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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Longdo Dictionary ภาษา ญี่ปุ่น (JP) - อังกฤษ (EN) (UNAPPROVED version -- use with care )
**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
取り扱い上の注意[Toriatsukaijo no chui] (n) Precaution, See also: R. 予防

KANJIDIC with stroke order from AnimCJK
[] Meaning: handle; entertain; thresh; strip
On-yomi: ソウ, キュウ, sou, kyuu
Kun-yomi: あつか.い, あつか.う, あつか.る, こ.く, atsuka.i, atsuka.u,, ko.ku
Radical: , Decomposition:     
Rank: 1057

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[xī, ㄒㄧ, ] collect; receive #348,947 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-Thai-English: Saikam Dictionary
取り扱う[とりあつかう, toriatsukau] TH: จัดการ
取り扱う[とりあつかう, toriatsukau] TH: ปฏิบัติกับ  EN: to treat
扱う[あつかう, atsukau] TH: จัดการ  EN: to handle
扱う[あつかう, atsukau] TH: ปฏิบัติต่อ

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
扱い[あつかい, atsukai] (n, n-suf, vs) treatment; service; (P) #1,725 [Add to Longdo]
扱う[あつかう, atsukau] (v5u, vt) to handle; to deal with; to treat; (P) #2,952 [Add to Longdo]
取り扱い(P);取扱い(P);取り扱(P);取扱(P)[とりあつかい, toriatsukai] (n) treatment; service; handling; management; (P) #7,543 [Add to Longdo]
取り扱う(P);取扱う(io)[とりあつかう, toriatsukau] (v5u, vt) to treat; to handle; to deal in; (P) #11,501 [Add to Longdo]
もて扱う;持て扱う[もてあつかう, moteatsukau] (v5u, vt) (1) (arch) to take care of; (2) (arch) (See 持て余す) to be too much for one; to find unmanageable; to be beyond one's control; to not know what to do with [Add to Longdo]
扱い難い;扱いにくい[あつかいにくい, atsukainikui] (adj-i) (See 難い・にくい) hard to handle [Add to Longdo]
扱い方[あつかいかた, atsukaikata] (n) way with (an animal); how to handle [Add to Longdo]
扱き[しごき, shigoki] (n) (1) hazing; gruelling training; (2) waistband; woman's undergirdle [Add to Longdo]
扱き下ろす;扱下ろす(io);こき下ろす;扱きおろす[こきおろす, kokiorosu] (v5s, vt) to denounce; to disparage; to lambast; to abuse [Add to Longdo]
扱き混ぜる;扱き雑ぜる;扱き交ぜる;扱混ぜる(io)[こきまぜる, kokimazeru] (v1, vt) to mix together (e.g. ingredients); to stir; to mix up [Add to Longdo]
扱き使う;こき使う;扱使う[こきつかう, kokitsukau] (v5u, vt) to work someone hard [Add to Longdo]
扱き落とす[こきおとす, kokiotosu] (v5s) to thresh [Add to Longdo]
扱く[しごく, shigoku] (v5k, vt) to thresh; to strip [Add to Longdo]
扱く[しごく, shigoku] (v5k, vt) (1) (uk) to draw through one's hand; to stroke (e.g. a beard); (2) (uk) to work someone hard [Add to Longdo]
扱ぐ[こぐ, kogu] (v5g) to pull up by the roots [Add to Longdo]
扱わない品[あつかわないしな, atsukawanaishina] (n) goods not in one's line [Add to Longdo]
遺失物取り扱い所[いしつぶつとりあつかいじょ, ishitsubutsutoriatsukaijo] (n) lost and found office [Add to Longdo]
稲扱き[いねこき, inekoki] (n) rice threshing [Add to Longdo]
運送取扱人[うんそうとりあつかいにん, unsoutoriatsukainin] (n) forwarding merchant; freight forwarder [Add to Longdo]
荷扱い[にあつかい, niatsukai] (n) handling of freight [Add to Longdo]
機械を扱う[きかいをあつかう, kikaiwoatsukau] (exp, v5u) to handle a tool; to work a machine [Add to Longdo]
