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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
阿字[あじ, aji] (n) the letter a (in esoteric Buddhism) [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
did you say "Ajino-sensei" earlier?[CN] 那个,刚才你们说的阿字野老师是? The Perfect World of Kai (2007)
Ajino?[CN] 阿字 The Perfect World of Kai (2007)
Rei-chan! Ajino![CN] 怜,阿字 The Perfect World of Kai (2007)
34.667) }Geni{ \cHEAF8FD }us { \cHE8F8FA }Pi{ \cHE0F2F9 }an{ \cHE2EAFD }is{ \cHDCE7FA }t but it's Ajino.[CN] 啊,这是阿字野啊,这么年轻的阿字 The Perfect World of Kai (2007)
Ajino's line starts talking half way } that piano was made for me. { Re-time.[CN] 阿字野壮介专门定制的钢琴啊 The Perfect World of Kai (2007)
That's because Ajino-sensei isn't teaching music just for fun either.[CN] 阿字野老师也一定认为音乐是不能用玩的方法来教的 The Perfect World of Kai (2007)
Ajino is just like that too.[CN] 阿字野也是这样 The Perfect World of Kai (2007)
would it?[CN] 莫非全名是叫阿字野壮介? The Perfect World of Kai (2007)
that's it. But we all secretly call him Ajino Soushiki.[CN] 对啊,不过大家都叫他阿字野葬礼 The Perfect World of Kai (2007)
284) }n General Hospital 282.667) }n General Hospital[CN] 事故已经过去两个月了 阿字野壮介仍然谢绝与他人会面 The Perfect World of Kai (2007)
Ichinose! Ichinose! Calm down![CN] 一之瀬,一之瀬,别紧张,是我,阿字 The Perfect World of Kai (2007)
do you know Ajino-sensei?[CN] 妈妈,你认识阿字野老师? The Perfect World of Kai (2007)


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