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CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Munsey Davis, 22.Munsey Davis, 22. Persuasion (2015)
I didn't think that even Captain Munsey would put a 62-year-old man to work in the drainpipe.Unfassbar, dass Captain Munsey ihn mit 62 im Ablaufschacht arbeiten ließ. Brute Force (1947)
Yeah, another dead guy, compliments of Captain Munsey.Ja, noch ein Toter, den wir Captain Munsey verdanken. Brute Force (1947)
Lay off, Munsey.Lassen Sie's sein, Munsey. Brute Force (1947)
No, not Munsey. Sir.Nicht "Munsey", sondern "Sir". Brute Force (1947)
Captain Munsey, sir, I've gotta talk to you. Please, sir.Captain Munsey, ich muss Sie sprechen. Brute Force (1947)
ls, uh, Captain Munsey gonna be there?Wird Captain Munsey dabei sein? Brute Force (1947)
Munsey, what this prison needs is absolute discipline, not charity.Munsey, wir brauchen absolute Disziplin, keine Wohltätigkeit. Brute Force (1947)
Munsey, what do you think of the doctor's viewpoint?Munsey, wie sehen Sie das? Brute Force (1947)
All right, Munsey, have it your way.Natürlich, Munsey, machen Sie es auf Ihre Art. Brute Force (1947)
Munsey'll find another job for me. He always has.Munsey wird schon was finden. Brute Force (1947)
Captain Munsey made me do it!Munsey hat mich gezwungen. Brute Force (1947)
So, in spite of Munsey, I'm still number one.Munsey kann mir nichts anhaben. Brute Force (1947)
You mean Munsey. - No.Sagt Munsey das? Brute Force (1947)
I've heard complaints about Munsey for years, and I'm sick of 'em.Ich bin die Beschwerden über Munsey leid. Brute Force (1947)
It is your fault! You've given in to Munsey all along the line.Doch, das ist es, weil Sie vor Munsey kuschen. Brute Force (1947)
Captain Munsey's office.Büro von Captain Munsey. Brute Force (1947)
Oh, I'm not criticising, Munsey. It's just that...Ich kritisiere Sie nicht, Munsey. Brute Force (1947)
No, Munsey.Nein, Munsey. Brute Force (1947)
You're obvious, Munsey.Ich durchschaue Sie, Munsey. Brute Force (1947)
That's it, Munsey.Das ist es, Munsey. Brute Force (1947)
Collins and Munsey are dead.Collins und Munsey sind tot. Brute Force (1947)
- Munsey left orders.Munsey hat es angeordnet. Brute Force (1947)
- Munsey in?Ist Munsey da? Brute Force (1947)
Munsey knows.Munsey weiß Bescheid. Brute Force (1947)
- How did Munsey find out?Wie hat es Munsey erfahren? Brute Force (1947)
- Munsey.Ja. Da ist Munsey. Brute Force (1947)
Tell them the prison's now in charge of Captain Munsey.Sagen Sie, dass Munsey übernimmt. Brute Force (1947)
With Warden Barnes's resignation now in effect, 'this institution is in charge of Captain Munsey.'Direktor Barnes tritt zurück. Sein Nachfolger ist Captain Munsey. Brute Force (1947)
'I repeat. Captain Munsey is your warden.Captain Munsey ist Ihr Direktor. Brute Force (1947)
- Joey, wait! You got me wrong! Munsey made me do it, Joe!Joe, Munsey hat mich dazu gezwungen! Brute Force (1947)
Munsey.Von Munsey. Brute Force (1947)
- Munsey?Munsey... Brute Force (1947)
Munsey'll be the hero.Munsey wäre der Held. Brute Force (1947)

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]


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