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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: -狥-, *狥*
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KANJIDIC with stroke order from AnimCJK
[] Meaning: follow
On-yomi: シュン, shun
Kun-yomi: あまね.し, したが.う, とな.える, amane.shi, shitaga.u, tona.eru
[] Meaning: herald; announce; follow; obey; seek; lay down one's life
On-yomi: ジュン, シュン, jun, shun
Kun-yomi: あまねし, したが.う, とな.える, amaneshi, shitaga.u, tona.eru
Radical: , Decomposition:     

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
A little too nice for a landlord to spend money on.[CN] 琌簘獹 癸┬τē碞綪菠 Burden of Proof (2014)
That's a lot for one guy. Did the neighbors hear anything?[CN] 硂ㄇ﹁癸虫ōび 綟﹡Τ⊿Τ钮ぐ或笆繰? If You Can't Stand the Heat (2014)
What the hell is that?[CN] ぐ Puppies and Kittens (2014)
I'll talk to the super, verify he didn't replace this handle. If you're right --[CN] и㎝┬酵 絋粄⊿传筁рも Burden of Proof (2014)
No, that stuff gave me an axe to the skull headache.[CN] ぃ璶 ê﹁琵и福砋痥眔畉翴 Puppies and Kittens (2014)
Just wondering what's grabbed your attention. Uh...[CN] - 碞稱ぐ或﹁硂或ま Phoenix Rising (2014)
But it would only have been present as a burn-off if the Sullivans had hardwood floors. - Which they didn't.[CN] ΤSullivans產Τ祑れ狾 硂贺﹁穦瞷摧痙い Phoenix Rising (2014)
Meaning the stuff left behind from everything - that melted in the fire?[CN] 碞琌篟反ち痙﹁? Phoenix Rising (2014)
I was thinking something more silent.[CN] и稱璶翴繰翴 Puppies and Kittens (2014)
You're learning a lot studying for that test.[CN] - 非称σ刚厩﹁估 Phoenix Rising (2014)
What if she leaves her drink unattended, and somebody puts something in it?[CN] 璶琌р皊娩 Τ┕﹁快 Phoenix Rising (2014)
Maybe the landlord replaced it.[CN] - 砛琌┬传 Burden of Proof (2014)


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