客扱い[きゃくあつかい, kyakuatsukai] (n, vs) hospitality [Add to Longdo]
根扱ぎ[ねこぎ, nekogi] (n) uprooting [Add to Longdo]
差別的取り扱い[さべつてきとりあつかい, sabetsutekitoriatsukai] (n) discriminatory treatment [Add to Longdo]
子供扱い[こどもあつかい, kodomoatsukai] (n, vs) treating someone like a child [Add to Longdo]
事務取扱;事務取扱い(io);事務取り扱い(io)[じむとりあつかい, jimutoriatsukai] (n) acting director [Add to Longdo]
取り扱い所;取扱い所[とりあつかいじょ, toriatsukaijo] (n) agency; office [Add to Longdo]
取り扱い説明書;取扱説明書[とりあつかいせつめいしょ, toriatsukaisetsumeisho] (n) user's manual; handling instructions [Add to Longdo]
取り扱い表示;取扱表示[とりあつかいひょうじ, toriatsukaihyouji] (n) care instructions [Add to Longdo]
取り扱い方;取扱い方;取扱方[とりあつかいかた, toriatsukaikata] (n) way of handling [Add to Longdo]
取扱者[とりあつかいしゃ, toriatsukaisha] (n) operator; handler [Add to Longdo]
取扱書[とりあつかいしょ, toriatsukaisho] (n) (abbr) user's manual; handling instructions [Add to Longdo]
取扱人[とりあつかいにん, toriatsukainin] (n) agent; person in charge [Add to Longdo]
取扱注意(P);取り扱い注意[とりあつかいちゅうい, toriatsukaichuui] (n) handling warning; (P) [Add to Longdo]
出席扱い[しゅっせきあつかい, shussekiatsukai] (n) regard as equivalent to attendance [Add to Longdo]
小荷物扱い[こにもつあつかい, konimotsuatsukai] (n) parcel consignment [Add to Longdo]
小口扱い[こぐちあつかい, koguchiatsukai] (n) small lot consignment [Add to Longdo]
上手に扱う[じょうずにあつかう, jouzuniatsukau] (exp, v5u) to handle skillfully [Add to Longdo]
粗末に扱う[そまつにあつかう, somatsuniatsukau] (exp, v5u) to handle (a thing) roughly [Add to Longdo]
他人扱い[たにんあつかい, tanin'atsukai] (n, vs) treating like a stranger [Add to Longdo]
宅扱い[たくあつかい, takuatsukai] (n) home delivery [Add to Longdo]
特殊取扱郵便[とくしゅとりあつかいゆうびん, tokushutoriatsukaiyuubin] (n) special mail [Add to Longdo]
特別扱い[とくべつあつかい, tokubetsuatsukai] (n, vs) special (preferential) treatment; by express or special delivery [Add to Longdo]
麦扱き[むぎこき, mugikoki] (n, vs) wheat threshing [Add to Longdo]
放射線取扱主任者[ほうしゃせんんとりあつかいしゅにんしゃ, houshasenntoriatsukaishuninsha] (n) radiation protection supervisor [Add to Longdo]
問題を扱う[もんだいをあつかう, mondaiwoatsukau] (exp, v5u) to deal with (handle) a matter [Add to Longdo]
優先扱い[ゆうせんあつかい, yuusen'atsukai] (n) priority treatment; preferential treatment [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
Japanese management must learn how to deal with American workers, he said.「日本の経営陣は米国の労働者の扱い方を身につけなければいけない」と彼は言った。
There seems to be a slight difference on the treatment of the B factor between their approaches.B要因の取り扱いに関して、両者のアプローチにはわずかな違いがあるようだ。
Arnold is concerned with cases of dual personality.アーノルドは二重人格の事例を扱っている。
If you act like a fool, you must be treated as such.あなたが馬鹿者のように振る舞えば、馬鹿者として扱われる。
You never used to treat me like this.あなたは昔私をこんなふうに扱わなかった。
In that country I was a foreigner and was treated as such.あの国では、私は外国人だったのでそれなりに扱われた。
I wish I had treated the girl more kindly at that time.あの時あの少女をもっと親切に扱ってやればよかったのに。
The teacher handles his pupils well.あの先生は生徒の扱い方がうまい。
They deal in rice at that store.あの店は米を扱っている。
Every child objects to being treated like a baby.あらゆる子供は赤ちゃん扱いされることに反対する。
