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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
痛打[つうだ, tsuuda] (n, vs) hard or crushing blow; severe attack [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
If Early ever saw me in a picture like that, I'd be black-and-blue for a week.[CN] 如果厄尔利看到 照片中这样的我 我一定被痛打一顿 Kalifornia (1993)
I got beat up by a girl.[CN] 我给一个女生痛打了一顿 Episode #2.12 (1991)
Let's beat the wolves.[CN] 各位师弟,痛打野狼 The 8 Diagram Pole Fighter (1984)
You also admit to having beaten up the victim... on the night that she was murdered.[CN] 你也承认在被害人被谋杀当晚 把她给痛打了一顿 The Gift (2000)
And then, they grabbed this guy's hand.[CN] 把这个人痛打一领 然后抓住这个人的手 Little Dieter Needs to Fly (1997)
He'd smack her around![CN] 最後他會隨手拿東西扔我媽 把她痛打一頓 Nobody Knows Anything (1999)
They were beaten with a leather belt without mercy. I watched this.[CN] 她们被用皮带痛打 我看着 The Comfort of Strangers (1990)
It hits you like an 18-wheeler, doesn't it? And there's no relief.[CN] 那感觉就像给18铜人痛打了一顿 却仍未得到解脱,对吧? Episode #2.19 (1991)
I wouldn't exactly say that I beat her up.[CN] 我没有说痛打了一顿 The Gift (2000)
He makes them shave their heads to prove their obedience.[CN] 痛打了那个可怜的女子 Red Heat (1988)
And the sperm whales you trounce...[CN] 而你痛打的那些抹香鲸队的 What Time Is It? (1989)
She likes nothing better than... blows ... thrashing...[CN] 她所喜欢的是些恶心的东西 是痛打一顿 Mortal Transfer (2001)


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