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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: -口数-, *口数*
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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
口数[rén kǒu shù, ㄖㄣˊ ㄎㄡˇ ㄕㄨˋ,    /   ] population [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
口数[こうすう, kousuu] (n) (1) number of words a person speaks; (2) number of dependents (words, shares, accounts); (P) [Add to Longdo]
口数[こうすう, kousuu] (n) number of people, items, etc.; population [Add to Longdo]
口数が少ない[くちかずがすくない, kuchikazugasukunai] (exp) (See 口数の少ない) (ant [Add to Longdo]
口数が多い[くちかずがおおい, kuchikazugaooi] (exp, adj-i) (See 口数の多い) (ant [Add to Longdo]
口数の少ない[くちかずのすくない, kuchikazunosukunai] (adj-i) (See 口数が少ない) taciturn [Add to Longdo]
口数の多い[くちかずのおおい, kuchikazunoooi] (adj-i) (See 口数が多い) talkative [Add to Longdo]

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The number's coming out.[CN] 失业人口数字出来了 25th Hour (2002)
The insurgency stops now, or else we start reducing the human population to a more manageable size.[CN] 叛乱现在停止了 要不然我们就开始减少人口数量 让人数降到一个更有利于管理的水平 Occupation (2006)
You've got a big mouth, girl, and too many teeth.[JP] あんたは 口数が多くて言う事がでかいね The Climb (2013)
If we don't reduce our population ourselves, there's only one of two ways this can go.[CN] 如果我们不自己控制人口数量 If we don't reduce our population ourselves, 那么结局只会是两种可能之一 there's only one of two ways this can go. Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014)
It's traveling time![CN] 欢迎来到春木市 人口数7741 我要去旅行了 Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare (1991)
- More than ever.[JP] 今日は やけに口数が多いね Seeds (2014)
You don't talk much.[JP] 口数が少ないな 6 Bullets (2012)
But you do not speak anymore.[JP] しかし 口数が少なくなっていますね Knight Rider (2008)
Population: Us.[CN] 口数就只有咱们三个 The Iron Giant (1999)
In the 20th century, almost three times as many people are killed as a result of war as in the previous 2, 000 years of human history combined.[CN] 在20世纪, 于战火中死去的人口数量 几乎是之前2千年间 死于战火的总人口3倍. History of the World in 2 Hours (2011)
- Well, with much of the flesh missing we can only count blows that made impact with bone.[CN] -因为大多肉都烧尽了 我们只能得出伤到骨头的伤口数 In the Valley of Elah (2007)
It is an abomination they have been allowed to breed to such numbers.[CN] 真是太可恶了 他们居然可以繁衍出如此巨大的人口数 Stargate: Continuum (2008)


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