They were treating me so rudely that I suddenly just lost it.あんまり無礼に扱われたので、カチンときた。
It is not my purpose to investigate the impact of Emmet's theory on biology.エメット理論が生物学に与えたインパクトに関しては扱わない。
The impact of Emmet's theory on physics has been widely discussed, but this is not my concern in this paper.エメット理論が物理学に与えたインパクトについては広く議論されているが、この論文では扱わない。
If you act like a child, you will be treated as such.お前が子供のような振る舞いをするなら子供として扱われるぞ。 [ M ]
What kinds of goods do you sell in your shop?お宅のお店ではどんな商品を扱っていますか。
You can't treat the class as a whole, but must pay attention to each member.クラスを全体として扱ってはいけません。それぞれの生徒に注意を向けなければいけません。
We deal here with Emmet's 'dyad' style first presented in his experimental works in the late sixties.ここでは60年代後半のエメットの実験的な作品で初めて提示されたダイアド・スタイルを扱う。
We don't carry leather goods.ここでは革製品は扱っていません。
Handle the glasses carefully.コップ類を丁寧に扱いなさい。
Such a problem is hard to deal with.このような問題は扱いにくい。
Not having dealt with such a problem, they don't know what to do.このような問題を扱ったことがないので、彼らはどうしたらよいかわからないでいる。
This machine is easy to handle.この機械は扱いやすい。
This aircraft company deals with freight only.この航空会社は貨物輸送だけを取り扱っています。
Ability to operate a computer is critical for this job.この仕事にはコンピューターを扱う能力が決定的に重要です。
This situation requires nice handling.この事態は慎重な取り扱いを要する。
The document clearly spells out the correct procedure for dealing with complaints.この書類に苦情の取り扱いかたが丁寧に説明してある。
This information should be covered in the main body of the text, not in the notes.この情報は注釈ではなく本文で扱うべきだ。
Do you have any tax-free articles?この店では免税品を扱っていますか。
This store has a variety of spices.この店はいろいろなスパイスを扱っている。
This shop deals in women's clothing.この店は女性服を扱っている。
This shop carries men's clothing.この店は紳士用品を扱っている。
This book deals with life in the United Kingdom.この本はイギリスでの生活を扱っている。
This book deals with the invasion of the Romans.この本はローマ人の侵略を扱っている。
This book deals with the uses of atomic power.この本は原子力利用を取り扱っている。
This book deals with the new theory of linguistics.この本は言語学の新しい理論を扱っている。
This book deals with facts.この本は事実を扱っている。
This book deals with psychology.この本は心理学を取り扱っている。
This book deals with anthropology.この本は人類学を扱っている。
This book only goes down to World War II.この本は第二次大戦までしか扱っていない。
This book deals with China.この本は中国を扱っている。
This matter must not be trifled with.この問題は軽々しく扱ってはならない。
This problem is akin to the one we had last year.この問題は昨年私達が扱った問題と類似している。
I will deal with this problem.この問題は私が扱います。
We will deal with this problem in Chapter three.この問題は第3章で扱います。
How shall we deal with this problem?この問題をどうやって扱いましょうか。
How shall we deal with the problem?この問題をどう扱いましょうか。
How shall we deal with this matter?この問題をどのように扱いましょうか。
How shall we deal with this problem?この問題をどのように扱えばよいのでしょうか。
This inn gives good service.この旅館は客の扱いがよい。
We are not concerned in this paper with the application of Emmet's theory in biology.この論文では生物学におけるエメット理論の応用については扱わない。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Why would Benny have his own spot? And not us?[JP] なぜビンニだけ 特別扱いなんだよ Sky Palace (1994)
