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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
挙動[きょどう, kyodou] (n, vs) conduct; behavior; behaviour #18,634 [Add to Longdo]
挙動不審[きょどうふしん, kyodoufushin] (n) suspicious behavior; acting suspiciously [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Because according to my standards, you fit the model of drug-seeking behavior.[JP] 「私の経験では、あなたは薬物依存症 患者の挙動にぴったり一致するわ」 The Departed (2006)
Our names, the way we look, how we act and speak.[JP] 名前, 見た目, 挙動や話しぶり. Gnothi Seauton (2008)
Not your average student Explains her slightly suspicious look[JP] (男子学生) 普通じゃないわけだ 道理でキモチ挙動不審 Honey & Clover (2006)
I've seen this kind of behavior before in stroke victims.[JP] あの挙動は心臓発作の前兆 Understudy (2012)
See, that right there, and you're acting all fidgety, plus you look like shit in our business, these are all red flags.[JP] それに あなたの挙動もおかしいし 格好も酷い 私たちは危険なものを扱ってます The Hangover Part III (2013)
Terminal ballistics is the study of a projectile as it hits a target and the destruction that it causes.[JP] 「弾道学の目的は、 弾丸の挙動の研究だ」 「弾が対象物に当たった瞬間、 弾は対象物により破壊される」 The Departed (2006)
Tell me about the behavior you want to curtail.[JP] あなたがやめたいと思っている 挙動について教えて The Coat Hanger (2012)
Does that make him more or less suspicious?[JP] 疑わしい挙動だと? Semper I (2011)
if he were a normal person, he would have behaved differently or at least changed his facial expression when committing the murders.[JP] 普通の人間であれば殺しを行うさえ、 挙動や表情に何らかの変化はあっていいはず... Encounter (2006)
Has Dale been acting odd lately?[JP] デイルの挙動に不審な点は There Is No Normal Anymore (2009)
Well, what disease would cause this kind of behavior?[JP] こんな挙動に出るのは どんな病気だ? Stories We Tell Our Young (2013)
I want you to see what he's up to, Lambert.[JP] 彼の挙動を調べてこい The Wing or The Thigh? (1976)


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