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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
出家人[chū jiā rén, ㄔㄨ ㄐㄧㄚ ㄖㄣˊ,   ] a Buddhist monk or nun #41,142 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
This is a priest[CN] 我是出家人 Seven Samurai (1954)
You know that I'm a Taoist monk[CN] 叫我法师,就知道我是出家人 A Chinese Ghost Story II (1990)
I'm a priest![CN] 出家人 Seven Samurai (1954)
But as monks we mustn't kill.[CN] 但是我们出家人有好生之德 The 8 Diagram Pole Fighter (1984)
ou, a monk, joining the rebels![CN] 想不到你是出家人也参加造反 The 36th Chamber of Shaolin (1978)
Worse than a shit bowl[CN] 我们出家人要这么多钱 Fo tiao qiang (1977)
Where's your respect for tradition?[CN] 出家人不是要四大皆空的吗? Iron Monkey (1993)
Your mind is not pure, monk[CN] 六根不净,哎呀出家人 Green Snake (1993)
Your mind is not pure, monk Tenet of lust.[CN] 六根不净,哎呀出家人 Green Snake (1993)
Thumpers just shouldn't get dibs.[CN] 出家人就应该四大皆空 JSS (2015)
What is this? Even though you are a monk, you are speaking in such a lewd manner.[CN] 和尚,你身为出家人 The Lady Shogun and Her Men (2010)
My student does not behave like a monk[CN] 我这个徒弟怎么看也不像出家人 A Chinese Ghost Story III (1991)
What you see before you is a man, a simple monk.[CN] 你面前的是一個人 一個平凡的出家人 Kundun (1997)
We must have Buddha in heart, and help people.[CN] 出家人心中有佛, 多行善事 The Shaolin Temple (1982)
I'd come with you but I still hold out the hope of freeing my family.[CN] 我也想跟你们走 但我仍抱持希望救出家人 Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole (2010)
Buddhists are all merciful, [CN] 出家人慈悲怜悯于心, 普渡众生于行 The Shaolin Temple (1982)
Your life as a monk is too simple and poor.[CN] 你们出家人, 实在太清苦了 是 The Shaolin Temple (1982)
Tianbao, now that you're a monk... you've to obey the regulations.[CN] 以后你就是出家人啦,要守戒律 不杀生,不吃肉 Tai-Chi Master (1993)
I'm a monk, trying to protect you[CN] 我身为出家人,不想拆穿你 Disciples of the 36th Chamber (1985)
You are a monk.[CN] 你是个出家人 就应该在庙里参禅悟道 A Touch of Zen (1971)
Remember, you're a monk.[CN] 請記住,您是個出家人 Kundun (1997)
Any kind of water will do[CN] 我是个出家人 Fo tiao qiang (1977)
Fa-hai, I'm not what you say[CN] 就算那样也不关你们出家人的事 Green Snake (1993)
Six months of war, homesick, desperate but you shoul never have attacked a minister of God.[CN] 打了六个月仗 思乡 绝望... 但你不应该打出家人主意 Quel gran pezzo della Ubalda tutta nuda e tutta calda (1972)
- Monks don't lie.[CN] -出家人不打诳语 Wendy Wu: Homecoming Warrior (2006)
I'm sorry, my master is a monk.[CN] 對不起 我師父是出家人 Fei hu wai zhuan (1993)
How can we Buddhists redeem their souls?[CN] 我们出家人是不是可以教化他们呢? A Chinese Ghost Story III (1991)
Monks always have Buddha in their hearts.[CN] 出家人只要心中有佛... 给 The Shaolin Temple (1982)
Please Please, Master, please[CN] 好,看在我们都是出家人的份上 Fo tiao qiang (1977)
As a monk, you shouldn't be here.[CN] 你是出家人 不该来这里 Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives (2010)
This is not how a Buddhist should behave.[CN] 出家人怎麼可以這樣呢 Spiritual Kung Fu (1978)
Abbot, Buddhist should be kind, you let him stay.[CN] 方丈, 出家人慈悲为怀 你就成全这孩子吧 方丈... The Shaolin Temple (1982)
Hard to say! You monks won't understand this![CN] 很难说,这种事你们出家人是不会懂的 Royal Tramp (1992)
Master, monks have nothing, nothing to requite.[CN] 师父, 俺出家人四大皆空 没啥可报答 The Shaolin Temple (1982)
How can you say something like that?[CN] 你这个出家人怎么可以说这种话? The 36th Chamber of Shaolin (1978)
You're a monk and you don't know which manuscript![CN] 你连什么经也不清楚 还说自己是出家人? A Chinese Ghost Story III (1991)
I fear no death.[CN] 出家人置生死于度外 The 8 Diagram Pole Fighter (1984)

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