I shall sing of your dastardly deed.[JP] この汚い扱い方を宣伝します! The Black Cauldron (1985)
Mr Wickham, that half the town was mad in love with. All the time a villain![JP] 皆 彼に夢中だったわ それが突然悪者扱いよ Episode #1.5 (1995)
It's a privilege to be selected to pound erasers.[JP] だから特別扱いで 用事を頼むんだ Be My Valentine, Charlie Brown (1975)
Seems to control two high-rise apartment buildings, the elevator systems, the electrical... I mean, who could do that?[JP] 高層ビル2つのエレベータや 電気系統を扱えるとはー Someone's Watching Me! (1978)
It's a rush order, some books that[JP] 至急扱いだ 医療ビルに届ける Hollow Triumph (1948)
I will deal with them myself.[JP] わしが直接扱う Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983)
Ever since Dad... her dad left, I can't control her.[JP] お父さんは出た あのう彼女のお父さんね。 扱えないわ。 Witch (1997)
I shouldn't treat you this way.[JP] こんな風に お前を扱うべきじゃないわ Raise the Red Lantern (1991)
How about a Cadillac? A brand-new Cadillac with the pink slip, two grand.[JP] 新車のキャデラックも扱ってる 車検付きで2000ドル Taxi Driver (1976)
Pardon me, but we do have a strict policy concerning the handling of the instruments.[JP] すみませんが 当店では楽器を取り扱う際に 厳重な規則があります The Blues Brothers (1980)
You really should take better care of this equipment.[JP] 丁寧に扱った方がいい Creepshow (1982)
What are you doing here? I'm looking for a driver who can handle scanners on the radio.[JP] スキャナーと無線を扱える 運転手を探してる Heat (1995)
Nah, you're a dinosaur. You're extinct. You've got nothing.[JP] 恐竜扱いされるだけだ The End (1988)
Just don't grab me like that, man.[JP] そんなふうにオレを扱うな The Crazies (1973)
I'd get a nice piece of steak, flowers, sometimes even a gift.[JP] 花や 商売で扱ってる品物を The Fabulous Baker Boys (1989)
Square these weapons away.[JP] 銃器は正しく扱え 右腕は地面と平行に! Full Metal Jacket (1987)
I don't like the way you treat me in front of these people![JP] 彼等の前でバカ扱いするな! Brainstorm (1983)
Or elbow as low as his?[CN] 这样扱肘! The Legend Is Born: Ip Man (2010)
If you're dealing with someone who's crushed, stabbed, shot and detonated five members of his own IMF team, how devastated will you make him by arresting Ma and Uncle Donald?[JP] あなたが誰かを扱っている場合 - -潰 され、刺され、- - ショットと爆発 - Mission: Impossible (1996)
Your services to your country will be taken into consideration.[JP] 君の国家に対する貢献は充分に考慮する 君は公正に扱われる First Blood (1982)
They couldn't handle it even if they did show up.[JP] うまく扱えないよ。 来てもらっても The Harvest (1997)
Some privilege.[JP] 何が特別扱いよ Be My Valentine, Charlie Brown (1975)
The way these doctor's push you around nowadays, I tell you.[JP] 近頃の医者は 患者扱いが酷いわね! Hollow Triumph (1948)
Kitty, Mr. Dellarowe he/she wants to have the sole right of does all your work, find you well?[JP] キティ デラロウさんが... 絵を独占的に 扱いたいと申し出てるが... Scarlet Street (1945)
Shit, he's hard to hold![JP] 扱いにくい野郎だ First Blood (1982)
Just happened to be available.[JP] 消耗品扱いされたのかもな The Crazies (1973)
I have told the truth, I didn't kill her.[JP] 誰か助けて! ひどい扱いしやがる Scarlet Street (1945)
I don't understand why some grad school superstar... is being treated like a seasoned pro.[JP] 専門学校のスターはどうして プロのように扱われてる A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987)
