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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
童工[tóng gōng, ㄊㄨㄥˊ ㄍㄨㄥ,  ] child labor #33,196 [Add to Longdo]

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My grandfather didn't trust any of his children to run the business.[CN] 我的祖父不相信 儿童工作。 A Most Violent Year (2014)
But now the bastards are using sweatshop kids to reassemble the shreds.[CN] 但现在那些混蛋用童工来拼回纸碎 Argo (2012)
THEY DON'T COMPLY WITH THEIR OWN CHILD LABOR LAWS, [CN] 他们不遵守自己制订的保护童工的法律, Death by China (2012)
aren't there child labor laws about having, you know, someone so young be the emcee?[CN] 是不是有关于有童工的法律, 你知道,有人这么年轻是主持人? Lost on the Young (2014)
The guy was obviously running a sweatshop.[CN] 我认为他一直让 童工每天工作十六小时 The Haunting (1999)
From the mountaintops of North Korea to the jungles of Zimbabwe, let every child laborer and sweatshop factory worker sing, [CN] 从北朝鲜的山顶到津巴布韦的丛林 让每一个童工和被剥削的工人 一齐高歌: The Dictator (2012)
There's this clinic in Haiti, and they work with kids who have cancer... it sounds terrific.[CN] 有這個診所在海地,他們 與誰得了癌症兒童工作... 這聽起來太棒了。 The Ultimate Life (2013)
What, sweat shops?[CN] 童工工厂? The Ol' Mexican Spinach (2014)
My brother was a doctor... working with children with terminal illnesses.[CN] 我哥哥是个医生? 谁与儿童工作 绝症。 Clown (2014)
Where's the secret room with the toddler slaves?[CN] 你们虐待童工的密室在哪里? where's the secret room with the toddler slaves? And the Fun Factory (2015)
- My fellow child laborer.[CN] 我的童工同志啊 Confession (2013)
This is Austin, this is Travis. What are you doing?[CN] - 这是非法的儿童工作。 Smitty (2012)


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