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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
骨格(P);骨骼[こっかく, kokkaku] (n, adj-no) (1) skeleton; skeletal structure; build; frame; physique; (2) framework; (P) #11,013 [Add to Longdo]
骨格[こっかくきん, kokkakukin] (n) skeletal muscle [Add to Longdo]
骨格模型[こっかくもけい, kokkakumokei] (n) (human) skeletal model [Add to Longdo]

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Endoskeletal structure points don't match.[JP] 骨格の構造点が一致しない. Heavy Metal (2008)
Hot enough to liquefy this endoskeleton.[JP] 内部骨格機構を溶かすのに充分 Dungeons & Dragons (2008)
How many of those things, those endoskeletons, do you think they can make out of that load of metal in there?[JP] 何体 製造できるんだよ, その内骨格っての, あの中にある量の金属でさ? Heavy Metal (2008)
I'm sorry I was born with this perfect bone structure.[JP] こんな完璧な骨格で 産まれてきたのが辛いんだ Zoolander (2001)
Two 600 models had a titanium alloy endoskeleton.[JP] T600号はチタン合金の内骨格なの. Heavy Metal (2008)
Still working my way around "endoskeleton."[JP] 内部骨格機構って何だ Dungeons & Dragons (2008)
Skynet will use it as a key element in our endoskeletal alloy.[JP] スカイネットが 内骨格の 主材料として使う金属. Heavy Metal (2008)
Your bone structure is exquisite. It's one in a million.[CN] 先生,看你骨格精奇,万中无一 Just Another Pandora's Box (2010)
Even a single unaccounted for piece of the endoskeleton Could alter the course of technological evolution.[JP] 内部骨格機構の一部でも残ってると 技術発展の方向を変えるかもしれない Dungeons & Dragons (2008)
Or something?[JP] 内部骨格機構があるんじゃないの? Dungeons & Dragons (2008)
Endoskeletons.[JP] 骨格よ. Heavy Metal (2008)
Its exoskeleton is beginning to fracture.[JP] 骨格が壊れ始めています In a Mirror, Darkly (2005)

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
骨格[こっかく, kokkaku] Knochengeruest, Skelett, Koerperbau [Add to Longdo]


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