And I don't want to see it end up on some Defense scrap heap before we know what it's really about![JP] それに、最後はスクラップ扱いされるのを 見たくないだけ... ...既に、それが始まっているの! Brainstorm (1983)
A big man in town.[JP] 橋とかの保険を 扱ってる Too Late for Tears (1949)
People don't understand what's involved. This is an art form.[JP] ビデオ・カメラを扱うって 仕事は芸術だ Groundhog Day (1993)
Why, yes, sire. You're quite right. I'll take care of it at once.[JP] はい、そのとおりでございます、 わたくしはすぐお扱います The Black Cauldron (1985)
But the sensitive nature of my work for the government demands utmost secrecy.[JP] 政府の仕事をしているため 機密扱いなのです Taxi Driver (1976)
She looks kinda depressed.[CN] 她看起来有点消扱的。 Børning (2014)
She is the only one who looked upon us as human.[JP] その人はわしらを人として扱(あつか)って下さったたった一人の人だ. Princess Mononoke (1997)
And I know what to do with a bug when I see it.[JP] 虫の扱いはよく知っている Creepshow (1982)
Well you seem to have a thing about my bra.[JP] だめよ ブラの扱いを勉強しなきゃ The 4th Man (1983)
It doesn't look like ours, but we deal with so many ships.[JP] でも数いっぱいの船を扱っているので The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! (1988)
Oh, they treat you real nice out at the county farm.[JP] 留置所ではいい扱いを受けるだろうな Crossroads (1986)
- You talk about him like he's some kind of animal.[JP] アンタはヤツを人間扱いしてないな - 彼は... Halloween II (1981)
As you know, I'm not the kind of man who takes such things lightly.[JP] だが、こんなことを軽く扱う男ではありません The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! (1988)
That's a nice way to treat people.[JP] えらい扱いだな Straw Dogs (1971)
It was a terrible thing and I did not deserve it.[JP] 本当に酷い事です。 私には そんな扱いを受ける謂れはありません Manny & Lo (1996)
Don't you realize what the Arctic find means?[CN] 你难道不了解北扱的发现代表什么吗 Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014)
But he believes that by applying the targeted finger style or darting hand movements, opponents can be overpowered I've tried it and it's very effective.[CN] 但是梁师叔就说可以用标指拳中的扱肘 或标手将对方摔到 我试过,效果挺好的 The Legend Is Born: Ip Man (2010)
Now we're afraid, what do you and the special forces suggest we do with the psychopath?[JP] 大佐 あんたは充分 震え上がらせてくれたよ それで 専門家の意見 としては我々は―― あのキチガイをどう扱えばいいと? First Blood (1982)
Difficult hair doesn't exist, just bad hairdressers.[JP] 扱いにくい? 下手な美容師の台詞よ The 4th Man (1983)
Don't be such an asshole ! They mean well.[JP] 乱暴に扱わないで Turkish Delight (1973)
- Yeah. A lot of us in the DA's office thought of him as a hood.[JP] 検事局じゃ 奴は悪党扱いだった Farewell, My Lovely (1975)

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
取り扱い方[とりあつかいかた, toriatsukaikata] Behandlungsweise [Add to Longdo]
取り扱い注意[とりあつかいちゅうい, toriatsukaichuui] Vorsicht, zerbrechlich! [Add to Longdo]
取り扱う[とりあつかう, toriatsukau] behandeln, umgehen, umgehen_mit [Add to Longdo]
取扱注意[とりあつかいちゅうい, toriatsukaichuui] Vorsicht, zerbrechlich! [Add to Longdo]
客扱い[きゃくあつかい, kyakuatsukai] Behandlung_der_Gaeste, Bedienung_der_Gaeste [Add to Longdo]
扱う[あつかう, atsukau] behandeln [Add to Longdo]

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