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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
会士[huì shì, ㄏㄨㄟˋ ㄕˋ,   /  ] member of religious order; penitent; frater; translation of French agregé (holder of teaching certificate) [Add to Longdo]
会士考试[huì shì kǎo shì, ㄏㄨㄟˋ ㄕˋ ㄎㄠˇ ㄕˋ,     /    ] agrégation (exam for teaching diploma in French universities) [Add to Longdo]
耶稣会士[Yē sū huì shì, ㄧㄝ ㄙㄨ ㄏㄨㄟˋ ㄕˋ,     /    ] a Jesuit; member of Society of Jesus [Add to Longdo]
耶酥会士[Yē sū huì shì, ㄧㄝ ㄙㄨ ㄏㄨㄟˋ ㄕˋ,     /    ] a Jesuit [Add to Longdo]

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The first missionaries to the New World were Franciscan friars, desperate to spread the word because they believed the end of the world was coming.[CN] 新大陆的第一批传教士 是圣方济各会的会士, 他们渴望传扬福音, 因为他们相信世界的末日正在来临。 Reformation: The Individual Before God (2009)
What happens is that when the Franciscans came to Santa Maria, it was a small village that they couldn't afford to leave a friar, so they would teach maybe some elders, some children, educate them in the Spanish language and the rudiments of Christianity, [CN] 事情是这样的, 当圣方济各会来到圣玛利亚时, 它还是一个小村庄,留不了一个会士, 于是他们就教导一些老人和儿童, Reformation: The Individual Before God (2009)
Monks, nuns and friars sent up their prayers to Heaven in an ever-spreading array of religious houses.[CN] 修道士、修女和圣方济各会士们 在一座座不断伸延的宗教建筑 里将他们的祷告送上天堂。 Catholicism: The Unpredictable Rise of Rome (2009)
A wise old Dominican friar once reminded me of the words of St Thomas Aquinas.[CN] 一位睿智的多明我修会的老会士 曾对我提到圣托马斯・阿奎那的话。 God in the Dock (2009)
Jesuit, actually.[CN] 准确说 是耶稣会会士 Identity (2010)
My name is Guillermo Eduardo Ortiz, of the Jesuit order of the Instituto Filosófico Maria de Gracia.[CN] 我叫Guillermo Eduardo Ortiz 类似于圣母耶稣教会的会士 Perfect Storm (2013)
Now some missionaries, especially the Jesuits, wanted to talk about the Christian faith itself in new ways, which would make sense in other cultures.[CN] 现在,一些传教士, 特别是耶稣会会士, 想要以新的方式来谈论基督教信仰本身, 使它能在其他文化中获得理解。 Reformation: The Individual Before God (2009)
What a beautiful country this would be if...[CN] 倘若没有那么多耶稣会士... The Leopard (1963)
Except all the bones are in the wrong place because Parliamentarian soldiers tore open the cases and scattered the bones around to express their contempt for kings.[CN] 只可惜它们放错了地方。 因为议会士兵们打开箱子,将骸骨撒得 遍地都是,以表达他们对国王的蔑视。 Reformation: The Individual Before God (2009)


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