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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
连翘[lián qiáo, ㄌㄧㄢˊ ㄑㄧㄠˊ,   /  ] Forsythia #44,016 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
The hill of the forsythia[CN] 开满黄花(连翘)的小山 Once in a Summer (2006)
What does forsythia do?[CN] 连翘是干什么的? Contagion (2011)
Uh, there are therapies we know are effective right now, like forsythia... and they don't even appear on the CDC website.[CN] 嗯,目前我们知道有些药物在防治病毒方面是有一定疗效的,比如连翘 但这些并没有公布在疾控中心的官网上 Contagion (2011)
- It cured me. Forsythia cured me.[CN] - 它把我治好了,连翘治愈了我 Contagion (2011)
Maybe they'd rather roll the dice with forsythia.[CN] 也许他们宁愿相信连翘是有作用的 Contagion (2011)
No, it's got St. Johns worts in it.[CN] 不,里面有贯叶连翘 Bad Moon Rising (2000)
Forsythia is a lie.[CN] 连翘有疗效也是谎言 Contagion (2011)
It's just that studies show that there is no proof that forsythia works.[CN] 没有任何研究表明连翘对这个病毒有疗效 Contagion (2011)
So, I found traces of honeysuckle, golden bell and confederate rose. Flowers?[CN] 发现了金银花 连翘以及芙蓉的痕迹 The Mystery in the Meat (2013)
You're familiar with forsythia?[CN] 你知道连翘吗? Contagion (2011)
This is forsythia.[CN] 这个是连翘 Contagion (2011)
We tried forsythia, but she wasn't strong.[CN] 我们试过给她服用连翘,但是她没能熬过去 Contagion (2011)


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