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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
入水[じゅすい;にゅうすい, jusui ; nyuusui] (n, vs) suicide by drowning; drowning oneself [Add to Longdo]

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- About that $25, 000 check... deposited in the bank account of one of the Watergate burglars...[CN] 入水门案 其中一个窃贼的户头里面 All the President's Men (1976)
Then the next day you read that a woman named Isla had drowned herself.[JP] そして 翌日にアイラという女性が 入水自殺したことを知る The Discovery (2017)
(man) During the jigsaws up and down the desert, when we pushed Rommel back we used to accuse him of putting oil in the wells, which we thought was really a dirty trick.[CN] 在沙漠来回拉锯期间, 当我们把隆美尔推回去 我们曾指控他把油倒入水井里, The Desert: North Africa - 1940-1943 (1973)
If anyone's going to sink her, it'll be me. Now, I'll seat them.[CN] 如果有人要把她放入水里, 那一定是我 Father Goose (1964)
Soak your wrists in warm water. Count sheep.[CN] 把手浸入水手就能睡着 The Spirit of St. Louis (1957)
Vi the nose of the ship to rise itself of the water and the poop sinking e later fell stops backwards e I sank with it.[CN] 我看到船一头翘起, 船尾沉入水下 她竖着向上, 然后逆向(滑入海中) Wolf Pack: U-Boats in the Atlantic - 1939-1944 (1974)
Just under the surface and use either a Colorado Spinner or a Super-duper.[CN] 只要没入水面 用科罗拉多旋式诱饵或超级牌拟饵 Man's Favorite Sport? (1964)
They all thought she was gonna kill herself in a river.[JP] 全員が入水自殺だと 判断しました La Llorona (2012)
I wanted to vanish, to sink with the top of my head.[CN] 我想讓頭頂沒入水中 消失 Wesele (1973)
Every time I put the line in the water I said a Hail Mary and every time I said a Hail Mary, I caught a fish.[CN] 每一次我把钓线丢入水中时 我说圣母玛丽亚 每次我说圣母玛丽亚 我都钓到鱼 The Godfather: Part II (1974)
If you're in a ship, you get hit, you can still -you can still drown.[CN] 如果你在船上,被擊中的話 你會溺入水 The Steel Helmet (1951)
So I said, "The best thing to do is to dive off there."[CN] 所以我说, "最好还是从那里跳入水中" Banzai! Japan: 1931-1942 (1973)


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