planting evidence of transvestisism to topple me from my position of most popular flatmate![CN] 翻来翻去,放置异装癖的证据 想把我从最受欢迎室友的宝座拖下来! Nasty (1984)
To find our roads, we had set the frozen bodies of horses along the snow walls to find the way during the snowdriffs.[CN] 为了找到我们的路, 我们把马匹冻住的尸体沿着雪墙放置 以在积雪时找到路 Barbarossa: June-December 1941 (1973)
Ergo, those that refused the program, while a minority, if unchecked would constitute an escalating probability of disaster.[JP] プログラムを拒否した 異端を放置すれば 災害の可能性を増大させる The Matrix Reloaded (2003)
Tanks have been placed at vital traffic junctions, and more tanks have rolled into Tiananmen Square.[CN] 坦克被放置 在重要的交通路口 更多的坦克已經 進入天安門廣場 The Match Factory Girl (1990)
And we very proudly deploy it on the moon... to stay for as long as it can, in honor of all those people who have worked so hard to put us here... and to make the country and mankind something different than it was.[CN] 我们很骄傲的把国旗 放置在月球上... 并让它永久的安置在那里 向所有为送我们登上月球 而付出努力的人表示敬意... For All Mankind (1989)
But the locals, there's this perfect little spot at the top of Linden Hills.[CN] 但一个伟大的地方 放置在林登山的顶部。 The Very Thought of You (1998)
You can just leave his body out in the open.[JP] 外に放置してもいいぞ Nebraska (2011)
Albanian terrorists have placed a suitcase bomb... in Canada in an attempt to infiltrate it into the USA.[CN] 阿尔巴尼亚恐怖分子 放置了一个手提箱式原子弹在... 加拿大,并企图渗透到美国 Wag the Dog (1997)
It's grown from fertilized amphibian eggs stuffed with synthetic DNA.[CN] 在两栖动物的受精卵里面 放置合成的ONA eXistenZ (1999)
Asmallcapsuleisdesigned with a series of films, alternatingwith spaces and dividers.[CN] 在小胶囊里放置底片来检测辐射 Trinity and Beyond: The Atomic Bomb Movie (1995)
That stuff has been sitting for a year.[JP] 1年は放置されてた Sorcerer (1977)
It's derelict.[JP] 建物が放置されている Pink Tops (2011)
They will be blown apart if we leave them out in the snow.[JP] 雪の中で放置するなら バラバラになるだろう Assembly (2007)
We've been helping some of them out.[JP] 放置すれば 全滅します Chinatown (1974)
- Will you put in a kind word for me?[CN] 你最好砍掉那些 树来放置你们的大炮 Gettysburg (1993)
I couldn't leave the car there with him in the gully.[JP] 彼を車に入れたまま 放置できない Detour (1945)
The same word found carved on a post at the abandoned colony.[JP] 見つかった単語は 放置された植民地の ─ ポストに彫刻されてた Birth (2011)
Since the Gulf War, they've carried a sample in case... terrorists contaminate an oil field with it.[CN] ... ...... 恐怖分子都在发生污染的每一个油田中放置它. Phantoms (1998)
So that's where it belongs.[CN] 就是它被放置的地方 The Man with the Golden Gun (1974)
I screwed my kid's life up, too.[JP] 俺も 子供を放置した A Good Day to Die Hard (2013)
Inspector, why do you believe these four are the bombers?[CN] 督察,何以认定这四人放置炸弹 In the Name of the Father (1993)
It's a shame, because a condition such as yours left untreated could be downright dangerous.[JP] 未処置では実に危険なあなたを 放置する事になるのは残念です The Other Side (2012)
You were left for dead.[JP] 君は 死体として放置されてた A Bright New Day (2009)
At the center of the room we'll put the dog pad where Bruno is going to sleep.[CN] 在房间中央我们放置布鲁诺睡觉的狗垫 The Creature (1977)
And we're like in a childrers room. A rosy childrers room.[CN] 我們把孩子放置在火山口上 A Slave of Love (1976)
Well, yeah, since mayonnaise left out in the sun can kill ya.[JP] いや、日なたに放置された マヨネーズは危ないだろ Now You Know (2007)

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
放置[ほうち, houchi] liegen_lassen, dem_Zufall_ueberlassen [Add to Longdo]

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