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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
副将[ふくしょう, fukushou] (n) (1) second in command; (2) fourth athlete to compete in a 5-on-5 team competition (kendo, judo, etc.) [Add to Longdo]
副将[ふくしょうぐん, fukushougun] (n) lieutenant general; vice-shogun [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
You survived being dragged from your homeland by Legatus Glaber, [CN] 你在自己的家乡被副将葛雷博抓住活了下来! Shadow Games (2010)
Colonel Yu.[CN] 副将 Little Big Soldier (2010)
"Vice General." Vice![CN] 副将军,副的! Gulliver's Travels (2010)
Detective Fonnegra, this is Lieutenant General Rogers from the Judge Advocate General's Office.[JP] こちらは軍の法務局の ロジャー副将軍だ Matter of Time (2012)
It appears the wife of the legatus[CN] 看来 副将的老婆 Party Favors (2010)
And I look forward to working with you, Vice General Edward.[CN] 我也期待与你共事,艾德华副将 Gulliver's Travels (2010)
Until the Legatus broached the subject.[CN] 直到副将提及此事! Kill Them All (2010)
With Legatus Glaber.[CN] 副将葛雷博在一起. Shadow Games (2010)
And by the presence of the most revered citizens in all of Capua, come to join in celebrating the patronage of Legatus Claudius Glaber![CN] 也因为卡普亚最受尊敬的公民们的莅临! 来此参加副将克罗迪斯・葛雷博对本训练所的提携庆典! Kill Them All (2010)
My heart to Legatus Glaber and his support.[CN] 我在此衷心地感谢副将克罗迪斯・葛雷博的提携! Kill Them All (2010)
No, it's just that lieutenant who used to make coffee every day at 10 for his mother.[CN] 不,只是刚才那个彭瑟尔,我的副将, 习惯了每天早上10点煮咖啡 给他母亲喝 Joyeux Noel (2005)
A Qin-dynasty Deputy Imperial General[CN] 好一个大秦御前副将 The Myth (2005)


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