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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
倾城[qīng chéng, ㄑㄧㄥ ㄔㄥˊ,   /  ] coming from everywhere; from all over the place; gorgeous (of woman); to ruin and overturn the state #16,347 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I was triumphantly welcomed by the entire population, ... but I trembled at the meeting, in the privacy of the night I would have with my beloved Floridia.[CN] 我被倾城欢迎 但我为晚上的夫妻私会颤抖 我要跟我亲爱的弗罗莉迪亚同房" Till Marriage Do Us Part (1974)
Helen of troy. The face that launched a thousand ships.[CN] 就像特洛伊的海伦 红颜祸水 倾国倾城 Baby Made a Mess (2014)
The whole town has come out to watch as rival clans compete to show off their camel-riding skills.[CN] 民众们倾城而出 前往观看 竞争的氏族间则 相互较量他们骑骆驼的技术 Sand, Wind and Stars (2013)
Such luminescence should not be taken from us this way.[CN] 如此倾城之貌不该就此香消玉殒 Rendering (2014)
Heavenly. So consuming. So unapproachable.[CN] 倾国倾城 在水一方 The Case of the Bloody Iris (1972)
Which is not to say that Rita doesn't possess a beauty worthy of a Shakespeare sonnet or a BotticeIIi painting.[CN] 虽然莉妲的长相... 谈不上倾国倾城,沉鱼落雁 Wild Wild West (1999)
# Mmm, I may not be so appealing #[CN] "也许我并非一笑倾城" Mimic: Sentinel (2003)
A pretty face and you can have the world by the tail.[CN] 脸蛋漂亮可以倾城倾国 Final Exam (1981)
Come, look at me in the eyes.[CN] 遇见我 倾城眼眸 Once Upon a Time in Shanghai (2014)
Now, I don't like to spoil a wonderful story[CN] 她倾国倾城 我本来不想扫兴 Evita (1996)
"The prettiest of all"[CN] 倾城之容 Krrish 3 (2013)
Helen of troy. The face that launched a thousand ships.[CN] 红颜祸水 倾国倾城 Baby Made a Mess (2014)


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